The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)


BIRTHS. ABRAM. -25th, at Cecil House, St. Leonard's-on-Sen, the wife of Dr. John Abram, of a son, BOSTOCK.

-26th, nt 20, Thornsett-road, South Penge-park, the wife of Herbert Lee Bostock, of a daughter. BOYD, -22d, at The Lawns, Southgate, the wife of John J. Boyd, of a son. CHALDECOTT. -24th, at Canterbury, the wife of Captain M.

Algernon Chaldecott, R.H.A,, of a son. at Rose Hill, the wife of Walter Moresby Chinnery, of a son. DARLINGTON. -27th, at Elin Bank, Wigan, the wife of Henry Darlington, of a son. -25th, at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, Mrs.

Compton Domvila, of a daughter. at. Cheshunt, Herts, the wife of Nicholl Evons, M.D., of it son. TREND. -24th, at Stansted House, Bishop's Stortford, the residence of her mother, Lady H.

Franks, Mrs. Edwin Frend, of a son. at Curzon Park, Chester, the wife of John Gamon, of a soli. GRAY. -25th, at Courteenhall Grange, Northampton, the wife of C.

W. Gray, Esq. (Royal Sherwood Foresters, or Notts Regiment of Militia), of a son (stillborn). GREENE. -24th, at 8, Fox Grove-road, Beckenham, the wife of A.

W. Greene, of a son. HALSE. -26th, at Luton, Bedfordshire, the wife of James John Halse, of a daughter. HOULDER.

-26th, the wife of Henry Howard Houlder, of No. 6, Ossulton-villas, Southall, Middlesex, of a son, stillborn. MUTTON -25th, at 5, Tipper Berkeley-street, the wife of Robert Howard Hutton, of a daughter. JENKINS. -25th, at Brussels, the wife of the Rev.

John C. Jenkins, M.A., of a doughter (Margaret Wilhelmina). KNOX. -25th, at Cardiff, the wife of Major Knox, V.C., late P.C 0. Rifle Brigade, of a danghter.

at 22, Upper, Wimpole-street, Mrs. Mark hinin, of a daughter. MAXWELL. 23d, at. Eton House, Albert road, Brighton, the wife.

of W. E. Maxwell, Esq-, Singapore, of a son. -27th, at 13, The Boltons, South Kensington, the wife of Octavius Vaughan Morgan, of a daughter. at St.

George's, Tufnell-park, the wife of R. F. 'Swinney, barrister-at-law, of a daughter. PALEY. -25th, at Wakefield House, Norwich, the wife of Captain Paley, 5th Lancers, of a daughter.

at Cheltenham, the wife of the Rev. Edward Pyddoke, of a daughter. at Horsley, Otterburn, Northumberland, Mrs. George Spain a MoD. -28th, at 11, Hyde-park-place, Mrs.

Sttebel, of daughter. WRAGGE. 26th, at Berwyn Lodge, Dulwich, the wife of Alfred Wragge, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. at St.

Luke's Church, Old Charlton, by the Rev. L. Goldsmith, Eiward Bacon, of House, to Harriet, youngest daughter of William Whitfield, of Arunde1 House, Blackheath-park. CLARKE -MAUND. -27th, at St.

Mary's, Leyton, by the Rev. A. Gault, William Alfred, only son of William John Clarke, of Milton House, Stratford, Essex, to Prudence Anne, eldest daughter of James Maund, of Laytonstone, Masex. HORSLEY-CODD. -27th, at the Church of 85.

Peter and Paul, Nutheld, by the Rev. Charles J. Christie, B.A., All Saints, Margaret-street, the Rev. John William Horsey, M.A., to Mary Sophin, eldest daughter of Captain Rowland Bentinck Codd, of St. Margaret's, Nuttield, Surrey.

JACOBS-KISCH-26th, at 8, The Terrace, Kensington-gardenssquare, by the Rev. the Chief Rabbi, Benjamin Septimus, son of the late Bethel Jacobs, of Bull, to Isabel, fourth. daughter of the late M. Kisch, of Norwich. TONES- VON BEVERHOUDE.

at Charles Church, Plymouth, Captain Howard 8. Jones, Royal Marines Light Infuntry, to Katherine, youngest daughter of the late Major A. Von Beverhondt, 58th Regiment. MARTIN- -26th, at the parish church, Islington, by the Rev. D.

F. Wilson, Vicar of Mitcham, and the Rev. Horace Meyer, Rector of Trowbridge, the Rev. William Martin, Vicar of St. James's, Prebend-square, Islington, to Mary Louisa, third daughter of the Rev.

Daniel Wilson, Vicar of Ishington. PARKER-co*ckSEDGE-26th, at Drinkstone Church, by the Rev. Frederic Horne, Rector, assiated by the Rev. Herbert Hawkins, Rector of Beyton, Duncan, son of Lieutenant Colonel Parker, M.P., to Margaret Fanny, younger daughter of the into Henry He Henp co*cksedge, Drinkstone House, SEWARD- CASELLA. 27th, at St.

Toseph's Retrent, Highgate, by the Rev. Father Vincent, assisted by the Rev, G. M.A., and the Rev. J. Connolly, Henry.

J. Seward. (Harry), of Bordeaux, second son of James M. Seward, of Somerset, Melbourne, to Josephine Jeanne, youngest daughter of Louis Pascal Casella, of The Lawns, Highgate, Esq. No cards.

Foreign and colonial papers please copy. DEATHS. at his residence, 36, Cleveland-square, Hydepark, Lieutenant Colonel William Baker, late of the 9th Bengal Cavalry, aged 65. DARRY. -May 21, at Rond bosch, Cape Town, Harold Theodore, only and loved son of Dirk: G.

Barry, late 11th Regiment, at the tender age of fIve years Ave mouths. 24th, at 4, So. Jolin'a-villas. Blackheath, the Rev. John William Calcott Berkeley-Calcott, eldest son of the late Major George Berkeley-Calcott, aged 55 years, deeply regretted.

BIGGS. -26th, nt the residence of his father, 32, Sil wood-road, Brighton, Alfred, the third dearly loved son -of Jeremiah Bigns, in his 41st year, gretted. at 67, St. James's Louis F. Binise, aged 55.

Eliza, the beloved wife of Richard Bradford, of Derby-terrace, Croydon. Friends are requested to take this intimation. 26th, at Hayes, Middlesex, Robert Calf, in his 54th year. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. CARRINGTON at 3, Charlotte -street, Brighton, Esther Clarke, widow of Richard Currington, axed 81.

-23d, at his residence, Brentford, Middlesex, George Cooper, and in his 85th year. DARWALL. 25th, at Lenmington, Mary Ann, widow of John Darwall, M.D., of Birmingham, aged 76. -24th, at Cedar Cottage, Bentley, Emily Hannah, widow of Samuel Eggar, of Jenkin Place, Bentley, in the 90th year of her age. -May 8, near All Saints', Transkel, South Africa, from the effects of scarlet fever, Emily Frances, the beloved and devoted wife of Major H.

G. late at Green Hill, Derby, Eliza, eldest daughter of the late D. Beaus, of Belper, aged 69 years. FARRAR. -25th, suddenly, at Walton-on-the-Naze, the Rev.

C. P. Farrar, vicar of Sidemp, Kent, aged 79. at 17, Wellington aquare, Chelsea, Hugo, the son and only child of Mr. and the Hon, Mra.

Ferrand, of St. Ives, Yorkshire, aged FORSTER. -22d, Hid ward- Montague, third son of the late Rev. S. E.

Forster, aged 38. at Melhourn, Harriet, widow of William Gurden, of Kingsthorpe, Northamptonslure, and daughter of the late Captain Henry Cavendish, R.I.A., aged 77. 26th, at 6, St. James's-square, the residence of the Marquis of Bristol, James Hawkes, aged 64 years. 25th, at Sutton Bingham, the Rev.

Hugh Welman Helyar, M.A., rector of Sutton Bingham and Beer Hackett, azer 84. -28th, at New Romney, Kent, John Mortley, aged 70 years. -27th, at his residence, Summer Hill, Harbledown, Canterbury, after a very long Illness, Benjamin Mutton, in his 71et vear. MYERS. 28d, at Temple Cottage, Ramegate, the Rev.

Isaao Henry Myers, in his 06th year. OATES. -25th, at Hornscy-rise, Charlotte, widow of Thomas Oates, of Shelleld, in her Slat year. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. -25th, Mary Frances, the beloved and only daughter of the late Richard Peek, IL.D., F.I.S., of St.

Clair, Hayward'sheath, aged 19. RIDING. -23d, Henry Charles Reding, late of Somerset House, aged 64. REEVES. at' Harrow Lodge, Westbourne-park-crescent, Elizabeth, widow of Charles Reeves, daughter of the late William and Sarah Edmonds.

27th, at 2, Westgate-terrace, South Kensington, Edmund Burke, eldest son of Edmund B. Reeves, aged six years and four months. 95th, at Sunnymede, Ferriby, East Yorks, Carl Hermann Reimer, in his year. SNITCH, 25th, nt 30, Royal crescent, Bath, Miss Eliza Abingdon Smith. SMYTE.

20th, at The Hall, Peasenhall, Suffolk, aged 52, of paralysis, Mary Anne, the beloved wife of Janies Smyth. SYKES. 23d, at 17, Rochampton street, Bossborough-gardens, Edward Sykes, in his 67th year. VERITY. -27th, nt King street, Covent-garden, Mary Ann, widow of the late Mr.

Benjamin Verity, aged 81. WHITE. 25th, at Newark Castle, Ayr, Peter, second son of Peter White, 2, Woodside-terrace, Glasgow, aged 28. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. MONUMENTS, or Tombs, Designs and and Mural Estimates Tablets forwarded in on application to BURKE and 17, Newman street, Oxford-street, London, W.

Remored from Regent street. ENERAL 5, Henrietta street, NURSING Covent garden, W.0. INSTITUTE, MEDICAL DIRECTOR. ALFRED EBSWORTH, F.R.O,S. Resident skilled medical, surgical, and monthly nursesare supplied at a moment's notice from this Institute, also fever nurses, malo attendauts, and wet nurses.

Applications to be addressed to the Secretary or Lady Superintendent. RODRIGUE'S Addresses. NOVELTIES Eugraved in as Gems. NOTE PAPER and ENVELOPES stamped in COLOUR RELIEF, and brilliantly Illuminnted in gold, allver, and colours. A VISITING CARD PLATE, elegantly Engraved, and superior Cards Printed for 4s.

6d. -HENRY RODRIGUES. 42, Piccadilly, TOUR CREST and Send name and county to CULLETON'S HERALDIC OFFICE. Plain Stretch, 3s. colours, 7s.

The azme of man and wite blended. Croat engraved. on seals, rings, book, plates, and Hail reel dies. 76. 6d.

with Gold seal with crest, 20s. Solid gold ring, 18-curat marked, crest, 428. Manual of Heraldry, 400 engravings, 33. 9d. T.

OULLETON, 25, Cranbouruo-street, corner of St. Martin's lane. LUMINIUM WATCHES, £1 91 A 21. 26. Silver Watches 18., 17.

103., 10. 158., 21. marvellous timekeepers; supplied by us to Gold Prince of Finted Wales. Chains, Small, 158. for 6d.

Ladies, Illusvery clegant, Olocks, 10s. MILLIKIN 6d. and LAWLEY. 168, Strand. trations, four stamps.

ELASTIC STOCKINGS for Leggings, VARICOSE VEINS, 48. 6d. Illustrations four stamps. Magneto- Illustrated Machines, 11. 100., 21, for Nervous Diseases.

-MILLIKIN Trentises ou wee of these invaluable machines, six stamps. LAWLEY, 168, Strand, SHOULDER and erect walk, TROUSERS strengthens lungs, BRACE expands combined chest. Ladies' Shoulder Braces, 75. 6d. Illustrationa four stamps, Anal Truss, immediately relieving MILLIKIN 125.

and 6d. LAWLEY, Fomale 168, attends Strand. ladies. Rupture Trusses, 45. 6d.

ADIES' ABDOMINAL BELTS, 78. 6d. Nursing Aprons, 5a. Waterproof 7a. Bod Sheeting, Suspensory 38.

Ed. Banduges, and 5s. 2N. 6d. per yard; Ody's Rupture Trusses, 6d.

3n, 6d. Illustrations four stamps. Crutches, 5a. Y. 6d.

168, Lady Strand. Superintendent attenda ladies. -MILLIKIN and LA RAILWAY Indies' and Ditto, 15n. NIGHT 64. Elastic Stockings CONVENIENCES, for Varicose 6d.

Arm Slings, 58. Catbetern, 2s, 6d. tons four stamps. Veins and Wealeness, Moc Main Rupture Trusses, no steel springs, Female attends ladies. and LAWLEY, 168, Strand.

AWN TENNIS, £1 contains four bats, balls, net, poles, hammer, pogs, rules: Jarger, 17. 10s. 21, 31. 36., 47. 48., 57.

5a. Aunt. 78. Badminton, 218., Croquet 104. Luwn Bowls 15R.

Archery Equipments, Cricket, Golf, Skittles, Quoits. 7s, 8d. Illustrations four stamps. MILLIKIN and LAWLEY, 168, Strand. 39, A OXFORD S.

STREET, W. BU ON, THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for SILVER.The NICKEL SILVER, introduced thin 30 AgO by WILLIAM BURTON, when by the more patent years of Messr8, as Elkington such, and la the or best next. to silver that can be from either silver. cranmentally, an by no test can it be distinguished real Fiddle or Boad or King's or Patterns. Old Silver.

Thread. Shell. Table Dessert Forks do. or do Spoons per do. doz, 9-H 0 14 10 d.

0 1 6. d. 0 doo Tea Spoons. 8 0 Theso as are strongly selling plated their and fret are quality in every very respect much equal to what other houses Quality Fiddle Pattern Table Spoons and higher prices. A Second Spoors, per doz.

Fork, 238. per duz; Dessert, in White Mutal, from 37. to. Ten 128. and 71.

Dish Covers, Beaded Pattern, 185. 114; the set Ditto, of ditto, four: Fluted. Warmers, 74. Corner Dishes, from N. 10..

to Boxes, to 31. Cruet and Li dor 25. Frames, 6d. to Biscuit at proportionate stock prices. in existence of Plated Dessert largest Knives and Forks and Carvers.

Kuives and Porks, The All lands of Replating done by the patent process. and Tich-entine S. BURTON, H.R.El. General the Furnishing Iromonger, appolatient upwards to of 850 Prince Illustrations of Wales, his sends, a catalogue a containing Idat Prices and Plane of the untivalled Stock, with street, 1, 14, 2, 3, and 30 4, large Nowman- Show street: 4, pout 5, 6. Perry place, 1.

London, W. Manufactorica, tree. Newman street, and Newman LONDON, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, TO MORROW LIGHT EVENING (Saturdny). RIP I The SALOON STEAMER ALBERT EDWARD FROM LONDON BRIDGE, at SIX O'CLOCK. MOONLIGHT fellow-men oft a the new source WATERS.

of pleasure He deserves who to opens be ranked among the benefactors of mankind. The gentlemen who organised the pleneunt Moonlight Trips between London and Gravesand certainly come within this category. If Rosherville be 'the place to spend a happy day' tand we have heard this assorted so often without contradiction that we must needs accept it an a fact), then assuredly a trip by the Alexandra on one of her Moonlight voyages is the way, to spend a delightful evening. If any of our readers have any lingering doubt about this, let them try it, and they will be grateful to us for the suggestion." -Vide London Scottish Journal. MOONLIGHT TRIPS on TO-MORROW the RIVER (Saturday) to GRAVES- EVENING, the ALBERT EDWARD wILl LEAVE LONDON BRIDGE PIER, Six olelonk, calling at Greenwich at 6.30, and Bluekwall at 6.46 (which Pier can be reached from any Station on the North London Railway) for the above delightful Trip.

Excellent Quadrille Baud. Arriving, on return journey, at London Bridge about 11.0 p.m. Teas, Suppers, by Messes. Honcey and Watt. Fare There and Back.

The MOONLIGHT TRIPS are run EVERY MONDAY WEDNES DAY, and SATURDAY. PSWICH, HARWICH, THENAZE, and Steamer QUEEN OF THE THAMES or ORWELL will LEAVE LONDON BRIDGE at 9.30, about 10.0, Woolwich 10,20, Tilbury 11.15, TO-MORROW and Daily (except Fland Bills any Pier. Single Fare: Fore cubin, 4s. 6d. return, 6s.

6d. Avallable for Return Journey till end of Angust. SEA and RIVER EXCURSIONS, by the FAST and SUPERIOR STEAMERS of the LONDON STEAM-BOAT COMPANY (Limited), from LONDON BRIDGE (Old Swan Pier). SHEERNESS, at 9.30, and 10.30; and To-morrow at 11.0. Last Boat from Sheerness at 4.30.

Extra Boat on Sunday at 9.0 and 10.0. Return Pickets available for seven days, SOUTHEND, at 9,30: and To-morrow nt 11.0. Last Boat from Southend ROSHERVILLE at 5.0. Return and Tickets available for seven days, GRAVESEND, at 9.30, 10.30, 12.0, and 3.0; To-morrow at 11.0. Last Boat from Rosherville, 7.0.

Tickets issued on Saturdny available to return on Sunday and Monday. GREENWICH and. WOOLWICH, at frequent intervals, from 9.0 a.m. to 7.30 All the nhove Steamers call at Blackwall and Woolwich.

HAMPTON COURT and RICHMOND, at. 10.0 a.m. on Sundays and Mondays. KEW GARDENS, at frequent intervals from 10.0 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

BATTERSLA PARK, at frequent intervals from 9.0 a.m, to 7.30 p.m. ALL the UP-RIVER BOATS CALL at CHARING-CROSS, Westminster, and intermedinte Piers, SALOON and OTHER STEAMERS MAY BE ENGAGED for PRIVATE EXCURSIONS. -For further, particulars see Company's Time Boole or Apply to WAL WRENCH TOWSE. at Old Swan Pier, and 18, Bennet's-hill, C. UNDAY EXCURSION to the GIRDLER LIGHT The QUEEN OF THE THAMES will LEAVE LONDON BRIDGE WHARF at 9.0, Backwall 8.30, Woolwich 0,45, Gravesend about 10.45 for a TRIP to SEA and round the Light Ship.

Excursion 4s. 6d. Refreshments on board at tariff prices. On SUNDAY, the 8th July, this Vessel will make a TRIP to CLACTON-ON-SEA. -See Small Bills.

NO and ROSTERVILLE SUNDAY AFTERNOON EXCURSIONS to and GRAVESEND, from London Bridge at 3.0 and 3.30, calling at Blackwall and North Woolwich. SATURDAY, EXCURSION JUNE and TRIP -F. to STRANGE'S TEDDINGTON UP. and BACK The favourite SALOON STEAMER CITIZEN will LEAVE OLD SWAN PIER, London Bridge, nt 3.0 p.m., calling at all Piers, Jeaving about 1s. 3.45 p.m.

Fare there nod back. 28. from Hammenmith or Kew, 6d. A fine band will be in attendance. Refreshments of every description will be provided on board.

The tide is favourable: the country lovely; the trip charming. calling off Bearborough and embarked and disembarked by paddle stonmer -The 8.8. GENERAL HAVELOCK. C. DOUGLAS Commander, will leave HARTLEY'S- WHARF, Horselydown, oppokite the Tower, Wednesday, July 4.

at 5.0, weather, permitting. Fares; Saloon, return, fore cabin, 89 return, 12a. and NORTH and CALEDONIAN WEST COAST ROYAL MAIL ROUTE to and from SCOTLAND. -The SUMMER SERVICE of PASSENGER TRAINS from LONDON to SCOTLAND will come into operation ou Monday, 2d July. Express Trains will icare London (Euston Station) for Scotland nit 5,16 a.m.

(Newspeper Express), 7.15 m. m2. (Mall Train), 10.0 a.m. (Day Express), 10.10 a.m., 8.0 p.m. (Tourist Train), 8.50 p.m.

(Limited Mail), and 8.0 p.m. The 5.15 a.m. (Newspaper Express) from Fusion Station will be extended to Stirling, Pertli, Dunden, and Aberdeen. Pro 10.0 a.m. Duy Express from Luston Station is continued to Perth and Dundee, arriving at Perth at 9.25 p.m., and Dundee at 10.30 p.m, The Tourist Train (8.0 will leave Easton every night, except Saturdayn, and will he due nit Greenock in ample time to enable Passengers to join the Iona steamer for the Highlands of Scotland.

It will be appointed to reach Perth in advance of the Limited Mail. enabling Passengers to breakfast before procouding to the north. From the 23d July to the 10th August (Saturdays and Surlays excenterl), an piditional Express will love Inaton Station at 7.0 p.m. for La nburgh, Glasgow, and all parts of Scotland, This train will convey Horses, and Special Parties. An Express Trato lenvey Dundee at 7.40 Porth at 8.30 a.m., Stirling.

8.30 a.m. fin connection with trains from Dalmally, Callaoder, Rod. Edinburgh 10.0 a.m., and Glasgow 10.0 a.m., and reaches London (Euston Station) at 8.0 p.m. The 7.30 p.m. train from Perth to London.

Euston Station (in connection with the 4.10 will p.m. Train from Aberdeen, and 6,80 Train Dundee), be accelerated to reach' London (Enston) nt 8.0 a.m., end of 9.0 a.m. as at present. A Now Train will leave Perth at 7.45 p.m, and ba duo to readli London (Burton Station) at 9,0 a.m.

Day Saloons fitted with lavatory nocommodation are ustached to the 10.0 a.m. Down Express from Euston, and 10.0 a.m. Up Express from Edinburgh and CAnsgow without extra charge. Sleeping seconumodation is provided by the Night Mails to and from London. Edinboro', Glasgow, Greenock, and Perth, extra churge 5u.

for each berth, G. FINDLAY. June, 1677.1 J. SMITHELLS. and NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY.

PASSENGER TRAIN ALTERATIONS, July, 1877 -The usual Summer Servive of Truina in the Lake District, and on the North Wales Coust, will come luto operation 011 the 2d July. The trait leaving Euston at 10.10 a.m., and Birmingham al 12.25 noon, will he found the most convenient for Landmino, Rhyl, Penmaenmawr, us well an for the English Inke District.An Express Train will also leave Easton Station at 11.0 a.m. for Carlisle. Kendal, and Windermere. Numerous alterations will be rande in the train sorvice throughout the line.

For particulars see time books and billa, G. FINDLAY. Chief Traffic Manager's Offloe, Luston Station, June, 1877. ONDON, TILBURY, and SOUTHEND RAIn THAMES WAY -On and after 30th 1877. MARGATE, HAVEN, by CHEAP FAST TRAINS.

from PENCHURCH STRENT, In connection with Fast and Faronrite Steamers, Week-days. 10.40 a.m. Sundays, 9.7 A.m. Culling at Stepney. Plaistow, and Barking, From Margate for London- days and Sundays at 3.30 p.m.

Fares, Single--first class, 58. second class, 48.: children, 6d. Return--frat clans, eccond claa, 5m. 24. EXTRA TRAIN Every Saturday from FENCILURCH-STREET at 3.7 p.tO., and Extra Boat from Margate at 7.0 a.m.

Every Mondas. Return tickets will be available on the day of issue or on the following day, and those issued on Saturday will be avallablo on the following Sunday or Monday. On and after let July, 1877, CHEAP FAST TRAINS to SOUTHEND ON SEA, from FENCHURCH-STREET and STEPNEY. Week days, 7.57 and 9.30 returning from Soutbend, and 8.0 p.m.

Sundays, 8.25 and 10.42 a.m.; returning from Southiond 7.0 and 7.15 p.m. Fares there and back- first class, second class, third class, 3s. Cheap Trains Daily from Fenchurch street and 28, 9d. Sterney. second Faren there and back fincluding 9d.

class, 21. third class, 18. ARTHUR L. STRIDE, Engincer and General Manager. Fenchurch Terminus, June, 1877.

RAILWAY. IMPROVED and ACCELERATED SERVICE OF NEW EXPRESS TRAINS between ENGLAND and SCOTLAND, Commencing on Monday, July 24. A New Night Express Train will leave St. Paneras for EDINBURGH and PERTE at 6.0 p.m. (on week days only), arriving nt Perth at 8.40 a.m, in connection with Trains leaving Peril for Montrose and Aberdeen at 9.20 a.m., and for Inverness and Stationa on the Highland Railway at 9.30 a.m.

A New Night Express, in connection with the Train lonving Inverness at 12,10 p.m.. Aberdeen at 4.5 p.m., and Dundee at 6.15 p.m., will lenve Perth at 7.25 p.m., and Edinburgh at 10.30 (on week days only), arriving at 8t. Panorns at 8.30 a.m.Pullman Sleeping Cars will be run by these Trains between St. Panoras and Perth, and Through Carriages will also be run between St.

Paneras and Perth, Aberdeen, and Inverness. Horses and Carriages will be conveyed between London and Edinburgh, and Stations in the North of Scotland, by these Trains. The Up and Down Dey and Night Express Trains betwoen London (St. and Ediuburgh and Glasgow will be accelerated. The 9.15 p.m.

Express from St. Paneras will be due at Greenock in ample time enable puss*ngers to join the Iona steamer for the Highlands of Scotland. A Through Carriage is run from St. Pancrad to Greenock by this Train. For further particulars see the Company's Time Tables for July.


a ta. p.m. Leave 14.3 3.10 Leave Folborn Viaduct 11.0 3. 7 Saturdays only. Leave 11.3 3.10, Single.

Fares. Return. 1st Class, 3d Class, 5is. 1st Clues, 156. 3d Class.

88. Return Tickets are available on the came or followin; day, and those issued on Uridny or Enturday are available for the return journey by Cheap Fast on following Monday, and by Special Express on Monday morning, leaving Ramsgate 7.25 a.m. 7.30 Murgute, 7.35 a.m. Herne Bay, 7.55 a.m., on prepaymout of 38.

on a first clans, and 1a. 6d. on a third class ticket. TRIP EVERY SUNDAY to RAMSGATE, MARGATE, BROADSTAIRS, ANI BAY and back the same evening. Leave Holborn Vinduct and Lndgate at 8.15, and Victoria at.

8.20 a.m. Farea for double journey, covered corriages, 10s. ONDON to BERLIN in TWENTY SIX HOURS. -The NEW DIRECT EXPRESS SERVICE rune vill Dover and Catnin and Dover and Ostend, from the VICTORIA, HOLBORN, and LUDGATE Stations of the LONDON, CHA and DOVER RAILWAY, DAILY, at 8.15 p.m., arriving the following night in Berlin at 10.15 p.m. Through Tokets and registration of baggage.

DARIS and LONDON in NINE-AND-AThe quickest and channest route, Polkestone and (saving QUARTER HOURS by SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY 28 miles). Saloon fitted specially to accommodate In and Families run in the tidal tmins, and in the dny mails to and from Dorer, An Interproter accompanies the tidal trains 9.0 bouta throughout to render assistance to the paasengern, and atawardenses have been nopointed to the steament, Spacious and commodious waiting saloons and refreshment rooma on the Qual at Boulogne, replete with every comforh, are now open. THE TIDAL TRAINS WILL LEAVE OHARING-CROSS AND CANNON- STRUET. Friday, June 29 10,45 am. Sunday, July 1 10.45 a.m.' Saturday, June 30 10,45 a.m.

Monday. July 2........ 10.45 DARIS and EASTERN RAILWAY. -Fixed Mail Services, via Dover and Caluis, leaving Charing-cross at 7.40

und 8.25 p.m., at 7.451.m, and 8,30 by Tidal Services -Single journey. 1st cinas, 21, If 2nd class, 21. Return tiokets, available for one month and to return either via Boulogne or Calais, 1 lat cluss, 4. 156.: 24 class, 31, and MARGATE in 24 HOURS.SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY. -CHEAP FAST TRAINS EVERY WEEK DAY, vi saving fo distance 13 miles, leaving at 10-15

(olao on Saturdays at 3.45 p.m.), culling at Waterloo, London Bridge, and Now also from Margate for London, at 1.50 p.m., calling at Ramagato. TARTS EITHER WAY. Third 58. First Class, Return Third Ones, Be, Pirat Class, 156. On Mondays only an Extra Fast Train leaven Margate at 7.45 a.m., and Rumsgate at 7.55 The return journey portion of the cheap tlokets issued in London ou Friday or Saturday are nailable by this train upon payment of 1s.

6d. third class and 35. fret class. SUNDAY a nt. 9.30 SPECIAL calling CHEAP at Waterloo, TRAIN Canleave a.m., non-street.

London Bridge, and Now -cross, for ATE, Margate, Sandwich, and Deal." PARES THERE AND BACK. Third Class. 5g. First Clash. UNBRIDGE WELLS, ST.

LEONARD'S, ISSUED DAILY and TICKETS will be from Charing cross, Waterloo, Cannon street, London Bridge, and For fares and full particulars see time hooks, ke. JOIN SHAW, Manager and Secretary. CHEAP EXCURSION to SANDWICH, and CANTERBURY, DEAL, July 2. SOUTH RAILWAY. -Leaving CHARING CROSS at MARGATE 8.25 a.m., calling at Waterloo, Cannon- London Bridge, and there and back, 56.

third class. Children under New -cross, Fare, twelve hnlf fares. INTERNATIONAL TOURIST SYSTEM is in full operation. and enables. one or mora passengers to travel by any route, any day, to all pointa of Interest in France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria.

Envuria. Belgium, North and Holland, South Norway, Germany, Den- the Black Porest, the Rhine District, mark. Sweden, Laplaud, all parts of over 300 with first-class or without America, hotel coupons, providing accommodation at hotels, at Peraonally couducted parties every wook during the of 8a. per day. season.

See Excursionist, 2d. by post, 3 also New Editions of Cook's Guide Books to all parts COOK of Central Europe, Chief just publinhed. THOS. and SON, Office, Ludgate-cireas. MAZE'S Monday, HOLIDAY TRIPS to PARIS every trips, personally conducted, including travel and hotel ofpennes, carriage Versailles excursion, omnibuson.

fees, Five Gulneas. Programme for stamp. 142, Strand, London. YAZE'S BELGIUM, Rinne, and Holland TOUR, starting July 13. visiting Rotterdam, Cologne, the Rhine and Moselle, Brussels, Antwerp, Re.

Mokets Ten Gulness, fueluding travel and hotel expenses. for Strand, London, ANTWERP, BRUSSELS, and PARIS TRIP, personally conducted, July 6, visiting Waterloo, Antwerp, Brussels, Puris, Carr age trip, Verenliles Excursion, hotel and travel expenses, omnibuses, face, Eight Guineas, -142, Strand, London, 1877. EVERY INFORMATION OBTAINED at the COMRAILWAY TICKETS and PANY'S WEST-END OFFICE, 30, Regent-street, STOCKBRIDGE RACES. -Friday, 29th Juno, a SPECIAL TRAIN will leave Waterloo bridge Station at 9,35 a.m. (Kensington 9.12), calling at Junction at 9.45 and Surbiton 9.58 arriving at STOCKBRIDGE at 12.6 p.m An Ordinary Train leaves Waterloo for Andoverat 9.0 a.m.

Ordinary Trains to Andover and Stockbridge leave Waterloo at 6.45, 10.45, aud 11.45 a.m. Special Trains will leave Stockbridge at 4.50, 6.45, and 8.15 p.m. (Andover at 5:25, 7.20, and 8,51 p.m.) for London. Ordinary Trains from Andover to London at 5.19 and 8.11 p.m. ONDON and BUDE, DAILY.

By LONDON and SOUTH-WESTERN By FAST TRAIN, leaving Waterloo Station at 9.0 ench wook day. On Mondays, Wednesdays, und Fridays, vil Bideford; and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, vil Okehumpton. Tourists' Tickets, London to Bude and Back within two months, 768. first, 58s. second, or 498.

third class. ONDON and ILFRACOMBE, and WESTWARD LONDON and SOUTH-WESTERN By FAST TRAINS, leaving the Waterloo Station Dally at 9.0 a.m., 10.45 a.m., 2.10 p.m. Tourist Tickets to Ilfracombe and Back within two months, 558., 908., or 358. to Linton and Back, 458., or to Westward Hol and Back, Or 358. ONDON and EXETER, PLYMOUTH and DEVONPORT.

By LONDON and SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY -By FAST TRAINS leaving the Waterloo Station daily at 9.0 10.45 a.m., 2.10 p.m.. and 1.50 p.m. Tourist Tickets Plymouth or Devonport and Back, within two months, 3d, 460, or 348. to Exeter and Bank, 558., 408., or 278.

The 9.0 a.m. down Fast Train conveys passengers to Liskeard, Callington, and Calstook vin Taristock: also to St. Columb. Camelford (for Tintagel and Boncastle), and to Wadobridge (for Padshow and yin Launceston. GREAT ALTERATIONS WESTERN Of TRAINS for JULY.

RAILWAY. DOWN TRAINS WEEK DAYS. The 9.0 a.m. Fast Train from Paddington to Plsmonth will be continned on to Falmouth and Penzance. A train will lenve Slough nt 8.50 a.m.

(Windsor 8.30), for Rending, in connection with this train. A. Fast Train will loave Paddington at 9,45, for Slough and Windsor, 11.10 train from Paddington to Southall will start from Bishop's roul at 11.5 a.m. The 12.50 p.m. truin from Paddington will call at Banbury, instead of slipping conch.

ns at present. New Truins will leave Paddington at 12.30 p.m. for Southall, and at 6.10 p.1d. for Castle-bill. Also, on Saturdays ouly, a train will leave Bishop's at 2.0 p.m., for Southall.

The 10.0. p.m. train from Paddington to Southall will run on to Windsor. Now Trains will run dally from Beading to Newbury at 9.55 2.0 nud. 6.10 it wich the 9.0 4, and 5.15 p.m.

from Paddington. A train will Jonvo: I'nddington ub 6.38 p.m., for Windsor, Maidenhead, and Henley, UP TRAINS WEEK DAYS. The 8.15 a.m. train from Windsor to Moorghte-street will start at 8.30 a.m., and will discontinno calling at stations between West Dragton and Westhourne Park, but a now train will leave Southall at 8.45 a.In. for Paudington, calling at all stations The 11.20 a.m.

tzuln from Oxford will cease. calling at Hanwell And Ealing, but a new train will leave Southall at 1,40 p.m. for London, calling at all stations. New Trains will leave Windsor at 8.0 a.m. for Moorgate-street, Castle Itill at 6.0 p.m.

for Paddington, and Windsor at 10.15 p.m. for Paddington, A. Now Train will leave Henley at 8.45 p.m. for London. There will be train in connection from Grent Marlow at 8.45 p.m, The 6,25 a.m, train from Penzance to Paddington will start at 7.0 m.In.

The 1.30 p.m. train from Swansea to Gloucester will start at 1.0 p.m., and will run in connection with a train from Cardiff to Brital. WEYMOUTH, EXETER, and PLY MOUTH. A New Service will be between these points in connection with the 10.0 a.m. train from Weymonth, and the 10.35 a.m.

train from Plymouth. LONDON and IRELAND SERVICE. The 2.55 a.m. train from New Milford to London, In connection with the bout leaving Waterford at 4.30 p.m.. will start at 2.40 a.m., and will be accelerated to reach London at f1.45 p.m.

20 minutes will he allowed at Gloucester for brendast. The train will in all cases wait the arrival of the boat. There are numerous other alterations both on the Maln Line and Branches, for porticulars of which see local notices and the Compuny' time tables. J. GRIERSON, General Manager.

Paddlugton Terminus. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. On Sunday. a CHEAP EXCURSION TRAIN for SWINDON, Chippenhim, Bath, end Bristol, will leave Paddington nit 7.45 a.m.. Westbourne Park 7.50, and Reading at 8.50 a.m., returning the sAID0 evening.

For fares and full particalars too special bills. Pad lington Terminus, J. GRIERSON, General Manager. WATERFORD IRELAND and per CORK FAST and TRAINS the on whole the of GREAT the WESTERN RAILWAY end Powerful Steam Ships, vin Milford laven The WATERFORD STEAMERS RUN DAILY, and DO NOT CONVEY CATTLE and LIVE STOCK. but Passengers and Cargo only.

and The Cork Btenmers leave New MIforil on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays; returping on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Special Bouts for the conveyance of Cattle leave Waterford for Now Milford on such days as circ*mstances See Great Western Time-books, or apply at any of the Company'n Stations. DISTRICT RAILWAY. DAYLIGHT ROUTE. MANSION HOUSE, City Central Station, Close to Royal Exchange.

DISTRICT Mansion House, DIREOT Blacktriars, RICHMOND. KEW, and TURNIAM For Westminster, GREEN RAILWAY Victoria, and all NOW OPEN. DISTRICI STATIONS. FAST SERVICES EVERY HALF HOUR. No Change of Carriages.


CHEAPEST AND SHORTEST. MANSION HOUSE TEEN'S ROAD, and in 26 minutes, UXBRIDGE-ROAD. NOTTING-HILL GATE, CHARING-CROSS QUERN 8-ROAD, Pand 20 URIDGE ROAD, in minutes. Best Route to Churing cross, Westminster, Victorin, Chelsea, and Brampton. From Royal Ouk and Latimer-rond.


SPRYER BROTHELS hereby Give Notice they are prepared to PAY the COUPON ine IN July, 1877, less Income tax, on the above Bands, at their office, on and after 2 July. The Coupons must be left Three olenr Days for examination. Angel court, London, F.C., June 21, 1877. and OREGON SPRYER BROTHERS hereby Give Notice they are prepared to PAY the COUPON due let July next, less incotne this, on the above Bonds, issued by them, at their office, on and after 2d July. The Coupons must he left Three clear Days for examination, 1, London, E.

June 21, 1877. DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SIX PER CENT. GENERAL MORTGAGE STERLING -The COUPONS due on the lat July next on the Pennsylvania Railrond. Bix per Cont. General Mortgage Sterling Bonds, nagociated through the London Asintic and American Company (Limited) (T.

Wiggin and will be PAID on the 2d July, or any succeeding day, between the hours of Ten and Two, at the London Jolut Stock Bank, 5, Princesstreef, Bank, E.0., where the customary lists way be obtained. The Coupons must be left four cienr days for Tho London Joint Stock Eank. 5, Bank, London, 1.0.. 15th June, 1877. DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SIX PER CENT.

STERLING CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE SINKING FUND BONDS. The COUPONS due 18t July Next on the abovenained Bonds, negociated through the London, Asiatic and American Company (Limited), will be PAID on the 21 July, or any succeeding day, between the hours of Ten and Two, at the London Joint Stock Bank, 5, Princes-street, Bank, E.O., where the customary lists may be obtained. The Coupons must be left four clear days for examination. The Transfer Books for the Registered Bonds will be Closed from the 15th instant to tHe Int proximo inclusive; the Couppos of such Registered Bonds must be presented with separate llats, and will ho paid only by cheque to the order of the Registered Holders, or their duly appointed representatives. The London Joint Stock Bank, 5, Princes-strout, Bank, London, D.C., 15th June, 1677.

and READING RAILROAD IMPROVEMENT MORTGAGE BONUS, GENERAL MORTGAGE BONDS. PERKIOMEN MORTGAGE BONDS. -HOLDERS of the above BONDS can obtain, on and after Thursday, the 28th instant, at the office of Mesare. McCalmont Brothers and 15, Philpot-line, London, E.C, COPIES of the Forms to he taod on depositing tho Honda, and of the Trust Doed which has been prepared to carry into effect the Resolution of the Public MeetIn held 6th June, 1877, at the Cunnon-street Hotel. The deposit of the Improvement Mortgage Bouds is only required with reference to the ruspension of not exceeding four years' drawings, the Coupons on those Bonds being unaffected.

Bonds onn be deposited at MoChimont Brothers and offices, on Thursday, the 28th instant, or any subsequent day (excupt Saturdaya), between Heron and Two, for the purpose of being stamped with statement that they are subject to the terms of the Trust Deed. The Bonds of the General Mortgage and Perkiomen issues must lave all the Coupons nttached. 15, Philpot lune, London, E.C, June 26, 1877. THE PHILADELPHIA and READING RAILROAD COMPANY Give Notice, that those General Mortgage Bondboldern Elect to Receive Payment in London of tho Cashhalf of the Coupon due let proxinio should. ou deroviting their Bonds with Mensrs.

Brothers and 15, Philpot-Inne, London. Specially Intimate such Intention, when the interval ranuired for independent examiantion of Coupous will be dispensed with, and payment will ho rusda nimultaneoualy with tho re-delivery of the Bonds London, 20th Tune, 1877. EW YORK CENTRAL and HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. -Notice in hereby Given, that the COUPONS of the STERLING BONDS of the shove Company due July 1, 1077, will be PALD on and after that date on presentation at the Union Bank of London, 2, Princes street, Mansion House, London, E.C, Coupons, accompanied by a list of numbers, both arronged in consecutive order, must be left for examination for three clear days prior to payment. SEX PER CENT.

is hereby CANADA, -CITY of TORONTO Given, that the COUPONS for interest on Bonds of the above Lorn, due at this Bank on the 1st July next, will be PAID on and after the 2d proximo. Coupons must be left Three Clear Duys for Exomination. For the Eunk of Montreal, C. ASHWORTH, Secretary. 9, Birchin-lane, London, June 27, 1877.

CATHERINE'S CITY, Dominion of Canada.Boranquet, Salt, and Co. are to Give Notice that BONDS of the CITY of ST. CATHERINE, aldounting to maturing 1st Jul next, domiciled at their Banking House, will be PAID upon presentation in due course, togother with Coupons thereon, The Bonds and Coupons are to be placed on separate lists, in numerical order, and left three clear days for Holders who wish to subscribe at par for Now Bonds, hearing 6 per cont. interest, and maturing in 20 yenre, Inued on renewalof the above, are roquested to cotily the sumo witbont delay to Boranguet, Sail, and who are anthorlaad to receive upplientious, and with whom the Auditors' Report and do um connected with the City of 8t, Cathurine's have been lodged for haspection. 73, Lombard -street, June 28, 1677.

NATAL (Limited), LAND Tho and Company are COLONISATION now prepared to COM- receive APPLICATIONS for DEBENTURES 5 per cent only, and no farther applications at 6 per cent. Ily order, 1. OLIVER, Secretary. 41. Threadneedle-street, London, E.C., June 28, 1877.

A NGLO-ITALIAN BANK -Incon ported A.D. 1866-DRAFTS and LETTERS of CREDIT and billa collected on all parts of Italy. The sale or purchase of Italian securities effected, and the interest and dividends on the same received and remitted. Deposits received for periods and at rates of interest to be agreed upon. Current accounts also ononed for the convenience of customers.

The agency of foreign bunks and Arms undertaken. This Bunk, having correspondents in all the principal. cities and towns of Italy, is enabled to ouer unusual foolifti a in the collection of hills, and Loadenhall-atreet, the tronsuction of banking business generally. 16, E.C, WILLIAM COLES. Secretary.

HOUSE PROPERTY COMPANY Limited), and INVESTMENT $2, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E. C. Seven Doors East of the Cannon-street Station. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. In 40,000 fully paid up Shares of 251.

each. For the PURCHASE ANI BALE of PRODUCTIVE and PROGRESSIVE HOUSE PROPERTY, and IMPROVING the DWELLINGS of the WORKING CLASSES on the SELF SUPPORTING PRINCIPLE. Roistered Marol: 15, 1875, At the First Annual Meeting, held at the Guildhall Tavern, May 25, 1877, which was numercuely attended, the Report and Balance-sheet were unanimously adopted. The rate of luterest payable to Shareholders was fired at FIVEAND-A-HALF per cent. Che retiring Directors and Officers were re elected.

The ananimous thanks of the Meeting were given to the Chairman, Directors, and Oficers, For till information apply to W. H. BABDEN, Secretary, of whom may be obtained anproving Notices of the Pre, and an Explanatory Pamphlet, Prospoctus. Report, and Share Appliantian Forms, ONE PENNY. MY LITTLE to you I go down no nest letter? week.

Shall I come A. darling. C. Poor G. pet, I long to So carry sorry away you to are brighter ill, climes.

Hope to receive letter in town week. you next to QUEENIE. I a1 still the same, darling mine. -We offer you forgiveness, and a welcome home. Yon have the key, and the door is left unfastened every night, "At leust, send us a message, to where are, say you To really J.

where you will reveal yourself and tell us you are. and what you are doing, we shall be ready to communicate with you. ONE Wednesday HUNDRED morning, POUNDS the 20th June, SEVEN LOST. BOND SHARES of the NATIONAL RANK of COPENHAGEN, Six Bonds of 1000 dollars ench, Nos. A.

1364, 1385, 1368, 1367, 1368, 1369: One Bond of 500 dollars No. B. 254. -The above Reward will he paid to any person finding and returning the above. Application to be made to Eden Fisher, banker' stationer, 50, Lombard-street, E.0.

TIVE POUNDS on Friday, June 22, 1877, between Welbeck-street and Wigmore-street, a pinin, wide, plinble GOLD BRACELET. Whoever will bring the game to 56, Queen Anne street, or to Heury Lewis, jeweller, 7, New Bond street, will receive the above Reward. FIVE -This POUNDS REWARD will be PAID by the le Comte DE to undersigned person giving them such INFORMATION as will enable them to meet, with M. le Comte de Nau, who resided in London some six months buck, and then rave 2.8 his address the Langham Hotel.JACKSON and PRINCE, Solicitors, 14, Clement Lombardstreet, E.C, OPERA Wednesday CLASS Evening, at (Black Crysta! Paluce Enamelled) or Victorin LOST, Station. on A GUINEA REWARD to the finder (if desired) if he will kindly send it to M.D., 161, Piccadilly.

OST, believed to have been Stolen (not at this great many POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, all marked "IL P. Jewel," with number and date generally in ink. Also stolen about a yard of Broad Lace; pattern Craven-street, Strand. ROSE, Deceased. -From information received believed that the decensed, formerly of Lodgeroad.

St. John's Wood, was possessed of Bonds and other Securities and Property to a large amonnt. A handsome REWARD will be paid for any reliable INFORMATION, together with 8 fair amount which may be -Address, in confidence, proportion of the A. 40, Barnabury. The FRIENDS of HAROLD LEE CHRISTIO beg to RETURN their grateful THANKS to all those who assisted in his successfui election This Dat Tor 28, 1377.

CHANGE of NAME. -Whereas, the undersigned, JOHN THOMAS STEPHENSON HALL STEPHENSON, of Somerton Court, Somerton Erle, in the county of Somerset, 'n retired major in her Indian Army, and heretofore called, known, and distinguished by the name of John Themas have, by deed poll, under my band and seal, bearing date the 7th day of June, 1877, and enrolled in her Majesty's High Court of Justice. Chancery Division, declared and hereby declare. thnt I. linve taken, and adopted the SURNAMT of STEPHENSON in ADDITION to the name of JOHN THOMAS STEPHENSON HALL, and I shall henceforth upon all occasiona use and subscribe and be called.

known, and distinguished by the name of John Thomas Stephenson Hall-Stephenson. -Dated this 13th day of June, 1877. JOHN THOMAS STEPHENSON HALL STEPHENSON. (Witness) ROBERT S. GREGSON, Solicitor, B.

Angel-court, Throgmorton-street, London. SERVICE and GENERAL STORE (Limited), 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, New Oxford-street, -Members are hereby informed that the STORE will be CLOSED To morrow, the 30th: instant, for the purpose of alio that the Now Tickets for the rear ending June, 1878, can now be oblained. Life tickots 218. annual (including postage of price Lists), 3s. order THOMAS R.

SMITH, Secretary. the HIGH COURT of CHANCERY. IMPORTANT SALE of COALPORT CHINA, MESSRS. 129, New Bond-street, Corner of Grosvenor-street, Have been appointed to dispose of the High Class Stock of MUSSRS. JOHN ROSE and at a DISCOUNT of 20 PER CENT.

From the plainly marked Manufacturera' Prices. PECIAL ANNO UNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION in PRICE. In consequence of slackness in tho manufacturing districts, MESS S. have purchased RT LOOK A TO OK comprising Dinner, Breakfast, Tea, Dessert, and Toilet Serwhich they are now offering AT the LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED.

M. S.8 S. MORT LOO also call attention to the Blue and White. Depot. No.

202, Oxford street Gust purchased of the Watcombe in which is dieplayed the of all manufactories, and and collection HITE of a OLD BLUE ORIENTAL, DELFT, and WORCESTER. The prices of these wares are low, 702, HE POTTERY GALLERIES, 203. and 224, Oxford and 30 and 31, Orchard-street, 20, Grauvillo-place. London. W.

TOTICE. NEW FORMS. in the purest Crystal Glaas, are NOW ON VLUW at PHILLIPS'S, 357, 358, and 359, Oxford-street. Purchasers are invited to inspect PHILLIPS'S New DESIGNS for the SEASON in Dinner, Desert, Too, and other Services, at 357, 359, and 358, Oxford-street. -PHILLIPS'S ART POTTERY STUDIO LESSONS in PAINTING on POTTERY, and PORCELAIN given 88 usual, and materials supplied.

Amateurs work firod weekly. Eutrance 357, Oxford street. NOTICE -The Encot EXHIBITION Collection of ever OLD brought together, WEDGWOOD nunhexing about 1500 Pieces, kindly lent by soveral well-known connoisotus, is now ON. VIM at PHILLIPS'S CERAMIO GALLERIES, 357, 358, and 378, Oxford DEFRIES and SONS, CRYSTAL NEW DERIGNS in TABLE CLASH OUTINA. and LAMES CHANDELIERS, FOUNTAINS, TABLE fur the Season.

147. HOUNDEDITOH, Five minutes" walk from the Bank of England and tho Olty Railway Stationa. I E. JULES CAMUSETS CHAMPAGNE, FINEST QUALITY ONLY. Can bo obtained from all Wine Merchants, By order.

OUTZMANN and Co. have cow recutved all the new PRIZE DESIGNS in this favourite Floor Covering warm, soft, and carpet like in appearance. Prloes reduced. 'A. visit of Inspection solicited.

end Complete House Furnishers, to 70, Hampetend-road, near Tottenham-court-road. -CHUBB and SON have REMOVED from 57, St. Paul's Church yard to now and extenxive Premises, 128, QUEEN VICTORIA-STRAET. St. Paul's, price lists gratis and post true.

Lock and Safe Makers to the Quest and the Bank of England. ERARD, of 10, Great Marlhorough-street, London, and 13, Rue du Mall, Paris, makers to her Majesty and the Prince and of Wales, caution the public that Pianofortes are being sold hearing the name of "Trard which are not of their manufacture. -For Information as to authouticity amply at 18, Grent Marlborough street, where Pianos can be obtained at 80 guineas and upwards. CAUTION. SELTZER SCHWEPPE'S MALVERN An there are now many spurious Imitations of this Celebrated Water consumers are requested to see thutt evory bottle bears labols with Nate and Trade Mark -A FOUNTAIN.

R. ment JABEZ Burgeon to HOGG, the Westminster having resigned Ophthalmie his Hospital, appoint- may be CONSULTED DAILY, from Nine till One, at No. 1, Bedforduntil his armurements ure completed for a SELF -SUPPORTING EYE HOSPITAL TOTICE is hereby Given, that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the CLERGY MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY will Do held at the Office, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, on Thursday, July 5, 1877, at One o'clock precisoly, to Receive the Report of the Directors and to Elect Oficers for the ensuing year. MATTHEW HODGEON, Secretary. RESEAM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY.

No, 37, Old Jewry, London. F. ALLAN CURTIS, Actuary and Socretary. AND-IN-HAND FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE OF New Bridge-street, Blackfriarn. Instituted 1696.

The OLDEST Insurance Oflee fu the worid. The WHOLE OF THE PROFITS divided among the policyholders IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established A.D. 1820. Head Office, No.

1, Olf Broad-street, E.0. Went -end Ofice, No. 16, Pall-mall, S. W. INVESTED FUNDS, Prospectuses and Balance shorts to be had on application.

ANDREW BADEN, Actuary and Manager. AW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Fleet London. Invested assets on the 31st December, 1876....... £5,493, Income for the past year 483,970 Amount paid on death to December last. 11,198,830 Aggregate reversionary bonuses hitherto allotted 6,523.138 The expenses of runnagement (including commlasion) are about 4 per the annual incomo.

Attetition la espectully called to the now rates of premium recently adopted by the Office. The rates for young lives will be found materially lower than heretofore. Policies effected this yonr will be entitled to share in the profits at the next division in December, 1879, Forus of Proposal, will be sent on application to the office. ONDON and SOUTHWARK FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE. Chief Office-73 and 74, KING WILLIAM-STREET, E.0.


Dalo-street. Liverpool: Cornhill, London. The valnation of Life Policies affected in the new PARTICIPATING CLASS will take place for the term ending 31st December, 1878, and on the DECLARATION OF PROFITS all Life Policies effected in 1877 will rank for TWO YEARS' BONUS. Non-Bonus Policies at moderate rates. Fire Insurances upon equitable terma.

For the P'rospectus and Inst Report by the Directors apply as above, or to any of the agents of the Company. Fire Renewal Promiums falling due at Midsummer should be paid within fitteon days therefrom. FIRE OFFICE, 50, Regent-street, London. Established The RENEWALS of POLICIES due Midsummer are now in course of payment at the Head Office and al all Agencies, The Easiness of this Office Is confined to the United Kingdom no foreign business is tranancted. The Directors are thereby enahled to declare annually a fixed bonus of 25 per cent.

to their policyholders at ench septennial period. Fall which as to the principles by which this Otice is governed, and are highly benelicial to the public, will be furnished upon application to the Secretary, 50, Rogent-street, London, W. TORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. The rates of this Society are the sumo as other offices, whilst periodical returns have bean made to persona insured by participating Policies amounting to 492.0551. This Office is dintinguished by its liberality and promptness in the settlement of claims, 3,207,2807, having been paid to insurers for losses by Fire.

In proof of the public confidence in the principles and conduct of this Entahlishment it will suffice to state that the total buniness exceeds 125,000,0001. C. E. BIGNOLD, Secretary. Hoad Ofico-Surrey-street, Norwich.

London Office- 50, Fleet street, E.0. Midsummer, 1877. by FLOOD and FIELD.ACCIDENTS of ALL KINDS be provided a ruinst by a Policy of the RAILWAY M.P., PASSENGERS' Obaleman. ASSURANCE COMPANY; Hon. A.

KINNAIRD. Subserlhed Capital, 1.120.0004. has been paid an compensation. 64, Cornhill, London. WILLIAM VIAN, Secretary INSURANCE COMPANY A (Limited), No.

7, Lothbury, Injuries. General Aceidents. Personal Railway Accidents. Death O. by HARDING, Accidents, Manager.

POUNDS at. Death, the 96 PRO per Week Disabled, for per -Apply to DENT CLERKS and GENERAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY (Limited), Coleman street, City. W. LINFORD, Secretary, COMMERCIAL Combination TRAVELLERS, Schema the CLERKS, LONDON and those who effect an accident insurance in combination with a RANTED ACCIDENT COMPANY Limited), 10, Moorgate street, fidality guarantee are allowed a material reduction in the promfum. COMMERCIAL GUARANTEE SOCIETY Limited) Chairman W.

A. REDMOND M.P.- Offices, 4. St. Paul's Charchyard, London, F. C.

Prospectus and all informaMon on application to B. DREW JULYAN. Secretary. -MELBOURNE Direct.favourite passenger ship CARLISLE CASTLE. 1497 tons register, Captain A.

COOPER, will leave the EAST INDIA DOCK, London, on Inly 5. Has very superior accommodation for first, second, and third class passengers. The saloon cabins are provided with furniture and she carries a surgeon and a cow. -Apply to F. Green and 112, Fenchurch-street, London, E.

C. TELBOURNE The unrivalled Clipper Ship HYDAAPES, 4000 tons burden, loading in the Bouth West India Docks, has accommodation unsurpassed by any ship now on the berth, and intending passengers are invited to inspect her splendid arrangements beforo booldur by any other vessel fares from 14 guineas. -Apply to Houlder Brothers and 146, Leadenhallstreet, E.C, DIRECT LONDON The magnificent high Clipper THUNDERBOLT, 2500 tons burthon, louding in Ent India Docks, has a handsome saloon, most exceptional accommodation for second and third class passengers in front of capacions poop. Fares from 14 guineas. Bethell, and Roberts, 110, Fenchurch-street.

to MELBOURNE and SYDNEY from LONDON, taking Passongers at Through Rates for all the Australian and New Zenland Ports. The following full powered STEAM SHIPS. belonging to the PACIFIO STRAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, are appointed to leave the South West Indin Dock at tho undermentioned dates, and will call nt Plymouth to embark Passengers: Name. Tonnage. Effective H.P, Date.

CHIMBORAZO, 5.S. 3247 3000 10th August, CUZCO, S.S.. 3845 8070 24th September, LUSITANIA, S.8..... 3825 3000. Sailed.

These Steamers are fitted with every convenience for the comfort of passengers, and will each carry an experienced Surgeon and a Stewardess. For tall particulars apply to Grindlay and 55, Parliament street, B. W. or to Anderson, Anderson, and Billiter-court London, E. 0.

THIRST-CLASS PASSENGERS for MELBOURNE. The EASTERN MONARCH. 1770 tons register. Captain DATES, London Docks, Sail about 15th July. Model in Exhibition at Royal Aquarium, Westminster.

-Apply to the Royal Exchange Shipping Company, 5, Newinan's-court, Cornhill, E. C. SO Intending passengers AUSTRALIAN. are invited to for suspect the ADELA socommodation offered by this farourite regular trader, 1040 register, classed at Lloyd's A 117 years, which will be despatched from the India Dock on the 28th of July, under the command of Captain JOIN BLUCE, carrying an experienced eurgeon. Hor Spacious poop la provided with bath rooms and every comfort for first-class passengers, and she offers superior advantages to recond-class passengers at very moderate rates.

Onbin furiture, bedding. will be provided at moderate extra coat, if required. -For plans, terms, apply to Devict and Moore, 118, Leadenhall-street, The fast and favourite iron Clippor, DARLING DOWNS, 2500 tons, loading In East India Docks, has unaurpasted Seloon, Second and Third Cabin passenger' Carrien an espartenced 30, 20, and 15 giduess. LETHELL, and ROBERTS, LI0, MAIL LINE to BRAZIL and RIVER PLATE from SOUTH AM PTON. Sumi-mouthly service.

Tue Company' STEAMERS leave na under, touching at Lisbon: NEVA, July 9, 1877. MIN ISO, 1877. MONDEGO, July 24. 1877. TAGUS.

September 10, 1877. ELBE, Ang met 9, 1877. GUADIANA. September 24, 1877. To Perriambuco, Bahia, and Rio Fares--let Class.

2d Class. de 301. and upwards, To Monte Video and Buenos Ayrea 357, and upwards. 207, No change of steamer between Southampton and River Pinte. Firstclass Return Tiokets for a fare worl a hall.

Abatements for faulies.Apply to J. K. Linstend, Southampton, or to J. M. Lloyd.

Secretary, Royal Mail Steam- packet Company, 18, Moorgate-street, London, C. CAPE Carrying of GOOD Majesty's HOPE Malls. COLONIAL -DONALD CURRIE MAIL and LINE, LONDON LINE of STEAMERS leave Dartmouth for Cape Town every alternate Friday, and Cape Town for Plymouth every alternate Tuesday, with Passengers and Goods to and from Cane Tewa, Morsel Bay, Algon Bay (Port Elizabeth), Port Alired, East London, and Natal Madeira), The Steamer. From London. From Dartmouth.

DUBLIN CASTLE July 10. Friday, July 13. WALMER CASTLE July 24. Friday, July 27. DUNROBIN Angust 7.

Friday, August 10. Apply to the Owners, 4, Fenchuch-street, London, E.0. CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, and ZANZIBAR ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. The UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S PACKETS will Sail as follows, calling ut Madeira Steamer. From Southampton.

From Plymouth TEUTON Thursday, July 5 Friday, July 6 AMERICAN. Thuraday, July 19. DANUBE Thursday, July 26 Friday, July 27 The Danube will continue the Direct Service to Port Elizaheth (Algon Bay), and will proceed thence to East London and Natal. Letters for this Steamer must be specially Danube via Plymouth." For freight or plange apply no the Company's Offices, Southampton porto F.J. Mercer 11, Lendenhall-street, London.

DORT NATAL. -The favourite clipper ship, ZULU CHIDE, la again londing In the St. Katharine's Dock, and will Sail July 10. Intending passengers should secure berths curly. By the annexation of the Transvaal, under British Government, security and advantagos are ensured to all settlers this important colony.Apply to Staley, Badford, and 22, or to the Owners, James Thompson and 6, Billiter-square.

LLAN CANADA and UNITED STATES ROYAL STEAMERS. Short Sea Passage, Lowest through rates, by shortest route, to all parts of CANADA. NEW BRUNSWICK, MANITOBA, and the WESTERN And SOUTHERN STATES: also to NEW YORK and BOSTON. Sailing regularly from LIVER POOL: For QUEBEC and MONTREAL. MORAVIAN Tuly PERUVIAN 19 SARDINIAN July 12 POLYNESIAN July 26 For ST.

JOHN'S, N.F,, HALIFAX, and BALTIMORE. SCANDINAVIAN July 10 July 24 Reduced rates of freight and pange money. Return tickets on very Invourable terma, Splendid arrangement of Round Trip and Excursion tickets. -Apply to Allan Brothers and 19, James-street, Liverpool: or to Montgomerle and Greenhorue, 17. Gracechurch-street, London to G.

W. Wheatley, 23, Regent street, London, W. MERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL 'STEAMERS. -LIVERPOOL to PHILADELPHIA Every Wednesday.

New first class Steam Ships will be despatched da follows: Wednesday, July LORD OLIVE Wednesduy, July 11. Cabin passaire, 127, to steerage as low 88. by any other fast line intermediate, 87. 08. -Apply to Charles Boyd, 19 and 21, Queen Victoria London or to Richardson, Spence, and Nos.

17 and 19, Water street, Liverpool. NOHOR LONDON to NEW YORK, BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA DIRECT: ELYSIA, Saturday, 30th June. UTOPIA Saturday, I4th July. ALSATIA Saturday. 25th July, ELYSIA.

Saturday. 11th August. And every alternate Saturday thereniter. Unrivalled pastenger accommodation for all Cabin, 13 to -15 guinens; eight guineas; steerge, nix guineas. Westend Agenta, Borinn, and 14, Waterloo-place, Pall-mall.

S. Henderion Brothers, 3, Rue Boribe, Parla, nud 18, atreet, London. CUNARD LINE, NOTICE. -With the VIEW of DIMINISHING the UHANOES of COLLISION. the STEAMERS of this LINE TAKE A SPECIFIED COURSE for ALL SEASONS of the YEAR: on the outward passage from Queenstown to New York or Boston crossing meridian 54 43 or nothing to the north of 43: on the bomeward passage crossing the meridian of 50 nt 42 or nothing to the north of 42.

FUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK Direct Every Saturday, and Boaton Every Thur day. Fares-15, 17, and 21 guinens: return tickets 30 guineas steerage Ch. 68. By steamer not carrying stoange -Outsido berth mingle, return inside berth single, 30 guinens return.

Apply. to D. and C. MacIyer, Liverpool and Qucenatown G. and J.

Burns, Glasgow and Dundee: or W. Cunard. 6, St. Helen's Bishopagato-streot, E. and 28, Pall mall, INMAN -LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK.

Thursdays. CITY of RICHMOND ....4607 Thursday, July 12. Amongst the largest, Fastest, and most confortable passenger Steamers afloat. Saloons and State rooms, amidships, Fares, 15, 18. and 21 Gulnens.

Steerage Bix Guineas, with full eupply of cooked provisions and every to William Inman, 22, Waterstreet, C. Liverpool; or to Eives and Allen, 61, King William-street, London, E. NATIONAL LINE PASSENGER to NEW STEAM SHIPS. LARGEST From London. From Liverpool, via Queenstown.

THE QUEEN Wednesilas, July 4 ERIN. Wednerday, July HOLLAND Saturday, July 14 Wednesday, July 11 DENMARK, Wednesday, July 25 ITALY Wednesday, July 18 Saloon Fares, 10, 12, and 15 guineas, according to position of berth, all having equal saloon privileges, Return Ticketa, 24 and 22 guinens. Steerage to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Apply in London at the Went end Offices, 57, Charingcross to Smith, Sundius, and 33, Mosses and Mitchell, 4. Gracechurch-atreet: or to National Steam-ahip Compony (Limited), 23, Water street, Liverpool. RANSATLANTIO LINE.

MOST CHEAPEST, and SATEST ROUTE. The GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL, STEAMERS, 4500 tons, 3000 horse power, alamed 100 A English Lloyd's, leave HAVRE and PLYMOUTH for NEW YORK every Enturday. Fares from any Railway Station to New York. Boston, or Philndelphin -Cahin, 14 to 21 guineas; intermediate, steerage, 67. Everything found.

Electric Bella to cabins. Now Electric Lighthouse and Patent Steam Fog Horn for avoiding collisions, Entire cahius retained on lavonmble terms. Apply to Chamot and Capel, 65, Gracechurch-street; Freeman' Brothers, 300, Regent-street, London Luscombe, Bellamy, and Plymouth. The only Line issuing Return Tickets giving option of Disembarking In England or France. sh*tE STAR UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.

-LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, every Thursday Queenstown, Friday, The splendid Vernels of tuls Line are all of the the largest chis, uniform of in their model arrangements, and unsurpassed in completeness appointments. Saloous state rooms amidships. -Apply to Istnay, and 34, Leadenhall-street, E.0., and 10, Water street, Liverpool. DARIS, ROUEN, HAVRE, HONFLEUR, CAEN, TROUVILLE, by the SOUTH- WESTERN COMPANY'S commodious, large, and fast Mall Storm Ships WOLF and ALICE Every Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, from SOUTHAMPTON DOCKS to HAVRE at 11.45 p.m.

The Last Train leaves WATERLOO STATION, London, at 9.0 p.m., and goes into docks alongside ship. Return Tickets London to Parts and back, within one month, 656. first, elas, necond class London to Havre, Houfluer, or Trouville, and back. available for the return journey within one month, first class, 30s. second class, including steward's fees.

The steamers leave Havre for Southampton every Monday, Wedneiday, 0.00 Friday at 8.30 p.m. AILY SERVICE between LONDON and the CHANNELISLAND8, Jersey and Guernsey. vid Southampton. by SOUTE-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. -The nhortest and quickest route by the Royal Mail Stoam Ships, every Monday, Thineday, Wednesday, Thursdiy, and Friday.

Lust trains from Waterloo at 8.0 p.m. on each of those days. Alao on Saturdays for Jersey direct. Lunt train from Waterloo. nt 5.20

Saturdays. Returning from Jersey by mail steamer at 6.45 A.m. week day, calling at Guerming for Southinnton and London. Return available to return within one month, 38a. second class: Inolnding steward's toes.

Third-class tickets are issued between London and Guernsey and Jersey on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Saturdays ouly between London and Jersey, Single journey (available for four days). double tourney (available for one month). 308. SIT. via The SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY'S new, fast, and commodious Steamers SOUTH- WESTERN and.

GUERNSEY, or other steam ships, leave SOUTHAMPTON for ST. MALO every Monduy. Wednesday, and Friday. For hours, see South-Western Time Table Books. Return Tickets, available for one month, 40s.

second class; 52s. first class, including fees. via Passengers undi Merchandise by the SOUTH RAILWAY COMPANY'S fiat and powerful Steam Ships, frum SOUTHAMPTON to CHERBOURG direct, every Monday and Thursday mornings nt 11.0-a.m. The lest train leaves Station at 8.5 a.m. Rotor Tiokets, available to return within a month, 358.

second clan: 4s, first class, including steward's foes. Return Takers to Cherbourg will be available from Havre, vil Bouthampton, by the South- Western stonm ships. -There and tuck for 27. 49. 6d.

journey, 11, -For to PARIS, vid London and Boulogne. further pardeulars apply to the Agent, GENT RAT STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, 21, place, Edinburgh. TULL to PARIS, viA London and Boulogne.There and buck, 17. 18s. 6d.

Single Jourpey, W. -Tor further parti niars apply to the Agent, GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Hull. (NUNDAY CHEAP EXCURSION to MARGATE BACK. -The EAGLE will lenve LONDON ERIDGE WARE, every Sunday, and for Margate, at 8.30 56. B.

returning, the sume day. Fares there back 64. second-class, 48. 6d. children, 2u.

Ud. THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANTS STEAM WHARF, SHIPS leave the IRONGATE and ST. KATHARINE'S nour and the Tower, Saturday, for Juno 30th, at 2 p.m., July 4th, nt 9 a.m. 225. 16s.

and Saturday, at 4 p.m., 138. 6d. or Ba. 6d. (from Custom nt House Quay, 6d.

Lower 65, 6d. Thames and Saturday, included 8 in a.m. 9w. or fares. Stewards' feen are (from Lon the above Wharf).

YARMOUTH -Every Wednesday and Saturdny, at 8.30 a.pi. of Faros, through 98. or 76. For full particulars pervice see bills, or apply to the Company's agents ut the 37, towns Regent named: Piccadilly. to the Chief Offices, 71., The Company undertakes all shipping and apd eirous, London in connection with goods loaded in or discharged from to ba delivery business in their vessels, vesuels through trade.

ratos, -For including all charges, between all ports to which the particulars apply to the Secretory. STEAM Portsmouth. between Southampton, Plymouth, and and DUBLIN, Falmonth. calling -The BRITISH and IRISE STEAN PACKET COMPANY'S Steamers, with superior passenrer and. DUBLIN LONDON, nt Ten a.m.

leave every Sunday and Wodnesday, every Wednesday alit Battirdny, enling at the above ports. Prices hetwven London und Dublin -First Cabin, 228. Second Cabin, 188. Deck, 10a, 6d. Cubin.

Tickets, a Half, available for two months. Cabin are at, liberty James to break the journey at un interpiediato port, and London Miller's Agents, Wharf, Lower East Hartley and 137, Lendenhall street, XFORD and BACK, vid -The Steiner IBIS leaves KINGSTON every Monday, at 11.45; Windsor, Tuesday, 11.0, for Oxford, kea. Returning on Fridny. Return fare, 308.4 Intermedinto, 3d, per mile. -Agouts, W.

EVERETT and SON, 17, Royal Exchange, CRYSTAL PALACE ANNOUNCEMENTS. THIS -LAST DAY of HANDEL FESTIVAL IN Admission from 11,0 till 8.30. EN SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE. or by Season Tlaket. Israel," 2.0; Herr Schulkenbach.

6.0 Great Orzun, Fine Art Courts and Collections, Picture Gallery (with Works on Sale), Techno logical Mnseum, Marine Denayrouzek Diving Parilion, Archdeacon Gray's Chinese Collection, Japanese Humorous Groups, Park and Grounds in the grentest beauty. DAY of the HANDEL FESTIVAL. LAST THIS DAY (Friday). ISRAEL IN EGYPT. IN EGYPT, THIS DAY (Friday), June 29, at 2.0.-Vocalists, Madame Mr.

Edward Lloyd, Herr Henachel, and Mr. Santley. Organ, Mr. Lemmons-Shorington, Modumo Edith Wynne, Madame Pater, Willing Band and Chorus, 4000 Sir MICHAEL Reserved Seat Tickets (inclusive of admission), 255., and 7e, 60. Admission, Soven Shillings and Sispence, or by Season Ticket, will MA ADAME DAY, at the HANDEL FESTIVAL Solo, Bing ye to the Lord," and Duets with Madame Edith Wynns, "The Lard Is my strength." TADAME DAY, at the EDITH HANDEL WYNNE FESTIVAL.

will Thou SING did'et THIS blow, and in Duet with Madano Lemmens-Sherrington, The Lord is my strength." ADAME PATEY will SING THIS DAY. of the HANDEL, FESTIVAL, Aim, Their land hrought forth frogs," and shalt bring them in," and in Dust Thou in Thy with Mr. Edward Lloyd." MR. at the EDWARD HANDEL LLOYD FESTIVAL, wIL Air, SING "The enemy THIS sudd," DAY, and in Duet with Madame Pater, Thou fu thy mercy." TR. SANTLEY will SING THIS DAY, at the HANDEL FESTIVAL, Duet, "The Lord in a man of war, with Herr Henschel.

ERR HENSCHEL -will SING THIS DAY. at the HANDEL FESTIVAL, Duet, with Mr. SANTLEY, Tha Lord in a man of war." TERR SCHALKENBACH will PERFORM THIS DAY, nt 5,0, on his Extraordinary Instrument, the ORCHESTRE MILITAIRE ELECTRO-MOTEUR. to Preach Court, Sixpence. Under the Direction of Mr.

OHARLES -TO MORROW (Saturdayi, Tune 30. nit. 3.0 o'clock THE LADY OF LYONS. by Lord. Lytton, ioury Neville, F.

T. Edenr, Fred. Could. David Beaton, Robins, Henry Jiten, George Varijoll, L. Minnes Eially Turtle, Hathaway, Osborne, Alice Horton, Mias Hella Paterna.

Numbered Stalls, 3e. Or, and 2, may now be had. Lawn Promenute and Band of Scots Guards, Lilt HalfCrown Saturday of the Summer Season. TR. HENRY NEVILLE and Miss BELLA PATEMAN, TO- in Lord Igtton'n Play, THE LADY OF LYONS.

AWN PROMENADE, TO-MORROW (Saturday). -The BAND of the SCOTS GUARDS Conductor, CLARKEL WIN PLAY. by permission of Colonel Lord Abincer. LAST HALF CROWN SATURDAY of the SUMMER SEASON. TETE of the CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTINENCE LEAGUE DE the MONDAY NEXT, July 2 His Eminence the Archbishop of (Cardinal Munning) will preside al the -See future announcements.

WEDNESDAY. July 4th. ANNUAL GRAND ON FETE of the METROPOLITAN and OITY POLICE Instrumental Concert by Company's Band. Winland's Mi Entertainment. Bands bf the Metropolitan and City Police.

Dancing on the Lawns. Athletic Enorts, Balloon Display of all the Great Fountains. Bee bandhilla, SHILLING DAY. FIREWORK DISPLAY, THURSDAY. GREAT by Mr.

W. 'NAUGHT'S CHOIR, So. ONE BHILLING DAY. DOYAL AQUARIUM -The COOLEST and the LARGEST ENTERTAINMENT in LONDON.Amusem*nts constantly varying throughout the day. One and ill pronounce it the pleasantent and most fashionable lounge in the world.



12. 0. The ROYAL PUNCH and JUDY, Tanks Fully Stooked Salmon, Octopi, and Sea and Front Water Fish. 2.30. HINDOO CONJURORS nnd SNAKE CHARMEPS in Gallery, 3.15.


5.30, ZAZEL. 6. 0. HINDOO CONJURORS and SNAKE CHARMERS in Guilery. 8, 0.

SPECIAL CONCERT, Vocal and Instrumental. Royal Aquarium Increased Band. 9. 0. The HINDOO CONJURORS and SNAKE CHARMERS in Gullery 9.10.


Mr. Frank Backland's Museum of Maritime and Natural Ilistory, of the Indian Museum. Collections of Pula belonging to the Angling Societies of Great Britain. Boats and Models of Vessels, Life Baring Appuratus, Angler. Tackle, of Tinh.


Seeking tie babble reputation Liven in the demono's mouth." With Mr. Robertson's thanks to Mr. Punch. ROYAL AQUARIUM. DR SNAKE LYNN'S HINDOO THREE TIMES CONJURORS TO DAY, at and 2.30.

6.0, and 20 The Genuine Conjurors and Charmers ouly Perform at the Royal Aquarima, for their appenrance at Special Fetes and Portion should be addressed Manngor. Rogal Aquarium. QUARIUM LYNN'S NEW LIGHT SEANCE. Spirit Forms, and the prest Tri-Union Feat, the most ranid Transfortantion ever witnetrel. Admission 58., 38., and 28.

TO MORROW, 3.0. "Dr. Lynn's performance has never been Dally Telegraph, Ur. Lynn's performance fa the most amusing and wonderful The Times, Dr. Lynn's New Light Seance the Novelty of the Dondon Season.

The Theatre, the most elegant and coolest in London, filled to overtlowing at each performance. "Dr. Lyun's tricks and sluight of hand are the best we have ever seen. -Public Opinion, June 16. A A in AID of THE CHILDREN'S HOME, Lostonstone.

(Founded and supported by Misa COTTON), Will be beid in the ANNEXT of the ROYAL AQUARIUM, Westminster, On TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, The 34. 4b, and 5th July, 1877, Undir the distinguished Patronnge of Her Royal Highness the Princess CHRISTIAN. The Right Hon. the LORD MAYOR and LADY MAYORESS, The Marchioness of Abergarenny, Lord Eorthwick, The Countess of Shrewybury, Rev. A.

B. Cotton. Lorly Gwendoline Chaplin, Rev. R. IL.

Clutterbuck, Lady Margaret Charturia, Rer, Henry Jones, Lndy Borthwick, Rev. J. I. Vans, Lady Holinnd, Rev. H.

Martin, Linty Victoria Fuller, DE. Llewellyn, Lady Adelaide Law, Dr. Augusta Fiennes, J. F. Lady Dickson, Charles I.

D. Crew, Esq. Mrs. Henry Ackland, Miss C. A.

Jotion, DOTAL TABLE D'HOT DAILY from 5.0 till 3.30, at 5m. per head. The COOLEST DINING ROOM in LONDON. LARGE HALL (England's Home of Mystery, MASKELYNA and COOKIE Novel end Original ILLUSORY ENTERTAINMENT Dally, at Three And. Eight o'clock.

Admission 51. 28., and 1s, Bot-offloo open all the day, where seats can he booked free of barge. Carriages should be ordered for Five and Ten o'cloek, W. MORTON, Manager, ZOE la now MASKELYNE'S included in the New Sketching Zoe appears Automaton enrly in the programme, not later than 3.15 and 4.15, and the ouly certain wily of not being disappointed in witnessing this most novel mad extraordinary performance is to book senta du advance, which can be done at the free of charge. and Cooke.

Every Day, at Three, Every Night nt Eight, The Greatest Sensation In London. Mr. Cooke floats to the ceiling and talias the cabinet with blin the most wonderful performance, ever Fifteen Hundred and Twenty fourth Appearance To-day. Zoe and Psycho, Mr. Maskelyno's Twin Mysteries, form the topic of conversation in all classes of society, The press and the public ngree that Zoe all Mr.

Muskelyne's previous achievements. NEW FIRST PART. and Mrs. GURMAN REED'S To-night, at 8.0, A HAPPY BUNGALOW, by Arthur Low; music hv King Boll. After which EDWIN AND ANGELINA, a Musical Sketch, by Mr.

Corney Grain, 204," by F. O. Burnand mic by German Rood. Every Evening, excopt Thursday and Saturday, at 8.0 Every Thursday and Saturday In not 3.0, Admision 25. stalls, 38.

and -St. George's Hall, Langham-place, Oxford-eirens. TADAME AT TUSSAUD'S INTENSE The Sumpthous Group of Serupulous and Exact Fashious or To-day, consulted by the Landers of the Haut ton, Is now Renewed. Portrait Models of tho Alert Victor and George, with the Princere Victorin of Wales: anil the War Group of the Czar, the Sultan, and Gauctal Admission, Is. children under twelve, Gdr Open Ten till Ten DRIGETON GRAND AQUARIUM.

Thren Hulf-past Sevon. ANNA WILLIAMS. and the MOUNTAINEERS of the APENNINES. AQUARIUM. -The most magnificent Marine Temple in the world, NOW OPEN, Admission In.

W. CURTIA, General Manager. THE YARMOUTH AQUARIUM and SKATING RINK. Pleasantent Scarhie Lounge. Terrace Promenade.

commands unrivalled. Sea Views. Promenade Concerts Every Evening. TITHE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY'S GARDENS, Regent's Purk, are Open Daily (except Sunday), Admission 18.: 011 Monday, children always 6d. The lions and tigers are trans.

forred to the ontor cares of the New Lion House every day, weather The Bund of the 24 Lite Gmads, under the direstion of Mr. W. Winterbottom, by permision of Colonel A. C. H.

Stewart, will perforus in the Gardens every Saturday at Four o'clock end further notice, A popular Zoological Lecture fo given CLY Thuradugs 14 5.0 p.m. WOOLWICH Sole Lessee, W. HOLLAND. NOW OPEN for the SUMMER SEASON with a crest variety of Entertainments. Coucerts, Bullets, Revel.

Dancing on the Now TORTH WOOLWICH GARDENS. -A Grand Panoramto Picture has boon erected, representing the CoNdo Horn, Constantinople, This is the and most magulhoent artistlo production ever witnessed. Admission Bd. TORTR WOULWICH GARDENS, All Steam Honts cull at the Cardon Pier delightful trin. The Hotel, with ft Suloons facing the in acknowledged by every snuto be the most charming place for a littlo dinner.

I'nioea very moderate. TORTH WOOLWICH GARDENS Succoss of Now Burlesque, BLUE BEARD: Hurry Taylor, G. Reoves; Katle Noth, Hatharley, Lilly, and Madame Collier's Grand Ballot of charming Coryphdes. GARDENS. OPEN EVERY EVENING.

on the largest Platforni in the world and the Bert Entertainment In London Thirty Principal PerformersTwo Banda- Illuminations and Fireworks. Admission, Sironce, Open at Ficht. Private boxes, one Glees and Choruses by the Choir, under the direction of Mr. K. Jon Suppers dill 12.00 a.10.

Tho Grill Room now open from 12.0 mid day dill 9.0 p.m THE CANTERBURY. -Licensed to F. VILLIERS. from floor to the Grand Hallot of THE RUIGN OF LOVE: -LULU, still the incomparable, pronolled from A Mille. Pitteri, M.

Dewinno: Malles, Ada. Powell, Eroughton, A George Logbourne, Mr. And Mins Brian, Blaze Manager, Mr. Maltre do Ballet, M. Dowinuo; Musical Director, Edounrd Frowin.

THE OXFORD GREAT HOLIDAY only at the Oxford (179th Representabion) The Oxford Cadeta, led by Captain Roso Fox: Arthur Hoberts, 4 new War Song the Sitar Ramiden: the P'holtes, only at the Oxford: D' Alvin, Kitty Brooks, Durden, abd Storm, Brothers Polaald, Our Giris, Laura Morning Porformance Every Saturday at Two. A PROMENADE CONCERTS Selection and Arrougements from the most eminent Conaud DANCING. -The Programme This Week: will include ductor. Signor Dancing will commence at full pant Pen o'clock. Leader, Mr.

Silborberg, M.C.'s, Arnold Wyath Admission da. Undor the sale of R. R. BIGNELL. GRICULTURAL HALL -DOG SHOW, Tuesday.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next, July 3d. 4th, 5th. and 6th. "Open each day from 10.0 to 10.0 p.m.

Nearly 1700 dogs. The finest collection aver exhibited. Undelos day), until o'clock. 55, from Three o'clook until six a'clock, 26. 6d.

attorwards dA. Othor dasa La. THIS DAY.ALEXANDRA DAY. Admission, 10 0 tIll 8.0. 0 4 0- Orchestral Bund.

Band in Bazaar, 2 0 and 7 Organ, Mr. 30- Eli podromo In ho Archer, Contral Hall. Notion Benson Ticket Holders. -The Park is Open from 6.0 8,111 for Swimming. Riding.

Driving, Copy of Rallway Time Table, with July arrangemente, sent on recelpt of stamped addressed envelope, On July 2, the month's arringementa will appear in morning papers. HIS DAY. at 5.30. -M. ot Madame ARTIZELLI fu DARING RIDING ACTS in Citons, in Contral Hall.

RAY and her GRAY STEED. Madame FELIX and her OLEVER POODLES, and the Extraordinary HAT THROWERS (from Algers' Circus), rently Puny Olowns, Clever Fells Monkey, No extra charge. Scate 6d. ALEXANDRA PALACE. EQUESTRIANS.

HAT THROWERS PERFORMING DAILY, at DOGS, ALESANDRA PALACE- ThE DAY. 6.30. THIS DAY. NO ONE SHOULD MISS SEEING GROVE, with its Stately Avenues, Mosey Lawns, Dr. Johntho sun's Well, The American with the Willow Bower and Triple Litices is a delightful atroll.


Admission to Theatre, 18. DUGGIERIS FIREWORKS. ROSE SHOW, DOMINOS, GREAT HIPPODROME. Military and Orchestral Bands, Promenade in the Grove. PALACE.

LEXANDRA ROSE SHOW- THE PINK DOMINOS be played by the Criterion Theatre Company at. 3.15: Meadumen Famy Josephs, Eastlake, Clermont, Davis, Edith Brave; Mesars, Charios Wyndham. Sounding, Ambler, Harris, Jalm Clarke, Francs, Ridler, In the Evening, DISPLAY of FIREWORKS by Monsieur Pyrotechnist, to the French Government, and to his Inte Majenty. Napoleon 111. The Great I'srotechnic Exhibitions which took place In Paris under the Second Empire have made the mine of famous all over thy world.

This display will he the Dent ever made in this country by Monsieur and the will. therefore, for the test time, have on opportunity to compace the effortant the of Continental Pyrotechnista with thore of own ortists, The admissom to Palace on this occasion will lie our CROWN, or by the Season Tibets. July 108. 6d. Annual will on Rose Show Day, thas giving port chasers a Tear and dley for Half-i-Guinea.

Admission to Theatro, 18. DOSE SHOW ALEXANDRA PALACE, Over Seven Thousand Trusses of Roses Entered for Competition, LEXANDRA ROSE SHOW, TO. MORTOW. ME ROSE SHOW DE TO MORROW IS the LARGEST ROSE SHOW LIVER HELD at the ALEXANDRA PALACE. REAT CONTEST OF FIRE BRIGADES NEXT MONDAY ALEXANDRA PALACE of of Garden Concerta will take place in the Grave at 8.0 Military Band aud Choir.

ADEN BADEN OF GARDEN CONCERTS and FAIRYLAND ILLUMINATIONS EVERY MONDAY ANd WEDNESDAY EVENINGS In JULY. FIRST CONCERT NEXT PALACE. LEXANDRA PALACE. -ANNUAL FIRE BRIGADE COMPETITION, NEXT Cup and other volnabla Prizes For particulars apply to Captain Archer, Chief of Hire Brigades, Alexandra Palace. -Au Exhibition of Lil Saving Apparatus, Models.

Pumps, will be hold in the Central Hall, LEXANDIA PALACE PLAYS POPULAR A PLAYS NEXT KIND TO FAULT, followed by TRYING IN ON. Characters by Mint Kufton, Miss Everard: Volletro, Endows, I. 8. Turner, W. H.

Swanborough, Adminion to: Palace and Theatre, ONE SHILLING, Reserved sents, halcony, 60. BOTANIO SOCIETY, Regent's, July 4, to Twelve d'olock, Tlakots to be: obtained at tho EVENING FATE And SPECIAL EXHIBITION, Wednedouly, by vouchers frin Fellows of the Society, price or on the day or evening of the File, DOYAD ALBERT HALL CHORAL SOCIETY. the of EDINBURGIL, K.0. Conductor, Mr. BARNBY, Ladies and Gentlenion destrous of Joining this Society shonld apply at once to Mr.

J. Hadley. Royal Albert Hall. Kensington, 8.W. THE LONDON GLEE and MADRIGAL UNION Miss June Well, Mr.

Baxter, Mr. Contes, Mr. Montem Smith, and Mr. Winn- ill hive their LAST CONCERT Series of Three on Saturday, the 30th Juno, of the Langham Hall, at Threa Ticketa at Mitchell's, Austin's, and of the Secretary, Coates, 6, Hammermith, THE LONDON GLEE and MADRIGAL UNION can nocept ENGAGEMENTS the afternoon; evening, or garden, parties, coucerta. de.

Terms to the Secretary, Mr. Contes, 6, rond, Haramersmith. ME SIMS BENEFIT CONCERT, Royal Albert Tall, Wednesday Nest, July 4, at Eight o'clock. Madame Christine Nilsunn, Mius Anna Williams, Madame Antoinette Mix Helen D' Alton. Madame Trebelll, Mr.

Suns Rever, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Sumer Voll, Mr. Sontley. Solo Violin. Herr The London Vocal Union (under the direction of Mr.

Prel. Conductor, Mr. Sydney Naylor. Bozos (grand tier), ten south in four guineas. Loggin, cicht in ench.

three guinens. Bpoond tier, tive senti in euch, two Amphithentre stalin, GiT. Arenn. 7s. 61.

Balcony, numbered, 51, Balcony, unnumbered, 28. and 5000 adminiona, 1s. Ticket at the Royal Albert Fall, Austin Office. St. James's Hall, and usual agents.

Correct books of words to be had only at the hall. CARLOS FLORENTINE'S CONCERT, Monday Evening Next, 8h. James's Hall, at Might o'clock, Vocalists: Mendumes Lemmens Sherrington, Zeno Veront, Nina Spagnoletti, Corn Attwood, Marie and. Antolnotte MM Edward Lloyd. Trelawney Cobham, Curios Florentine, and Signor Foll.

Plunoforte, Mish mahog, and Mr. Cans Violin, Here Wilhelmi. Conductors, Mr. GANZ and Mr. HENRY PARKER.

Tickets, 10s. 64., 54., 35., and in, may be obtained at the usual agenta, and at Austin's, 4k. James's Hail TOORE and BURGESS MINSTRELS, St. JAMES'S -Every Night at Eight. Mondays, Wednesdays, nad Saturdays, Three and Eight Prices, 15., and 53.

No feez. Doors open 2.30 and. 7.30. ROYAL The RUSSOTURNISH WAR, by Mr. J.

King. Hongehold Science, by Prof 'The Talking by Mr. Matthews. The Colliery tion, Mr. King The of Baron b9 bty.

Soymour Brith, Open from 12.0 till 5.0, and from 7.0 till 10.9, Adminion to the whole 15 Mias THOMPSON'S New Work. ROLL CATT. QUATRE BRAS, BALACLAVA, and MISSING. There celohrated Battle Plecca are NOW ON VIEW 46 the flue Art Society's Galleries, 143, Now Bond -Adminion One Stalling, Including cutalogne, None of the pintures now befora the publio can compare with -The World. ORE'S GREAT THE BRAZEN SERPENT.

CHRIST LEAVING THE PRETORIUM, and CHRIST ENTERING JERUSALEM, each 33 by 22 feet, with Dronm of Pilate's Wife Christian Martyrs, Battle of Ascalon. -At the DORE GALLERY, 38. New Ten to Sir, Is. The MOUNT of GOD." Painted by HENRY HARPER, dedicated by special permission to H. the Princess of Wales.

ON VIEW from Ten to Five cloak. by prementation of address card, at THOMAS M'LEAN'S GALLERY, 7. Has (LOUPIL and PICTURE GALLERIESF ONDON, 25, Bedford-street, Covent-garden. DARIS, 9, Rue. Chaptal.

DARIS, 19, Boulevard Montmartre. DARIS, 2, Place de l'Opera. EW YORK, 170, Fifth Avenue, THE HAGUE, 20, Plants. BERLIN, 63, Charlotten-strasse. Ta Tales Later vro, du is included MATIN.

in -This GOUPIL and admired COMPANY'S pieture, EX- by HIBITION Of MODERN CONTINENTAL PICTURES. -Fino Art Galleries, 25, Bedford -street, and Co. EXHIBITION of HIGH-CLASS CONTINENTAL PICTURES, Important works by Meissonior, Gerome, Daz. De Nittis, Sochi, Fromontin, Villegas, Troyon, Israels, Maris, Manse, Daubigay, Re, non ON VIEW at their Fine Art Galleries, 25, Bodford-street, Covent garden. Open dolly from Ten to Sit o'clook, Admission One Shilling.


MILLAIS, R.A., ON VIEW. Dally, at the street Galleries, 9, King street, St. James B. W. from Ten till Sir.

Admission 16 The nob profits of this Exhibition will be given to the Artists' General Benevolent Institution. ROSVENOR GALLERY, NEW BOND STREET. Open Dally from Nine to Seven, Admittion, One Stilling. P. L.

New EVERARD'S W. NEW OPEN daily, GALLERIES, with a 7 collection and 8. of of 800 CONTINENTAL PICTURES, Including colobrated work, Tho Christian Martyr. DLACK and WHITE EXHIBITION, Dudley Cullers, Respitan Hall, Pleoudilly, of Drawings, Etchingn, and Engravings. Open from ROBERT Ten till Admitennce cataloguns 6dl.

F. A NAIR. Secrotary. ON SALON OR, FRITE'S HOMBURG, celebrnted DAILY, ah Ebo Ploture, BRITISH THE GALLERY, 67 53. Pall-quill, oppruite Marlborough Flouse, from Nina a.m.

till Admission 18. FILL SHORTLY CLOSE. FRANK DILLO DRAWINGS, made in Japan Auxins the years 1075 and 1876, are now ON VIEW. the Old Gallertes of Mesare. Thos.

Aguew and Sos, No. 5. Waterloo-place, Pall-mall. Admission frota Ten till Six, inoluding on talone. 1a.

TITHE OLD COACHING -The LOAN COLLECTION of over 250 Pictures and Drawings, NOW ON VIEW at the Dickinson Gallery, 114, Now Bond street OSES. GREAT EXHIBITION of and SON'S COLLECTION the Old Nursorice, are now duely in bloom. trains from Liverpoolatreat to Cheshunt Ftation, one mile from the Nursery. Flys and wantonette may bo tad there. To-morrow (Satur-OPENING of the EXHIBITION, Queen's gate, South Kendurton, at Due cloolt.

Elle lizace the. Archbishop of YOR will offer un Dodlontory Prayer Sir Charles Reed, Li. Ohainnin of the W. Executiyo, will gift a Erlof of the Exhibition: the Right Hon, 1. will then formally declare the Cahibilion Open and the Couttany will a lonen to tho DE In tho of the Royal Hortienttural Society, ut two o'ulock, under the of the Bight Hon.

W. Gladstone M.P. Nokets for Difanner, including Wines, Gentlemen, 216. Ladles, Sensou Gd. will adiuit to the Opening Ceremony and to the Gallery during the Dole The Band of the Royal Horse Guards will be in attendance.

S. Hon. Beuretary. Gray's Chamber, 30, Eigh Exhibition Oftees, Queen A gale, South Kennington. TON and HARRO CLUB.

MONORATLE COMMITTEE. Lt. Sir Gen. John Sir Groker de Barrow. Bathe.

Mart, In The 2. Hon. Norman Leille-Melville. Lord Abinger. Soots Guards.

I Kenney Een. ConservativeClub. P. Iunry Cprpus Christi, Cambridite. Mous, Trim.

Oziord. Lord Georgo Nevill. Lord Campbell and 2let Stratheden. J. M.

Ricker, 1. P. T. El Firber, Hussars, Th. J.

A. Webb (late 13th Thatched- El qaarn), hangp Club, The Per. G. Enrle Wolby. H.

Loni Henley. Captain E. Wynne, Royal Engi0. Irving, Endor neera. Bordered The CLUB-HOUSE, 5.

Park place, 8t. with bode rooma attached, is now OPEN for the reception bora, By order, F. at WISDON. Bearetary. TUNIOR OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE CLUB.For and Present Members of the Univeraltles of Oxfori, and Dublin Faclaaltely.

The FIRST 500 MEMBERS will be ELECTED WITHOUT ENTRANCE FEE, Temporary Chub accommodation bus been sagured through the conurtesy Committee of the Bookingham Club. The premises, Regent ani Waterloo-pinco. 8.W., are most, conveniently The Annual Sub cription is Soven which will entitle Momattrated. will afford ampla ucommodation the Nom bera to the use of the Club Let 1078, Applications for Methorshin, and for further Infortuation required, to ba addressed to me. AUBRAY B.

L. 61. JOIN Secretary, VICTORIA BALLOT and RIFLES. Subscrintion of Top Citinens ELECTED per For Annum Further par can be 10 nut fren Abbott, Mendthey quarters, Mariborough 8t. HUNDRED POUNDS fonder ONE SHILLING.

ONE 100. 21. DRAWING 7. Government Bunction). PRIZES frota 43 to Purchasers The In.

ench. Large Mounted Photograth with of of Porty not W. east WOODLEY, Secrotary, prize to halt Woolwich, value, stamps or money order to.

The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.