Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets (2024)

Job Description/Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities

- Accomplishes hourly periodic phase inspections and lubrication requirements on 27 assigned B-52 aircraft

- Documents/maintains discrepancies in Integrated Maintenance Data System/AFTO 781-series aircraft forms

- Documents 781-series forms & maint data system; monitors protective/special-purpose equipment worth $14K

- Directs and completes ground handling/servicing, aircraft aesthetic initiatives, and maintenance documentation

- Responsible for maintenance and required operational checks; assists in training of newly assigned personnel

- Provides feedback on inspection progress and possible delays to floor supervisor and dock chief/controllers

- Troubleshoots malfunctions, determines maintenance actions, ensures timely repair, and monitors status of parts

Accomplishments/Performance Assessment

- Exhibited superior job mastery; responded & successfully cleared 26 red balls--fueled Wg's best 74% MC rt/Aug '20
- Executed 196 MAs/96 WOs; received zero defects on 2 QA evaluations--essential to 56 MXG excellent rt'ing/FY '20
- Resolved ongoing FCAM anomaly; isolated/replaced faulty wire harness--recognized by LM Mod Dock supervision
- COMSEC CRO; managed $5.4M acct/158 classified parts/trained 14 users--aced inspection 100% zero discrepancies
- Completed upgrade training 9 months ahead of schedule; reduced 7-Level manning gap--vital to 89% FSE rt/DEC '20
- Instructed 5th Gen Msn Orientation; briefed RF/RADAR/EOTS safety hazards--bolstered msn readiness/50+ mbrs
- Meticulous attention to detail; id'd bird strike on right wing during post-flight insp--ensured acft avail for next sortie

- Abated C-130 FCC instr strain trn'd/eval'd 3 prospects on 60 tasks--chk flt'd/cert'd 2 new FCCs, fostered CC's prgm
- Abetted ECS; led removal of 8 actuators for duct repair--enabled G20 Summit/45 flt hrs/4 sorties/24/7 C3 ops
- Ability to lead; led night shift PAR team for 20 AMXS during Feb 2010 ORE--contributed to overall success
- Absolutely superior NCO; extensive equipment knowledge prevented excessive downtime of critical assets

- Absorbed 5-level CDC knowledge like a PIG MAT--consummated a near perfect 99% average over 3 volumes
- Absorbed specialized chaffing awareness trng; completed 8 modules/2 hrs instruction--enhanced acft T/S skills
- Accepted challenges enthusiastically/performed in professional manner; exceeded expectations--promote now!
- Accomplished 1K maintenance actions/95 inspections; 95% in-commission rate--maintained 100% pass rate

- Accomplished 6 hours ahead of schedule; ensured equipment serviceable status--secured vital availability
- Accomplished 80 maintenance and 40 scheduled inspections; contributed to 94% average in-commission rate
- Accomplished cross utilization training as Production Controller; promoting diversified roles within the MXG
- Accomplished faultless mx; isolated/repaired defective gear limit switch--earned "Zero Defect" QA follow-up

- Accomplished five Hourly Post Flight Inspections; corrected 56 discrepancies--a/c returned to FMC status
- Accomplished two hydraulic pump installations; completed vital task in just 1.5 days--sustained critical limits
- Accountable to dedicated crew chief and Section NCOIC for maintenance on A-10C aircraft valued at $13.2M
- Aced QA evaluation; installed fitting/seal on #3 pump w/"Zero Findings"--pivotal to shop 100% PE pass rate Feb 17'

- Acft aborted for bird strike; found mark on nose radome and notified SMCO for insp; no defect noted--sortie completed
- Achieved 100% QA pass rate; championed 12 QA assessments--contributed section 90% pass rate Jan-Oct '12
- Achieved engine run/inlet & exhaust inspector certifications--performing task usually performed by NCOs
- Acquired 15 pax bus op license; trained four add'l personnel--increased sections deployment quals to 80%

- Acquired Radio Modulator training; studiously trained 30 FP escorts--raised AOR qual from 70% to 100%
- Acted as HSC tm lead; completed 203 carded items/8 delayed discreps--returned to svc 24 hrs early/avail for msn spare
- Actively engaged by unit commander for knowledge/expertise; hand-selected to observe 1st AF AFOA inspection
- Actively involved in sqd fitness prgm--impressively exceeds standards--set positive example for co-workers
- ADCC for acft A4125; executed 155 pre-flt insp/3 TCTO's--enhanced 94% mx schedule effectiveness in FY'07

- Adept logistician; coordinated equipment forward deployment to Afghanistan to support coalition Air Forces
- Adept mechanic--replaced faulty eng driven hydraulic pump during launch; vital supply sortie met w/out delay!
- Adept! Troubleshot co*ckpit voice recorder malf as DCC--saved acft; 248 Army paratroopers jump qualified
- Advanced HG trainer; devoted 70+ hrs--cultivated skills/sharpened presentation--Wg Amn of Qtr, Jan-Apr 06

- Aggressive--trnd four apprentices on 125+ tasks; reduced section's tng backlog; ensured timely 5-lvl upgrades
- Aggressive; identified/procured substitute parts; repaired critical assets--reduced average downtime 9 days
- Aggressively pursued upgrade training; 100% qualified on core tasks within 8 mos--scored 82% on EOC exam
- Ahead of peers; completed Course 14/5 blocks >5 weeks; all tests scored < 85%--future SRE requirments meet

- Aided 322 non-powered unit inspections; 115 discrepancies fixed--raised flight's overall serviceability 35%
- Aided 917th A-10 isochronal maintenance; led depanel and phase preparation--reduced aircraft downtime 20%
- Aided A/R specialist w/flt control mx; removed/repaired rudder < 7 hrs--beat ACC's 12 hr fix rate std by 17%
- Aided Comm/Nav during "red ball" maintenance; removed/replaced SIRU; saved vital SOUTHCOM intel msn

- Aided deployed support unit's relocation; led team/moved 227 tool kits/supplies--no delay to world wide msn
- Aided electrics technican troubleshoot/repair anti-skid failure during "red ball"--32 aircrew trng reqmnts met
- Aided Guidance/Control w/ADI "red ball"--acquired parts/assisted installation--increased system knowledge
- Aided in 1500 hr fan blade insp--completed in 8 hrs--8 hrs ahead of schedule--Airman of the Month Nov 06

- Aided inspection section supervisor during manning shortage; enhanced job knowledge--promote immediately
- Aided jet shop w/60-hr eng insp; confirmed integrity of $2.5M sys--raised Mx Schd Effectiveness rate to 90%
- Aided job exhausted hydr unit; finished landing gear strut re-pack in 14 hrs vs 18--drove 84% Sept '07 MC rate
- Aided organization of summer Vacation Bible School Program for 40+ kids--groomed youth's spiritual values

- Aided propulsion shop w/MEC change; finished 2 hrs early/secured 38th AMU's 87% MC rate--14% > AF std
- Aided propulsion specialist replace starter during a/c launch--ensured aircrew weapon school qualifications
- Aided Repair/Reclamation section; assisted w/troubleshooting/repair of spoiler system--alleviated mx delay
- Aided specialist w/60-hr eng insp; confirmed integrity of $2.5M sys--elevated MSE to exceptional 90% rating

- Aided w/anti-skid fault isolation/repair quick-turn sortie--salvaged second msn--factor to 98.7% OTTO rate
- Aided w/two flow controller replacements--reduced 12 hr task to 8-hrs--HHQ surveillance msn met w/o delay
- Aided Weapons Instructor Training course; performed 600 line deliveries--1K simulated combat sorties flown
- Air University Air Frame & Power Plant course; General Aircraft- in progress; final goal is FAA certification

- Alleviated manning shortfall; assisted with wash/de-panel of four phase aircraft--enabled critical maintenance
- Alleviated OMS manning shortfall; procured PHM data trng--processed 189 sorties/250 flt hrs for P&W Jan '16
- AMU increment monitor--moved 40 short tons of cargo/hazardous material--received ORE "Top Performer"
- AMU's premier crew chief! Briefed ACC Daedallian team on RIVET JOINT msn--efforts secured ACC win

- Analyzed Canopy ICAW assert; CANN canopy lock lever swithc--guaranteed first ever 6 pilots graduation B-course
- Analyzed CMDS fail; R2'd faulty programmer in half of 4 hr avg--actions key to Wg's 92% home-station DRR
- Analyzed FL-1D light cart failure; pinpointed faulty voltage regulator--replaced in 2 out of 6 allotted hours
- Analyzed power unit discrep; changed LRU in 2 hrs/cut std by 60%--eng start capes restored/yrly QA eval pass

- Analyzed/repaired failed diesel engine starter; utilized on-hand assets for component rebuild--saved AF $1K
- Anchored AMU in AF Portal-based trng record conversion; assisted/trained other sections--met ACC deadline
- Anchored PACAF deployment; spotted engine oil leak/tightened line--captured North Korea nuclear response
- Applied HC-130J unapproved runway mods; enabled 23d MXG 2014 ACC Daedalian Trophy--promotion rdy

- Appointed as AGE Flight Support NCOIC; meticulously managed several accounts--prevented zero shortfalls
- Appointed flight NCOIC during Aug and Oct Phase II OREs; enhanced war fighting capability of 26 personnel
- Appointed Team Chief of F-15 crane lift--flawlessly lead team of 10 personell to a zero defect crash exercise!
- Area lead inspector; supervised completion of 12 area inspections--key to 2 BW flying 11.2K hours FY09/10

- Arranged four a/c phase washes; coordinated manning with nine workcenters--fortified 14-day phase process
- Assessed 156 mo proficiency loads; rectified 11 safety/reliability errors--zero wpns mishaps in 1200+ sorties
- Assisted 2 MDG in a Major Accident Response exercise; vol d as casualty--enabled accurate training scenario
- Assisted 36 EAMXS w/unscheduled mx; replaced MLG assembly--completed task 1 hour ahead of schedule

- Assisted 733 AMS ground ops; utilized CMA qual/escorted 6 crgo K-loaders--keyed 40K ST of crgo uploaded/dlvrd
- Assisted 97 IS w/ tracking antenna change--collected 8.2K hrs of ISR data--vital to OEF/OIF ELINT efforts
- Assisted A/R; reinstalled repaired flap--selfless work ethic drove 71% 12-hr fix rate--16% above ACC std
- Assisted Aero Repair replace five landing gear trucks--contributed to 1,404 June flt hrs--highest mo in 3 yrs

- Assisted aero repair with flap replacement; ensured next ISR msn--siezed AMU of the Month, Apr/May 2007
- Assisted Army with a/c recoveries for '10 Airshow; parked two helicopters--events enjoyed by 225K patrons
- Assisted avionics techs w/"red ball" flt display processor unit replacment--factor to 93% on-time takeoff rate
- Assisted broken tool monitor; ordered/repaired 33 parts--returned all items FMC/saved AF $2K in replacement costs

- Assisted C17 vertical stab panel change from bird strike damage; accelerated cure ck--expedited 2 Helo's to AOR
- Assisted Comm/Nav technicians troubleshoot & repair UHF malfunction--successfully met crew trng reqmts
- Assisted Comm/Nav; replaced GPS during launch/saved SOUTHCOM msn--gathered 8.5 hrs of vital Intel info
- Assisted Communication Navigation specialist w/stellar unit replacement during "redball"--launched on-time

- Assisted Corrosion Preventative Inspection; depaneled/repaneled a/c--returned four a/c to flying schedule
- Assisted electrician troubleshoot/repair engine generator malfunction--vital HHQ sortie launched w/out delay
- Assisted engine technicians remove and install 2 generators--prevented potential IFE electrical system failure
- Assisted environmental specialist remove leading edge/repair bleed air leak--launched AES tng sortie on-time

- Assisted flightline engine run; provided ground safety and fire coverage support--alleviated manning shortage
- Assisted flightline with launch/recovery of nine aircraft; alleviated manning shortage--aircraft launched on time
- Assisted guidance/control element replace critical eng instrument during "red ball"--on-time HHQ msn launch
- Assisted hydraulic mechs w/erratic pressure indication; R2'd shorted transmitter--solidified unit's <1% recur rt

- Assisted hydraulic section; aided change of four engine hydraulic pumps for a TCTO--incurred no phase delay
- Assisted hydraulic technicians during a "red ball"--replaced system pressure valve--critical HHQ mission met
- Assisted in 100% equipment serviceable check of ready lines; maintained top quality standards on 800+ units
- Assisted in 19 TCTO actions on nine diverse units--garnered successful equipment upgrade/continued support

- Assisted in completion of five scheduled inspections; completed 3K mx actions--five a/c returned to wg FMC
- Assisted in completion of seven Hourly Post Flight inspections--efforts alleviated flightline manning shortfall
- Assisted in E-4B alert aircraft equipment support; ensured sustainability--saved $154.8K in fuel consumption
- Assisted in three F-15 accessory drive repairs; assisted with ream/bush 15 lugs--ensured bulkhead alignment

- Assisted isolate JFS auto disengage; replaced faulty CGB <4 hrs/returned acft to FMC <6 hrs--smashed ACC 8-hr std
- Assisted JFS no-start redball; cleaned L/R 50% switch cannon plug on launch/ops chk'd good--secured on-time sortie
- Assisted on critical Aero Repair task; removed/installed elevator on a MC-130H acft--beat 36 hr ETIC by 12 hrs
- Assisted phase NCO trainers; trnd four Airmen on IMDS access/input--boosted section's capabilities by 15%

- Assisted propulsion specialists replace engine starter during "red ball"--launched aircrew trng sortie on-time
- Assisted R/R section during 12 a/c jacking ops/operated wing jacks--key to 2 MXS '11 Mx Effectiveness Awd
- Assisted R/R section; jacked/operationally checked steering systems--completed 2 hours ahead of schedule
- Assisted rapid completion of 19 routine TCTOs; modernized equipment--facilitated 3K combat sorties flown

- Assisted removal & repair of leaking main landing gear strut in single shift--acft meet next vital HHQ mission
- Assisted specialist shops w/multiple discrepancy repairs--vital to 1,156 local sorties/290 crew mbrs trained
- Assisted under-manned propulsion shop; removed and replaced #6 engine--gained cross-utilization knowledge
- Assisted w/300-hr filter insp; met OTTO for ISR OIF/OEF msn/attributed to FOL 95% msn effectiveness rate

- Assisted w/60-hr eng insp--restored $2.5M sys integrity--increased continuity between grnd forces/battle staff
- Assisted w/flap change; restored asset to FMC in 2-hrs vs 4--met Global Nuclear Arms Treaty verification flt
- Assisted w/main gear truck change--completed task 3 hrs early--avoid scheduling conflicts--drove 97% MSE
- Assisted w/NLG strut R2; executed initial service/ops ck's--aided 81% FMC rate Jul-Dec/beat 76% CAF std

- Assisted with 8 NLG/MLG W&T breakdown and buildups; improved knowledge within AFSC--no delays for DIFM
- Assisted with air cycle machine change; concluded 8-hr task in 5 hrs--enhanced 16% break/fix rate--5% < std
- Assisted with throttle friction module; overhauled throttle brake housing--completed in 4 hrs versus norm of 6
- Asst'd tool insp pgm; mg'd $1.5M items/earned pristine 100% QA pass rate on 9 evals--crushed 85% AMC std

- Asst'd w/cracked tail rotor de-ice connector; changed cannon plug <1 hr--prevented blade change/saved $70k
- Assumed expediter duties during manning shortfalls--attributed to 466 home stationed msns/2,640.3 flying hrs
- Astute trainer; trained five newly assigned squadron personnel during wing ORE--increased overall readiness
- Astutely guided retirement preps on 3 restricted C-130E acft; reduced scheduled/preventative maint by 600 hrs

- Attacked life support system repair; replaced oxygen concentrator/ensured pilot safety--acft Code-1 next sortie
- Attacked no-notice main gear axle insp--validated air worthiness of 11 acft/avoided flying schedule shutdown
- Attacked s/w upgrade w/FSEs; removed 14 LRUs/averted 4 mo depot mx downtime--AMU Spec of Mo, Jul '16
- Attacked unit's data integrity errors; screened 6.3K inputs--cut initial 5.3% error rate to 0.3%--beat std by 4%

- Attained 7 level up-grade 3 mo ahead of sched; engaged vital UDM tasking/filled "Red Flag" 7 level vacuum
- Attended 2 professional development seminars; received 4 hrs on EPR/Dec training--gained crucial supervisory skills
- Attended boroscope/blade blend class; enhanced personal knowledge--increased section qualification by 25%
- Attended Louisiana Tech University; received 6 credit hours toward CCAF degree--maintained 4.0 GPA

- Attended Pallet Build Up Course--qualified to construct/modify cargo pallets--contributed to base readiness
- Attended SF augmentee training crs; completed three-day class--safeguarded 3,400 US/coalition personnel
- Attended Training Base Area classes; acquired knowledge on assign acft--qualified on 280 5-level core tasks
- Attention to detail--achieved "zero defect" on post wash lube QA eval--contributed to AMU's 96% pass rate

- Attention to detail; identified cracked MC-7 air compressor unloader shaft--repair averted equipment damage
- Attention-to-detail; recognized nine IMDS errors on debrief recap form/fix'd on spot--prevented lost acft flt hrs
- Augmented Guidance/Control shop; diagnosed/restored flight data recorder--facilitated refueling of 4 F-16s
- Augmented training; supervised/trained 3-levels on servicing procedures--increased flight qualifications 40%

- Averted engine change; assumed lead tech role/affixed drip pan/bracket--saved $1.1M asset/24+ hrs acft NMC
- Avid HAZMAT manager; revamped building satellite operations--streamlined program/protected resources
- Awarded Aerospace and Propulsion certification; aced practical/oral/writtten exams--honed skill set/exemplified stds

- Backfilled AMXS with recovery and postflight operations for CORI 10-01--inspection rated "satisfactory"
- Backfilled AMXS; generated 10 acft for '13 Global Thunder--key to continuous bomber presence/msn success
- Backfilled undermanned AMXS personnel; completed 2 hourly postflights--increased flightline productivity
- Balanced flt schedule; provided manning for 24 acft worth $317M--secured 2,147 trng sorties/3.7K flying hrs

- Benchmark for others to emulate--maintained assigned acft with pride--provided 130 sorties/1,021 flying hrs
- Bolstered AMU manning; replaced failed main pressure valve--enabled C2ISR for Op INHERENT RESOLVE
- Bolstered SF's element; provided TCN support to AOR--safe guarded over 6000 combat soldiers/400 facilities
- Boosted AGE flt; built/tested 7 jacking manifold hoses--restored $52K in assets/cut procurement time by 60%

- Boosted completion of 600-hour inspection 1 day ahead of schedule--ensured combat ready acft for next msn
- Boosted jt svc exer participation; led sq exer evaluation tm in two emer mgmt/AT exs; reinforced USAF involvement
- Boosted mx proficiency; trained three Airmen on F-35 crash recovery tasks--strengthened section capabilities by 30%
- Building custodian; managed 10 crucial upgrades; instituted repairs--spawned safer work center environment

- Building custodian; prioritized/rejuvenated 10 dormant work orders--instituted 100% in place accountability
- Built turn-time/thru-flt insp timeline w/pilots/maint supervision--raised schd effectiveness/saved 4+ hrs daily

- C-130H Expediter--led six person team; completed final mx actions on nine acft; all input to RAS as sched
- Capable/vigilant Airman; key part of critical ECP guard team--secured hangar for CSAF civic leader luncheon
- Catalyst of the team; installed damage engine in 8 hours, 2 hours under norm, scheduled mission on
- Cert HAZMAT declaration signatory; completed crs on regulation/compatibility--vital to future AEF readiness

- Championed cost conscious culture; reconditioned 25 oxygen converters--conserved $137K in exchange cost
- Championed F-35 battery prgm; researched/installed safeguards--key to 57 WG "Highly Effective" UEI rating
- Charged w/monthly acft CTK/equip inspections; reaped six "zero defects"--cinched supports 96% QA pass rte
- Chosen among elite; DCC of 176WG first HC-130J; honored during transfer ceremony of new WS-lauded by WG/CC

- Cleared crippled C-130 acft from runway; enabled immediate launch of 4 attack choppers--repelled 97 threats
- Co-built HAZMAT pgm; liaised w/5 agencies & trained 7 techs on 12 tasks--jt base lauded ESOHCAMP insp
- Collaborated with flightline; assisted with 27 tows/pre-flight inspections--alleviated AMXS manning shortfall
- Collaborated with fuel shop; built 10 external tank float switches--ensured E/E shop's 0.3% AWP rate, Oct '16

- Completed 1.2K mx actions/inspections; seized 100% pass rate on 6 PE's/2 QVI's--awarded QA Honor Roll 4 Qtr '16
- Completed 1.3K equipment dispatches for acft--performed 300 service inspections/30 maintenance actions
- Completed 1.7K flight line dispatches, 485 inspections/200 maintenance actions--enabled 7K training sorties
- Completed 10 phase insps; repaired 14.3K mx actions/returned >4K hrs--key to gp '12 AFGSC Daedalian Awd

- Completed 2.1K inspections/maintenance actions; contributed to over 8K combat sorties supporting OEF/OIF
- Completed 2.3K major/minor maintenance actions; vital to 97% average in-commission rate spanning 4 months
- Completed 2K+ dispatches/300 svc insps; spt'd four AMUs--facilitated 4 FW's 12K sorties/20K fly hrs, FY13
- Completed 3 college courses; obtained 9 hours for Avionics Technology degree--achieved 3.7 GPA/awarded CCAF

- Completed 300+ inspections with 47% manning--maintained 94% or better equipment in-commission rate
- Completed 35 critical equipment repairs; earned superb 100% quality assurance pass rate on eight inspections
- Completed 45 inspections ahead of schedule; efforts directly contributed to sections 96% in-commission rate
- Completed 48 schedule mx tasks; zero overdue insps/ensured acft reliability--secured 98.3% MSE rate, 1Q16

- Completed 5-level upgrade task training reqs 4 months ahead of schedule--set standards for peers to follow
- Completed 7-lvl CDCs/cert'd 70% UGT <6 mos; achieved 91% on end-of-crs score--Sq capes upped by 12%
- Completed 750 seamless equipment dispatches/over 125 service inspections as 336 FS AGE dedicated driver
- Completed 7K equipment dispatches/450+ service inspections; directly supported 4K sorties--zero mishaps

- Completed 830 maintenance tasks during extended OEF/OIF, utilized 57% manning--enhanced availability 8%
- Completed 95 pre-flight insps; dispatched 247 combat msns--sustained unit's 84% deployed MC rate/7% > std
- Completed all 5-level core tasks in 10 months--scored 91% on end-of-course exam--6% above ACC standard
- Completed CCAF Associates Degree in Acft Mx Technology; increased technical knowledge--maintained 3.42 GPA

- Completed fill & drill a Bomb lift assembly; returning it to serviceable status--saved US Air Force over $58k
- Completed Follow-on trng; attained 112 hrs in acft sys/t/s knowledge--increased 5-level qual skills by 20%
- Completed four acceptance insps; disassembled/rebuilt ramp mount assemblies--assets available/msn ready
- Completed initial inspection on CDDAR lifting bags; trained on inspection/use--enhanced shop qualifications by 20%

- Completed insp/armor upload--prepared three acft for deployment; ensured seamless integration into OIF ops
- Completed inventory of 204 AGE units; fixed 27 erroneous inputs--kept $5M custodial account lists accurate
- Completed NCOA course; acquired 12 credits for CCAF associates degree--received Commandant's award
- Completed OJT training for the position of production controller; promoting diversified roles within the MXG

- Completed phase inspection on self generating nitrogen cart; no discrepancies found on follow up--great job
- Completed seven Hourly Post Flight inspections; ensured zero mx delays--key to sq winning '11 AFGSC MEA
- Completed seven hourly post flight insps; alleviated AMXS APG manning shortfall--ensured zero mx delays
- Completed six hourly postflight inspections; augmented AMXS low manning--returned 1.2K flying hrs to 2 BW

- Completed six Isochronal inspections, five home station checks ahead of schedule, maximized jet availability
- Completed three annual tool box insps; examined/repaired >1500 items--prevented tool corrosion/replacement
- Completed three credit hour for CCAF; contributed to flt chosen CE Team of Month--role model to 127 Amn
- Completed trng on transient alert acft; trained 10 personnel on acft recovery--increased productivity to 100%

- Completed two A&P certification classes w/Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--earned 6 credit hours
- Complied w/98 TDL updates; remedied 15 software anomalies--sparked 131 GBU-12 drops/FW's 1st F-35 JDAM rls
- Conducted 12 Acft Engine Runs; performed 150+ man hrs operating throttle controls--ensured quality/safe Mx procedures
- Conducted 17 equipment inspections; identified/corrected 25 mistakes--garnered 94% Sept-Oct section QA pass rate

- Conducted HHQ ops at CENTCOM AOR--130 OEF acft launched w/o delay--300+ anti-militia pin-pointed
- Conducted weekly unit fitness/testing sessions--contributed to reduction of unit's overdue fitness tests by 10%
- Conducts acft calendar, transfer, preflight, thru-flight and basic post-flight inspections to promote fleet health
- Conquered two 750-hr insps in 16 hrs; "zero" defect QA follow-up--enhanced unit's 84% mission capable rate

- Consecutively installed four refrigerant compressors; tasks completed in 11 of 18 hours--set shop benchmark
- Consistently displayed great attention to detail; passed two Quality Assurance evaluations--zero findings noted
- Consistently surpassed expectations of supervisors; tackled assigned tasks with unseen vigor--promote now
- Consummate professional; awarded 55th AMU Top Performer--received honors from 379 Wg Command Chief

- Continually exhibits meticulous attention to detail; discovered a number seven and eight brake worn beyond limits
- Contributed to '10 ACC LCAP success; participated in hangar and ramp FOD walks--promote immediately
- Contributed to 3.9K combat sorties; supported Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM
- Contributed to 5K combat sorties; 81M pounds fuel off-loaded/335 bombs dropped in support of OEF/OIF

- Contributed to 6K combat sorties in support of OEF/OIF--received squadron coin for outstanding dedication
- Contributed to 8K combat sorties; supported 88 diverse aircraft covering OEF/OIF--335 bombs dropped
- Contributed to eight phase inspections; six aircraft sold back FMC--key to 2 BW generating 268 sorties FY10
- Contributed to Ex RED FLAG 12-4; ID'd/R2'd rudder actuator line leak <1 hr--aided 166 sorties/393 flying hrs

- Contributed to Pre Flight/scheduled maintenance; towed 10 a/c for F/L--relived manning for sortie production
- Contributed greatly to the Cargo Deployment Function; supervised gate cargo in-check; 50 pallets cargo/equip
- Controled 31 hand held radios; configured LMR maintenance tracking system--reduced radio downtime 25%
- Coor'd faulty LOX pressure valve mx--avoided acft swap/msn delay--cornerstone to five crewmbrs cmbt qual

- Coor'd tool cage construction; assisted manufactuer w/exact demensions/details--self-help project saved $2K
- Coord d 4 Zika decon applications across 4 MDSs; sustained int'l flt re--revitalized AMC/USAFE CC's alft CRM
- Coord isolation/repair of refuel panel wiring fault during "red ball"--five aircrew members qualified to deploy
- Coord'd 525 EFS mx spt; dispatched 5 AGE to spt 12 F-22--enabled 30 sorties in 1 day/set AF F-22 flt record

- Coord'd w/4-mbr "smart ops" tm; overhaul'd CTK/insp/breakroom floor pln--cut turnovers 25%/incr'd morale
- Coord'd w/PACAF A4; transferred 71 AGE to Al Dahfra AB--closed AFCENT's LIMFAC/enabled cmbt ops
- Coordinated 12 trilectron generator circuit card modifications; installed 4 new power cables for unit upgrade
- Coordinated 17 QA maintenance flashes; highlighted important conditions and tasks--alerted 1,200+ personnel

- Coordinated 45-ton Rhino jack repair contract; first time operational in 1+ years--vital to AEF 9/10 missions
- Coordinated 600-hr insp completion 24 hrs ahead of schedule--beat command non-msn capable rate by 5.9%
- Coordinated 65 VIP tours; enlightened CENTCOM leaders on msn reqmts/needs in AOR--coined by 397th CC
- Coordinated extensive non-procurable wiring harness repair; prevented equipment replacement--saved $36K

- Coordinated repair of cracked turbine engine combustion can liner assembly; saved $165K in replacement cost
- Coordinated resources; housed weather evacuated transient B-2s, secured acft and crew--zero damaged assets
- Coordinated squadron wide NASA aircraft support; lauded by NASA for immediate response to unique needs
- Coordinated TCTO inspection of Rudder PCU--100% fleet compliance with out impact to sortie generation

- Cordoned ten 70mm munitions; channeled Intel to CAOC--averted insurgency/imminent danger to allied forces
- Craved prof development; completed SEJPME; boosted skill in joint force integration--primed for joint service ops
- Created msn effectiveness on three RAF Mildenhall deployments--trnd eight personnel--raised levels of quals
- Created new cargo plan; built 2 mobility only ISUs--eliminated build up/inventory process/sped packout 8 hrs

- Created new TC MAX training outline for updated tool management sys; simplified user proficiency/accountability
- Created weekly delayed discrepancies tracking slides--decrease AMU's discrepancies from 200 to 35 per mo
- Cross utilized--replaced cargo compartment airflow valve 1 hr; half mx std; salvaged low level tac tng sortie
- Cross utilized; investigated flt deck fumes/supplanted faulty water seperator--beat 55% 12-hr fix rate by 26.8%

- Cross-utilized Airmen; participated in Navy C-130 engine change--$44M asset returned to service...promote
- Cross-utilized on 10 eng task; accelerated completion of 60/120-hr acft insps--enhanced 89% MSE rate FY '07
- Crucial assist w/ defective radome replacement prior to T/O--contributed to AMU's incredible 98.8% ME rate
- Crushed ACC's 74% MC rate standard by 6%/fix rate by 45%--earned "Aircraft of the Month" on assigned jet

- Cut trained on APG tasks; closed gap for section manning shortfall--ensured >3.7K sorties/>6.4K hours, FY10
- CUT-trained as A/R mechanic--completed ISO mx tasks ahead of schedule; decreased acft down time by 45%

- Daily efforts ensured 55 AMXS' win of the 2005 ACC Maintenance Effectiveness Award--promotion earned!
- DCC on two acft; spearheaded 99 HS/OS flts/earned Top Wrench award in June 07'--superior BTZ candidate
- Dedicated Crew Chief on 80-0172; maintained assigned acft at 92% FMC Jun-Aug--obliterated 80% CAF std
- Dedicated Flight Chief; ensures personnel trained and knowledgeable of AFI's; 100% QA pass rates for personnel

- Dedicated to trng--compl'd CFETP 7-level core tasks/CDCs ahead of 4 month schedule--increased unit productivity
- Dedicated to tng; accomplished all req'd CFETP core tasks 8 mos ahead of schedule--incrs'd unit's 7-level capes 10%
- Demo'd expertise on red-ball; plt'd t/s'g & interface unit r2/halfed std fix time--launched on-time/fwd-dply'd 8 SOC trps
- Demonstrated exceptional ability; chosen over 53 fellow Airmen in flight as NCO of the Quarter--promote now

- Demonstrated extensive diesel generator knowledge; troubleshot engine malfunction to faulty voltage regulator
- Demonstrated precise TO compliance; 9/9 QA evaluations/zero defects--reinforced 98% pass rate 1st quarter of FY15
- Demonstrated core values; exceptional knowledge, skill, ability; safety minded; 0 tech data violations, 0 DSV's
- Deployed 132 days to Al Dhafra AB, UAE; led mx spt of 216 ATO's/2.7K cmbt flt hrs--destroyed 6.2K ISIL targets

- Deployed 67 days--mx effort led to 83.7% MC rate 10% over AF std--secured valuable intel for CENTAF/CC
- Deployed 67 days; earned 100% QA eval pass rate/follow-ups--instrumental in 55 AMU's 96.73% pass rate
- Deployed 93 days to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar--contributed to 168 combat sorties/1,638 flight hrs in the AOR
- Deployed CDDAR tm leader; responded to 7 IFEs/cleared rwy in <30 mins--ensured zero delays f/USCENTCOM msns

- Deployed eng mngr/tracked 41 assets worth $61.5M; replaced/shipped/received 2 eng's--100% accountability
- Deployed Ex WIC 12B; enabled 66 trng msns/24 pilots upgraded--expended 138 GBUs/105 rockets/29K rnds
- Deployed for 105 days to Al Udeid AB, Qatar in support of OIF/OEF--ensured 180 combat msns/1,798 flt hrs
- Deployed for WSEP 13-1 TDY; enabled 36 live-fire sorties--vital to $4.1M muns dropped/100% release rate

- Deployed mx asset; performed four stab trim bump checks/ensured aircraft crew ready--enabled on-time msn's
- Deployed OEF/OIF; completed 2K inspections and 3K flight line deliveries in support of 88 diverse airframes
- Deployed OEF/OIF; contributed 2K inspections/20K dispatches--guaranteed success of 16 coalition airframes
- Deployed OEF/OIF; selected to manage 379 MXS security program--tasked 160 random anti-terror measures

- Deployed on Operations IRAQI FREEDOM/ENDURING FREEDOM; completed 2,100 maintenance actions
- Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar in support of OEF and OIF as Production Supervisor; directed 115 personnel
- Deployed to Andersen AFB; contributed to 184 plus sorties and over 1,163 hours--maintained 79% MC rate
- Deployed to Nellis AFB for RED FLAG--troubleshot/repaired throttle alignment fault--met next cmbt trng msn

- Deployed to Nellis AFB ISO WIC 12B; performed 60 launches/recoveries--fired 138 GBUs/105 rkts/29K rnds
- Deployed to Nellis in support of WIC 12B; executed 60 launch/recoveries--fired 138 GBUs/105 rkts/29K rnds
- Deployed to OEF/OIF; completed 144 maintenance actions; 5.9K combat sorties flown--335 bombs on target
- Deployed to Qatar AB; launched 112 OIF/OEF missions--key asset to FOL 84% msn capable/1,733 flt hours

- Deployed to Qatar; sustained assigned acft's GWOT msn--80% msn capable rate/198 flt hrs--promote now!
- Deployed; completed 160 OIF/OEF acft integrity insps/CED TCTO--earned outstanding achievement AFAM
- Designed textbook force protection program; lauded by wing security manager as "Best program on station"
- Detail oriented; found missing tool from CTK during pre-phase FOD check--ensured 100% tool accountability

- Detailed inspector; identified faulty brake on post-flight insp/R2'd/ops checked assembly--acft FMC in <4 hrs
- Detected bird strike damage; orchestrated replacement of $28K radome--cardinal to HHQ SOUTHCOM msn
- Detected brake leak at quick-turn inspection--directed replacement--spearhead of mx cinched AOR intel msn
- Detected cracked drag chute bucket; assisted Sheetmetal section w/replacement--ensured structural integrity

- Detected cracked rudder on post-flt insp; R2'd <2 hrs--thwarted in-flt component failure/IFE/code-1 next sortie
- Detected cracked window during phase inspection; assisted with replacement--assured on time phase roll out
- Detected craked radome; orchestrated all repair actions--averted hazard to public safety/$50K in acft damage
- Detected crushed table top door during ORE exercise; replaced door--acft co*cked/ready--executed full O-Plan

- Detected elevator IFCM leaking during quick turn insp; directed replacement--aircraft met crucial refuel training mission
- Detected eng bird strike; assisted specialist/conducted 100% insp--ensured sys safety/contributed 1.4K flt hrs
- Detected failing electrical component; uncovered/replaced failed EDU--prevented potential IFE electrical sys failure
- Detected faulty aileron snubber;ordered new part and replaced--averted catastrophic failure of aileron system

- Detected faulty LOX converter--aided w/replacement; secured 85.3% scheduling effectiveness rate for Dec '07
- Detected fuel leak during acft insp--contained leak/supervised clean-up--avoided environmental contamination
- Detected fuel leak on preflight--contained/cleaned spill--successfully generated spare acft for training sortie
- Detected fuel leak--contained leak/supervised clean-up--precluded catastrophic environmental contamination

- Detected hydraulic drive leak during launch; deemed acft unsafe--prevented GAU-8 damage/saved AF $320K
- Detected hydraulic drive leak during launch; deemed acft unsafe--prevented gun jam/saved $50K/48+ man-hrs
- Detected L/E wing damage--expedited sheet metal shop to evaluate/repair--multiple aircrew check rides saved
- Detected low C-5 MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; svc'd/adj'd component--Ex PACIFIC BOND spt unabated

- Detected migrated main landing gear socket pin; assisted strut replacement--avoided possible Class A mishap
- Detected over serviced hydraulic sys during "red ball" launch; reserviced--qualified three aircrew for cmbt
- Detected stripped ladder door pin; R2'd armature <1 hr--safeguarded from eng ingestion/saved AF $1.5M asset
- Detected turbine engine exhaust temperature fault; repairs averted possible engine damage--saved AF $101K

- Detected worn guide vane bushings; rebuilt fan inlet case/trained three members...strengthened proficiency by 40%
- Detected worn throttle cables; assisted Repair/Reclamation section with replacement--assured system integrity
- Detected/R2'd worn rudder hardware; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--3 pilot upgrades/35 sorties completed
- Detected/replaced cracked rudder surface; prevented in-flt failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

- Detected/replaced cracked weight-on-wheel switch bracket during "red ball"--crushed 12-hr fix rate by 14.5%
- Detected/serviced undercharged main gear centering cylinder--prevented in-flight gear retraction malfunction
- Developed 5/7 level CDC pretest program; created three tests/500+ questions--increased EOC scores by 25%
- Developed vehicle maintenance tracking program; enhanced acquisition of four new vehicles--revitalized fleet

- Devoted 6 hrs with 2 MXG fundraiser; supported commissary bagging events--raised $400 for MPOY banquet
- Diagnosed 3iP6 upgrade defect; generated AR for TCTD--enabled JTD change for JSF program/saved 150 man hours
- Diagnosed C-17 Communications Controller fault; replaced Controller--4 MRAP veh delivered to warfighter
- Diagnosed fuel indication fault; repaired connectors--enabled 412th AMU to generate 172 sorties/314 flt hours Jul'15

- Diagnosed Inertial Navigational sys fault; replaced 2 velocity measuring unit's <8 hrs--key to 50% fix rate February
- Diagnosed MLG sys malfunction; removed/replaced bypassing walking beam actuator assy--slashed NMC rate 15%
- Diagnosed/replaced faulty flt control actuator during "red ball"--ensured acft met scheduled HHQ deployment
- Diligent dispatcher; directed 1K unit dispatches--supported five square miles of base-wide repair operations

- Diligent flight line super; filled SNCO position--leadership increased critical equipment availability by 60%
- Diligent supervisor; provided FEDLOG access to 100 personnel--increased scheduling effectiveness by 100%
- Diligent technician; replaced two Detroit diesel engines on separate units with severe internal valve damage
- Diligent; primary vehicle crew chief--crucial to 335 AGE Team's 100% quality assurance vehicle pass rate

- Diligently complied w/readiness trng; eased unit's hefty TDY rotation--deployed 90 days support of OIF/OEF
- Diligently met readiness reqmts; compliance w/mobility items established 100% individual world-wide qual
- Diminished impact of high speed abort--swiftly replaced three tires/six brakes--vital combat a/c met next ATO
- Direct involvement held AGE Flight equipment in-commission rate at 96%--11% above command standard

- Direct involvement w/Steller Inertial Reference Unit replacement--acft met crucial in-flt refuel trng rendezvous
- Direct OEF/OIF support; executed 324 rapid maintenance actions; ensured 8.2K sorties/335 bombs on target
- Directed "hot brakes" ground emergency--dispatched fire dept/evacuated 36 aircrew members w/out incident
- Directed #4 engine secondary hydraulic pump replacement--on-time launch; aided FY15 94% mx sched effectiveness

- Directed 1,524 service inspections and 1,630 dispatches; drove 3,503 sorties encompassing 5,304 flying hours
- Directed 10 morale trips; escorted 50 personnel through Doha, Qatar--enhanced appreciation of local culture
- Directed 823 flight appointments; 0.7% "no show" rate--impacted Wg overall 97% appointment utilization rate
- Directed acft evac/extinguishing of main gear fire--saved 22 aircrew/prevented loss of OEF/OIF intel asset

- Directed and supervised trainees on MLG tire build up; ensured fwd supply sustainability--prevented work stoppage
- Directed AOR spt; depl'd 54 prsnl/160 AGE; led to uninterrupted contingency mx/flt ops at 6 FOBs--promote
- Directed delivery of 57 light-alls; supported four ORE/ORI events--secured six areas for night time operations
- Directed E4-B alert acft support; provided 24/7 ground power; averted self-sustained operation--saved $158K

- Directed eng hydraulic pump replacment--launched acft/89% deployed msn capable rate met--15% over std
- Directed engine blade mx; coord'd NDI insp/tech repair--saved $1.9M engine exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs
- Directed launch out tm; oversaw 12 Amn/resolved 129 red balls--essential to unit's 3.4K sorties/set F-35 world record
- Directed mx for cooling sys leak during thru-flight; identified/replaced chafed oil line--saved $29K/12 man hrs

- Directed overhaul of 23 unserviceable props; insp'd/rpr'd 250 discreps--svd $20M/mx'd WESTPAC supply lvl 120%
- Directed phase hangar preparation for SECDEF; cleaned/set-up stage w/in 4 hrs--lauded by 2 BW leadership
- Directed sections ancillary/OJT prgm; scheduled 348 training courses--validated unit 100% ready for ORI/cbt
- Directed stab trim brake replacement; restored flt control capability--shattered 12-hr fix rate--18% > ACC std

- Directly contributed to Ex RED FLAG 12-4; ID'd/R2'd damaged right flap--yielded 166 sorties/393 flight hrs
- Directly contributed to RED FLAG Exer 12-4 166 sorties/393 flying hrs--recognized as "Superior Performer"
- Directly supported President Ford memorial flyover; dedicated driver--sustained 30 aircraft sortie generations
- Disc'd delaminated rudder; removed/facilitated repair/installed <8 hrs--prevented possible in-flt cntrl failure

- Disc'd leaking hydro line; R2'd cracked line--averted possible ground abort/inflight mishap/saved $1.5M asset
- Discovered aileron actuator leak from weep-hole; R2'd/ops ck'd faulty actuator <2 hrs--acft code-1 next sortie
- Discovered and identified three major fuel leaks; upchanneled information--ensured safety of section and a/c
- Discovered and instituted needed oxygen sensor waste stream; guaranteed safety of environment and personnel

- Discovered arcing window heater; removed/replaced faulty switch--essential to maintaining 13-day phase flow
- Discovered brake deboost valve leak--conducted replacement/ops check--prevented brake failure on landing
- Discovered C-5 MLG kneel hose rupture; R2'd hose/ops ck'd entire system--30 pax/42 tons cgo sent to Osan
- Discovered chaffed hole in right wg flap during ISO insp--assisted flap replacement--ensured in-flight integrity

- Discovered cracked cheek antenna panel--prevented possible dropped object & damage to sensitive equipment
- Discovered cracked engine gang drain assembly; R2'd component--prevented possible engine fire/loss of life
- Discovered cracked line during system flush; drove local man procedures--averted reservoir replacement/saved $65K
- Discovered cracked pilot's window; removed/replaced in 8 hrs vs. 12--beat 55% std 12-hr fix rate by 17%

- Discovered cracked rib on engine cowling; coordinated repairs--saved $121K in component replacement costs
- Discovered damage SPA during co*ckpit insp; researched/ordered new seat component; elimated 5-hrs of wasted mx
- Discovered damaged axle; led truck replacement--completed task in 3 hrs vs. 5 hrs/attributed to 97% MC rate
- Discovered damaged engine blades; coordinated timely repair--averted in-flight emerg/protected $1.3M engine

- Discovered damaged engine inlet & coordinated repair--thwarted potential IFE & destruction of $2.5M engine
- Discovered damaged PRCA interconnect cable on F-15E acft; removed/replaced faulty cable--acft FMC <6 hrs
- Discovered defective bomb door mount; coord'd maintenance through two specialties--maintained phase flow
- Discovered faulty engine fire detection sys--coor'd fire loop replacement--actions adverted HHQ msn delay

- Discovered faulty hydro reservior rosane fitting; R2 component <1 hr--prevented hydro sys cavitation/failure
- Discovered foreign object lodged in flap & directed rapid repair--averted potential loss of acft flight controls
- Discovered improper hardware on TF33 engine inlet door; removed/replaced hardware--spared $1.5M asset
- Discovered leaking brake assy; rerouted/R2'd chafed brake control lines--eluded catastrophic brake sys failure

- Discovered leaking brake; led replacement of brake unit/enabled acft quick-turn < 2 hrs--met RED FLAG msn
- Discovered leaking integral tank; bolstered complex fuel cell repair--ensured OL-15 ATO of vital LD/HD acft
- Discovered leaking main landing gear bungee; aided specialist with repair--prevented component malfunction
- Discovered loose cable on gun bay inspection; assisted w/repair--prevented catastrophic flt-control failure

- Discovered loose eng TCTO tab; coordinated/assisted w/repair--avoided FO damage/safeguarded $1.2M eng
- Discovered NLG strut leak during inspection; completed strut repack < 5-hrs; 3hrs ahead of 8hr std; a/c to FMC
- Discovered over-pressurized hydraulic reservoir; drained/ensured proper servicing--negated hydraulic sys malfunction
- Discovered over-serviced reservoir; ensured corrective actions taken--prevented eqpmt damage of $62M asset

- Discovered six cracks during engine insp; coordinated expedient on-wing repair--reduced repair time by 50%
- Discovered snapped reservoir cable; R2'd utility reservoir in >8 hrs...saved 18 manhours/flew code 1 next 3 flts
- Discovered strut leak on aircraft postflight insp--assisted hydraulic shop repack strut--ensured on-time launch
- Discovered three loose engine inlet rivets; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $1.5M asset

- Discovered throttle cable FO; saved 20+ man-hours--prevented removal of seats/hatches/center isle stand
- Discovered two brakes leaking hydr fluid; orchestrated repairs--acft met quick turn/contributed to 8.5K flt hrs
- Discovered worn tire/expedited replacement on quick-turn--readied a/c for critical on-time continuation sortie
- Discovered/corrected improperly safety-wired air cycling motor oil cap--saved AF $23K in replacement parts

- Discovered/rem'd throttle cable FO; prevented removal of seats/hatches/center isle stand--saved 20 man-hrs
- Discovered/removed FO in stabilizer actuator; prevented potential loss of flight control/damage to acft/crew
- Discovered/replaced corroded nose wheel spacers during pre-flt insp--prevented nose gear steering failure
- Discovered/replaced defective gear axle spacer--evaded possible axle damage--saved AF $42K/12 hrs of mx

- Discovered/replaced defective starter control valve during acft launch--quick actions enabled HHQ tasking
- Discovered/replaced leaking spoiler actuator return hose; adverted loss of hydraulic sys; ensured on-time launch
- Discovered/replaced worn tire during preflight insp--launched acft on-time for IRAQI FREEDOM combat msn
- Discovered/rpr'd #2/3 prop blade leaks; trnd 3 Amn on reseal/assy of hub/blade--evaded $186K/70-man-hrs overhaul

- Dispatched 8K+ pieces of AGE; pre-positioned to support 336 FS--key to completion of 13K+ flying hours
- Dispatched for flt line assist; verified fan turbine blade nick in limits...negated engine removal/saved 140 man-hrs
- Dispatched to damaged brake crossover cable--replaced cable; airdrop msn complete/ensured aircrew safety
- Dispatched to LAIRCM malfunction; ID'd/R2'd inop laser turret--aided transfer of 2 MRAP armor kits to FOB

- Displayed professionalism above peers/towards assigned duties; ready for added challenges--promote to SrA!
- Distinguished member ISO Inspection team; key role in ISO Dock earning "Top Notch MXG traveling trophy
- Diverse maintainer; assisted wpns flt w/gunbay FO search/found screw--prevented possible 24 hr acft impound
- Dominant C-40 FCC; crewed 10 msns/ramrodded 133 all-sys tasks/val'd 5 chkrides--dlvr'd 4 DVs to 17 multinat'l confs

- Dply'd Debrief NCOIC; analyzed data input accuracy--1.3K msns generated...15K pax/48K tons of cgo moved
- Dply'd in OIR; first 8-wks 358 munitions dropped, 360 sorties flown, 1.2K flt hrs--supt'd coalition in ISIS destruction
- Dply'd iso SABER STRIKE; fixed 4 msn crit items/32 mx actions--enhanced rdns f/18K & lrgst US dplymt since CW
- Dress and appearance above reproach; garnered Flight Chief's "Sharp Troop" award, Nov 06--NCO to emulate

- Driven self-improvement; earned six credits toward Bachelor of Science in Business Finance--promote now
- Driven; completed 478 QA inspections/authored 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction
- Driven; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll"
- Dropped 40 tracks; 40 link-16 capable a/c enhanced visual of contact point; 40 TICs & PRIs supported

- Drove 115 sched mx tasks/zero late; keyed unit's 3.3K sorties CY17/F-35 best--FW awd'd AF Outstanding Unit Awd
- Drove 1st F-35 WDE TDY; gen'd/recovered 6 acft/100 prsnl--instrumental to 1st OT AMRAAM live fire msn
- Drove six programs; earned "Honor Role" rating by Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team inspectors
- Dynamic Assistant Dedicated Crew Chief; expertly launched 1,115 sorties/catalyst to 95% msn effectiveness

- Dynamic ldr/technician; 55th MXG NCO Maint Professional Qtr/Jan--Mar FY '07--promotion well deserved!
- Dynamic technician; overcame multiple challenges--key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate--recent promotion deserved

- Eagerly pursued cross-utilization; trained on aircraft jack team member--increased shift jacking capability 15%
- Eagle eye; constantly eliminated flight line foreign objects--contributed to flight's 4 FW Golden Washer award
- Eagle eye; found elevator trim tab damaged; R2'd tab <30 min--avoided in-flt separation/loss of controlled flt
- Eagle eye; impeccable foreign object inspections led to flight's receipt of coveted 4 FW Golden Washer award

- Eagle eye; turned-in several foreign objects while driving--contributed to flight's receipt of "Golden Washer"
- Eagle-Eye; discovered contamination/residue from cover on total temp probe--directly contributed to 0 Recur Sep '15
- Effective Airman; possessed ability to work through obstacles to achieve task completion--promote with peers
- Eliminated recurring NLG write-up; discovered misaligned sequence valve--remounted/returned acft to FMC

- Embodied E-6 responsibilities; oversaw contract mx/8 acft f/OSA duties--updated Gp ldrshp on 30 mx events/18 msns
- Emergency management monitor; maintained flight's emergency evacuation kits--zero QA discrepancies noted
- Empowered ORI flightline proficiency CY12; qualified/performed 11 CSOs--reduced turn time by 30 minutes
- Energetic performer; rebuilt two leaking conformal fuel tank dolly hand pumps--innovative efforts saved $2.3K

- Energized C-40B depot acceptance; attended 6-day tech suite trng/executed 159-pt insp--key'd core USAFE DV acft rtn
- Engaged auto pilot "red ball" mx; replaced faulty mode select unit assembly--earned May '07 "Top Wrench"
- Engaged role-model; chaired Caring for People health/wellness forum--relayed valuable info to Wg leadership
- Engine w/n start in "A" ignition a grounding discrepancy; isolated to ignitor box--replaced/checked, restored acft FMC

- Engines augmentee; troubleshot #2 eng no start malfunction/R2'd starter control valve--garnered code 1 sortie
- Enhanced mgmt capes; completed "Four Lenses" crs/honed behavior analysis skills--applied to daily tm bldg
- Enrolled at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; completed six semester hours--maintained a 4.0 GPA
- Enroute dynamo; turned 1,250 acft; assured safety of 10K passengers/shipped 998 tons of supplies to front lines

- Ensured accurate $1M+ vehicle fleet maintenence schedule; minimized asset downtime--extended service life
- Ensured accurate 781A forms entries; promoted swift maintenance repair actions--minimal acft down time
- Ensured ALIS data integrity; scrutinized 1.3K MAs, ID'd/corrected 176 errors--pivotal to 57 WG Sq of Yr '15
- Ensured serviceablity/readiness; AGE maintenance team periodically inspected ready line and sub-pool units

- Ensured sortie generation goals were met; dominated F-15E ramp--zero maintenance/launch delays by AGE
- Entrusted junior NCO w/critical task; one of only three engine run certifiers--MSgt billet waived by MXG/CC
- Epitome of excellence; consistently passed multiple PE/SI/QVI mx inspections--attained QA honor roll/OCT '17
- Escorted aircraft to isochronal insp--met all schedules--garnered 2005 AF Maintenance Effectiveness Award

- Evaluated bomb door mounting brackets; identified and replaced two cracked mounts--restored system integrity
- Evaluated by Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team during 06 visit; performance earned superb rating
- Evaluated by Quality Assurance (QA) on five maintenance tasks; 100% pass rate throughout reporting period
- Ex ARCTIC ANVIL JFE; suprtd 4/25th Arctic Brigade AK, generated 7-ship/15 pers pkg--900 trps/4 hvy plts air drpd
- Ex COMBAT HAMMER mbr; ID'd faulty NLG strut/aided replacement/ops checks <7 hrs--keyed 190 srts/14 PUGS

- Ex Combat Hammer mbr; replaced faulty JFS/CGB <4 hrs/demolished 8 hr fix rt--keyed 190 sorties/400 hrs/14 PUGS
- Exceeded UGT requirements; qualified on 247 tasks/3 mo ahead of sched--mitigated flt's 38% 7-lvl manning shortfall
- Exceedingly efficient player in daily duties; demonstrated outstanding supervisory skills--promote to TSgt now
- Excelled in career field knowledge; completed CDCs 1 month early/93% on EOC test--recognized by SQ/CC

- Excelled in duties; exhibited unlimited growth potential--performance warrants immediate promotion to TSgt
- Excellent maintenance professional/craftsman; supported unit's 930 sorties/8,484 flying hrs--promote now!
- Excellent technician; exhibited steadfast capability for increased responsibility--promote to SSgt immediately
- Exceptional leadership skills; maintained 100% in-commission rate for unprecedented 3 consecutive weeks

- Exceptional maintainer with unrivaled versatility; ready for increased responsibility--SrA well deserved!
- Exceptional maintainer; garnered coveted 4 EMS Maintenance Professional of Quarter and flight annual award
- Exceptional NCO; demonstrated superb inspection/maintenance techniques on equipment assigned to 334 AGE
- Exceptional technician; ready for immediate challenge of increased duties/responsibilities--promote to TSgt

- Executed "red ball" mx; replaced leaking centering cylinder < 2 hrs vs 4 hr--secured 98% msn effectivness rate
- Executed 167 repair actions/directed 1K inspections; critical to 94% in-commission rate/supported 3K sorties
- Executed 1K hr acft inspections; completed in 8 hr of the 12 hr norm--enabled 97% deployed aircraft availability rate
- Executed 224 system repairs/13 redball actions; fueled JSF record 112 sorties/wk--named unit NCO of the Qtr, 3Q17

- Executed 300 acft launches; responded/cleared 78 redball mx actions--contributed to 145 pilot upgrades during FY 17
- Executed 3iP6 s/w enhancement; val/ver'd core systems/removed wpns restrictions--drove 61/61 drops to date
- Executed 59 pre-flts/12 hourly post flt insps; mx validated 100% by 7 level inspector--met all ATO's in AOR
- Executed 67 repair actions/directed 150 inspections; critical to 94% in-commission rate/supported 3K sorties

- Executed 68 acft insps in 72 days--drove 113 OEF/OIF sorties--keyed detection of 300+ anti-coalition militia
- Executed Alert ops; readied 6 A/C/24 A/A loads/15 mx tasks/100% FMC--key to 115th FW receiving 2018 AFOUA
- Executed deployed 600-hr insp--rated "Zero" defects by QA--returned combat acft msn capable 48 hrs early
- Executed GAU-2B/A gun TCTO; ID'd/R2'd 48 defective breech bolts--sustained 28 WRM assets worth $588K

- Executed HHQ alert tasker; gen'd 4 loaded acft/cont'd lcl FHP 182 srts/273 hrs--USAFE Wg postured <12 hrs
- Executed IFE actions; retrieved broken hardware/changed blown tires--run way cleared/re-opened within 2 hrs
- Executed PHASE II sortie surge; PAR team mbr/completed 52 mx actions/68 sorties/103 flt hrs--secured 85.9% FMC
- Executed Radome TCTD on 7 acft; pinpointed/replaced insufficient radome shroud mounts--QA honor roll Aug' 17

- Executed text book OAP program; only 2 errors in 118 samples, Oct '11--lowest MXG error rate/two mon avg
- Executed two landing gear truck replacement 8 hrs vs. 16 hrs std--drove Jun 07 86% MC rate 13% over AF std
- Exemplary leader; directed 77 personnel in completion of 25K equipment inspections and maintenance actions
- Exemplary military citizen; volunteer off-duty fire fighter; department responded to over 800 emergency calls

- Exemplary NCO/leader; exhibited steadfast capability for immediate increased responsibility--promote now
- Exemplary team player; dedicated 30+ hours assisting others with additional duties; resulted in ZD AFE Inspection
- Exemplary technician; streamlined efficiency--received Quality Assurance's "Top Performer" award, Jul 06
- Exemplified pinnacle of professional excellence and Air Force core values; unmatched--promote to TSgt now

- Exemplified top military standards; volunteered to inspect base dormitories--ensured top standard compliance
- Exercised cross utilization trng; aided jet shop w/eng change--primed 16% break/fix rate--5% above ACC std
- Exhibited required fundamentals of a seasoned mechanic; provided useful direction/supervision
- Expedited 18 prsnl/3 workcenters; launched 4 Alert acft <6 hrs--provided long range support for HHQ tasking

- Expedited faulty HF radio repair efforts during launch--averted flt delays--factor to 9,700+ flying hr trng load
- Expedited setup STRATCOM/CC All Call; ensured hanger floor cleared and cleaned--500+ personal attended
- Expedited/managed 42 pers/11 AFSC's/eight E-3 acft; corrected 350 mx actions--bested Gp 12-hr fix rate by 17%
- Expeditiously aided removal of engines after hard landing--returned acft to mission capable ahead of schedule

- Experienced unit deployment monitor; deployed 26 personnel/45 short tons cargo--supported AEF 1/2/GWOT
- Expert technician; isolated/repaired diesel engine lubrication safety circuit--averted potential engine damage
- Expertly completed main landing gear one time insp; attributed to WG's notable 80% msn capable rate Mar '07
- Expertly handled two back-to-back acft IFEs --recovered/towed acft from runway safely--restored airfield ops

- Expertly integrated w/civilian phase team; cleared 57 delayed discrepancies--key asset to finalized acft insp
- Expertly maintained assigned acft at 84% FMC rate; launched 131 msn's--expended 1,050 munitions/60K rnds
- Expertly managed flight vehicle program; thoroughly tracked 22 vehicles--maintained 99% in-commission rate
- Expertly oversaw MXS support/AME equip transfer of >$1.5M items, 100% CA/CRL Accountability!

- Expertly repaired faulty self-generating nitrogen service cart hose reel; prevented replacement--saved $700
- Expertly resolved dual rail Red Ball mx--reset roller assy tension bolt; cinched aircrew training certification
- Expertly T/S MWS sensor anomaly; discovered/reseated 2 loose pins--efforts spt'd on-time Spec Ops msn dep
- Expertly trained 10 new subordinates on equipment operation--increased end of course test scores by 35%

- Expertly trained Airmen on turbine generator inspection procedures; increased flt qualified personnel by 12%
- Expertly trained six troops on pre-flt insp; raised mx apptitude by 25%--achieved 100% QA pass rate Nov '07
- Expertly troubleshot LEF Malfunction; stopped future issues finding harness chaffing --1.9% recur/repeat May '15
- Expertly troubleshot/rewired faulty compressor voltage regulator--unit immediately used for F-15E operations

- Extinguished JFS fire; prevented migration to surrounding harnesses/ECS ducting--safeguarded $20M asset
- Extremely able--rapidly generated several medevac msn; launched on-time; impacted 43 AG earning AFOUA
- Extremely focused--managed 50 personnel supporting 24- and 48-ship packages during wing Phase II exercises
- Extremely focused; selected by unit commander to lead unit control center operations during all wing exercises

- Fac'd jt ops dplymnt; perf'd 32 mx actions/fixed 3 faults on-the-spot--swapped 70 Army-Marine trps/dlvr'd 12 tns cargo
- Fac'd no-notice DV depart chg; alerted 4 hrs early/led insp/tow across afld--avoided hurricane/praised by SECDEF tm
- Facilitated 3iR6 upgrade; uploaded enhanced s/w suite/4 acft--boosted radar capes/$500B prgm IOC achieved
- Facilitated egress mx; oversaw DAS amp install/trn'd 8 specs, aided canopy replacement--secured 90% MC rt

- Facilitated KC-135 Depot; tested gear actuator/ID'd fault--saved OC-ALC $26K/14 man hrs/promote to TSgt!
- Facilitated Mx Flt JASDF tour; provide insight on TA capes/impact to worldwide msns--broadened attendees outlook
- Facilitated mx w/hydraulic specialist; pin-pointed/replaced faulty leading edge flap actuator--saved ISR msn
- Facilitated replacement of seven engine cowlings; tracked >$100K parts--timely return of DIFM repair assets

- Facilitated sortie surge; gen'd 155 sorties in <3 days/corrected 122 mx tasks--supported 2.5K sorties/4K flt hrs, FY18
- Facilitated TCTO proof; ID'd improper procedures..educated Boeing engineers--ensured C-17 fleet accuracy
- Filled critical phase slot; 2 day avg turn time on eng insps/10 phase insps c/w--5K hrs generated for war effort
- Finished "Foundations of Effective Thinking" CBT--improved reasoning skills--enhanced leadership abilities

- Finished all 5 level upgrade reqmts in 12 mos vs. 15--last in unit to start upgrade--finished before three peers
- Finished B-52H familiarization training course; expanded acft knowledge--increased section efficiency by 8%
- Finished CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology! Earned three math credit hrs--achieved stellar 3.5 GPA
- Finished six Embry Riddle University semester hours towards Aviation Operations Masters degree--3.70 GPA

- Firestarter; deployed for OEF/OIF--riveted 220 cmbt flts/2.5K hrs flown--seized "Top Performer" awd twice
- First at IFE recovery scene; assembled tow team; cleared runway in 15 mins/avoided diversion for several acft
- First on IFE bird strike scene; assisted w/eng insp--boosted June 07 MC rate to 86%/toppled ACC std by 13%
- First on scene to "ground emergency"; extinguished hot brake fire/replaced brake unit--acft msn ready in 4 hrs

- First rate maintenance efforts solidified the 55 Wing's 2005 Air Force Maintenance Effectiveness Award win
- First to "IFE"; saftied acft/extracted injured personnel/cleared passage for EMT--met quick-turn msn w/o delay
- Fixed faulty nacelle shut-off vlv; led 4 mbr tm/rplc'd assy returned acft to FMC status <3 hrs--sv'd msn trans'd 18 SOF
- Flawless maintenance practices; outstanding 100% pass rate on three Quality Assurance personal evaluations

- Flawless performance--achieved "zero defect" on eight QA evals--propelled AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate
- Flawlessly directed nose gear strut change--completed 3 hrs early--incited on-time SWA deployment departure
- Flight computer monitor; managed $59,000 worth of assets--tracked all computers through the repair process
- Flight DITS Monitor; reviewed 50+ write ups in IMDS daily--maintained less than a 3% discrepancies rate

- Flight focal point for ORI administration procedures; instrumental in 2007 4 FW's overall " Excellent" rating
- Flight physical trainer; 87 tested, zero overdue; maintained fitness--earned 4 EMS "Fitness Excellence Award"
- FO recovered; retrieved lost auxiliary lighting control knob from co*ckpit during turn--avoided 24 hr impound
- Focused flight line dispatcher; completed over 1.8K deliveries--directly contributed to 2.5K successful sorties

- Focused supervisor; managed five drivers/delivery of 21K dispatches--zero sorties lost due to AGE support
- FOD beater; found metal pieces in APU intake screen/removed FO/insp for damage--saved $158K power unit
- Followed strict tech data usage; earned 100% pass rt on five QA evals--essential to section's 98%/unit's 93% pass rts
- Force multiplier during C-130 mx shortfall; covered 8 msns/25 days/groomed Amn--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

- Force multiplier; conducted wire repair procedure training for 3 apprentices--increased shop proficiency 40%
- Fought Global War on Terrorism--deployed as DCC to Al Udeid, Qatar for 99 days supporting both OEF/OIF
- Found 3 sets of damaged engine blades; coord repair/replacement by blending 2 sets of blades--saved AF $60K
- Found blended wheel well door lock cables; assisted with replacement--prevented potential in-flight mishap

- Found cracked hydraulic support mount; initiated repair/replaced local manned part--renewed system integrity
- Found cracked rear turbine spt during preflight insp--prevented mishap/averted further damage to $1.5M eng
- Found four inch crack in wheel well door; prep'd/facilitated S/M repair <2 hrs--14-day phase flow guaranteed
- Found loose rudder on BPO inspection; removed/replaced mount bushing hardware--aircraft code 1 next sortie

- Found low voltage reading on main acft battery prior to launch/replaced battery--avoided emerg system failure
- Found main gear tire beyond wear limit--notified crew chief/changed--met crucial ORE acceptance/generation
- Found obscure crack on engine strut; coordinated multi-shop repair actions--saved $1K+ in replacement costs
- Found PAO leak in right wpns bay; detected/replaced faulty CLL line clamps--bested previous month MC rate by 4%

- Found previous repair of engine inlet accoustic liner degraded; coor'd w/ SMCO to repair--averted blade/engine r2
- Found steering bracket cracked; coor'd repairs--enabled RED FLAG msn for 30 personnel/coalition force trng
- Found three elevator cracks; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost
- Found two worn throttle cables; coord'd engine removal/cable replacement--completed 4 hrs ahead of schedule

- Found worn mount lug on MFC prior testing; replaced defective part...avoided test cell re-run/saved $2.5K fuel costs
- Found worn throttle cables; assisted R/R section with cable replacement--ensured throttle system integrity
- Front line manager of one $25M Block 42 F-16C; oversees and executes aircraft specific maintenance strategy
- FTAC team leader; supervised 156 Airmen--skillfully mentored/molded 23 Wg & 93 AGOW newest Airmen

- Fueled DV msn ops; resp'd to galley flooding in-flight t/s & fixed drain mast heater fault--linked SACUER f/NATO mtg
- Fulfilled 9 acft launch/recovery qualification tasks; accomplished 42 launches--lightened crew chief workload

- Gained end of runway training while deployed; retrieved drag chutes from airfield--eliminated runway closures
- Generated 10 "Red Flag"sorties; enabled total team integration--honed combat skills of 125 aircrew members
- Generated 14 acft for Ex RED FLAG 12-4; uploaded travel pods/prepped forms--garnered 166 sorties/393 hrs
- Generated 18 acft for 23 Wg ORI; launched 77 sorties--23 MXG earned "Outstanding" C2 of maint ORI rating

- Generated 20 KC-135 acft in spt of "Northern Edge" Exercise; 382 hrs flown/6.5K lbs fuel off-loaded; zero MX canx
- Generated 77 RQ-4B training sorties/HHQ msns; secur'd 670 flt hrs/>2k images--contributed to units 83% FMC rate
- Generated 91 of 522 Lincoln trng sorties--produced 4,080 flying hrs/zero mishaps/97% msn effectiveness rate
- Generated acft for nine combat deployments--collected 8.2K hrs of intel--secured '06 Meritorious Unit Award

- Generated six combat-ready acft; 8,154 hrs of C2ISR data collected--secured WG's '06 Meritorious Unit Awd
- Generated/prepped maintenance recovery team equipment; ensured F-16 recovery--aircraft returned next day
- Global Strike Challenge volunteer; setup DV soirée--contrib'd to 2 BW winning '11 AFGSC Daedalian award
- Go-to tech admin; swiftly troubleshot/resolved common comp issues in 77 AMU bldg--comps msn capable
- Good performer; completed 1K+ equipment dispatches, 500 service inspections and 25 maintenance actions

- Govern'd 6 acft static displays; piloted parking plans f/USAFE/86 AW & MXG CoCs events--upheld AF tradition/hnrs
- Guarded AF no-fail DV msn; isolated missile def fail/supv'd ctrl pnl r2--linked US/Turkey/Iraq ldrs/spt'd jt CT strategy
- Guided Home Station Check team--ID'd/fixed 100+ discrepancies; acft back in fight two days ahead of sched
- Guided operations; directly supervised 275 inspections; 17 Quality Assurance evaluations--100% pass rate

- Guided repair of 115 wiring discrepancies found by AT&T wiring team; beat ETIC two days with zero ISO delays
- Guided seven personnel during three inspections; removed/installed 12 ring cowls--cinched on time sell back
- Guided trash detail/insp 280+ dumpsters; led to flt discovery 9K OPSEC violations--prevented security breach

- Hand picked amongst peers as ACC; supported factory pickup of new WS--ensured completion of 176WG rescue fleet
- Hand picked as deployed flight line Expediter during manning shortages--ensured 119 sorties/1,322 flying hrs
- Hand picked for first F-35 nose to tail program, trained on 2 crew-chief on 20 avionics tasks--1054 trng sorties flown
- Hand selected for squadron's safety tiger team; inspected 17 flights--Wing Safety noted minimal discrepancies

- Hand selected; escorted COMACC to Southwest Asia/demonstrated RC-135 capability--amplified Wg image
- Hand-picked for Heritage Flt team; launched two A-10 demo's/fielded civilian questions--awed 35K attendees
- Hand-picked for no-notice Ex GREEN FLAG EAST MRT; delivered new windscreen/seals--acft FMC <8 hrs
- Hand-picked to brief ACC/AF Daedalian teams on RJ msn--efforts secured ACC win, Sq Amn/Qtr 2nd Qtr 06

- Hand-selected actuator OTI tm mbr; iso'd/replaced 1/4 faulty stab actuators--OTI complete 6-hrs/next-day sorties met
- Hand-selected for emergency 747 tow; supported crash & recovery efforts--expeditiously restored use of sole runway
- Handpicked for ACC directed fwd deployment to UAE; est $400K wheel and tire facility--saved 80 man-hrs
- Handpicked for Chief Executive conf; nailed nat'l defense money conservation brief--lauded by Gp/Sqd CC's

- Handpicked for MAJCOM chaplain tour; briefed command on eight mission system operations--coined by AETC/HC
- Hard charger; accomplished intricate -10 turbine change in single shift--reduced equipment downtime by 50%
- Hawk eye--detected/replaced improper hardware--root cause to nose wheel vibration--eliminated acft mishap
- Helped acft acceptance 91-247 insp; coord'd repair of seven major defects--produced accurate post-depot notification

- Helped Comm/Nav replace SIRU during launch--saved SOUTHCOM msn--gathered 8.5 hrs of vital intel info
- Helped complete immediate action C-130 eng bolt TCTO--9 acft/144 bolts insp/fixed in 20hrs; averted mishap
- Helped Electo-Environmental w/engine generator replacement--quick action resulted in zero trng sorties lost
- Helped generate four B-52H a/c for '10 NORI; zero delays--enabled 2 BW "Satisfactory" rating...promote now

- Helped hydraulic shop replace "red ball" leading edge flap actuator--met aerial refueling sortie without delay
- Helped mx team w/ prdeplymt checks; replaced 5 tires/ 3 brakes--provided vital on-time E-3 SWA tail swap
- Helped phase NCO trainers; trained four Airmen on ADLS/TBA procedures--shrunk recurring overdue list 8%
- Helped regulate repair of 11,182 pilot reported discrepancies--delivered 87% msn effective/80% MC rates

- Helped remove JFS wire harness--swift repair critical to AMU's 79.3% MC rate--4.3% above ACC standard
- Helped specialist isolate anti-skid malfunction--replaced control shield--returned a/c to full msn capable status
- Helped specialists correct 460 pilot reported discrepancies--pivotal to 4,432 flying hrs of trng/cmbt cert msns
- Helped with 13 a/c tows for Barksdale Air Show; opened ramp for participant parking--key to airshow success

- Highly motivated--completed cfetp core tasks/CDCs ahead of 15 month schedule--increased unit productivity
- Highly respected NCO; consistently motivated personnel to achieve unprecedented results...a talented leader
- Highly skilled; performed FL-1D floodlight major inspection--zero discrepancies noted by quality assurance

- ID'd broken gun bay rivet on BPO insp; organized repair w/Fabrication--halted GAU-8 damage/saved $650K
- ID'd C-5 hyd over pressurization fault; R2'd eng driven pump/acft FMC <4 hrs--27 tons cgo moved to DGAR
- ID'd CMMS trng pitfall; instructed 21 prsnl/resolved neg trends--reduced errors 21%/cemented unit's 93% QA pass rt
- ID'd cracked NLG emergency extension drum; replaced drum/rigged sys--averted sys damage/extension failure

- Id'd FOD during daily ramp checks; prevented acft damage/key to >7.6K flying hrs flown FY12--promote SrA
- ID'd hydraulic line interference; rerouted/ops ck'd chafing lines--essential to maintain <10% code-3 break rate Jan 17'
- ID'd landing gear gouge; coor'd/completed repairs in 4 hours vs 8 hr std--key to Dec 07 87% Msn Capable rate
- ID'd major fuel leak; evac 27 crew mbrs--prepped acft for mx/halted environmental hazard--acft FMC < 8 hrs

- ID'd migrated center bushing on rudder mount; R2'd rudder/mount assy--86% fix rate Feb/bested 78% CAF std
- ID'd missing safety wire on 10 ballast bolts; secured bolts/plates--prevented potential dropped objects/mishap
- ID'd msn saving frayed normal air stair actuator; led 3 man tm in rplcmnt in < 4 hrs--enabled SPAR DV msn success
- ID'd/R2'd condemned nose radome; navigated/tnd 3 prsnl on 28 step task/replaced <1 hr--amplified shift quals by 8%
- Id'd two worn throttle cables; helped R/R section prep/replace cable assys--prevented possible inflight mishap

- ID'd unlatched entry door; haulted launch/safed system--prevented catostrophic in-flight emergency to air-crew
- Id'd/recovered missing co*ckpit knob; prevented GAB/ensured crit upgd flt--secured unit 2% Abort rt/shattered 5% std
- ID'd/replaced inoperative brake selector valve before flt--FMC 1 hr ahead of std; enabled safe AES tng sortie
- ID'd/rpr'd failed hyd sys press switch; pivotal to SAAM success--delv'd 43 SEAL mbrs/197K lbs veh/equip ISO OIR

- Identified 10 overdue scheduled inspections; executed periodic mx <3 hours--facilitated 307 sorties/1050 flight hours
- Identified 2 missing upfront control knobs; retrieved both parts <2hrs...prevented 72 hrs of mx and acft impoundment
- Identified air compressor fan switch short; repaired burnt wires; eliminated fan replacement--saved AF $600
- Identified broken safety wire during follow up inspection; averted potential FOD mishap--saved $1.5M engine

- Identified corrosion on EPU valve; assisted APG w/ replacement--averted hydrazine exposure to flightline personnel
- Identified cracked elevator; removed/replaced primary flight control--returned aircraft to full mission capable
- Identified cracked engine firewall; coordinated sheet metal repair actions--sustained vital phase engine runs
- Identified cracked engine ring cowl during thru-flight insp; replaced--restored to msn ready improv MC rate 5%

- Identified cracked engine ring cowling; assisted with order/component replacement--upheld phase schedule
- Identified cracked rudder during basic post-flt insp; R2'd surface <1.5 hrs--bolstered 74th AMU 81% FMC rate
- Identified cracked UHF antenna; expedited antennas replacement to meet critical support launch--mission multiplier!
- Identified damaged first stage fan blades; removed/replaced engine--prevented potential internal engine failure

- Identified damaged main gear axle; replaced 4 hrs ahead of schedule--primed on-time SOUTHCOM tasking
- Identified defective MLG brake; R2'd unit <2 hrs--yielded 14% TNMCM rate Mar-Oct/smashed 21% CAF std
- Identified delaminated wing stress panel; ordered panel/coordinated repair--averted possible structural failure
- Identified elusive color weather radar failure; replaced intermittent antenna--resolved three-time mission abort

- Identified engine oil leak; pinpointed and replaced cracked fuel oil cooler--prevented possible engine overheat
- Identified fan vibration/balanced engine; 79.8% acft availability beat 70.9% std--16 enemy targets eliminated
- Identified faulty centering cylinder after in-flight gear trouble--reduced troubleshooting/repair time by 20 hrs
- Identified faulty ladder door solenoid on thru-flt; R2'd <15 mins--quelled maint non-delivery/code-1 next sortie

- Identified FOD prior to acft start; stopped potential eng damage--saved $1.7M component/288 manning hours
- Identified fuel leak--contained spill/supervised clean-up--prevented catostrophic environmental contamination
- Identified hot brakes upon acft recovery--evac crew/coor'd emerg support--protected 28 pax and $159M asset
- Identified improper ring cowl inlet door hardware; replaced defective parts--prevented FOD to $1.5M asset

- Identified leaking main landing gear strut during routine inspection--repairs enabled acft to meet HHQ ISR msn
- Identified leaking pressure manifold; utilized on-hand asset for repair--prevented complete part replacement
- Identified malfunctioning spoiler--led repair actions--received 379th EAMXS coveted "Hard Charger" Award
- Identified missing canopy flood light cover; located/retrieved in 1 hr--thwarted impoundment/saved 12 man-hrs

- Identified missing navigational data--directed sys re-program of deployed acft--assured accurate target plotting
- Identified MLG actuator restrictor pres line leaking; torqued line/R'd safetywire--insured landing gear integrity
- Identified two cracked ring cowling; directed multi-shop repair actions--sustained vital post-phase engine runs
- Identified worn F-15 scissor link bushings; restored seven mounts--negated intake control failure/saved $7.5K

- Identified worn NLG tire; directed change on quick turn--enabled on time departure of 60K lbs cg equipment/10 prsnl
- Identified/quickly retrieved G-suit hose bearing from co*ckpit; prevented impoundment--acft made next sortie
- Identified/repaired generator trim control motor broken wire; prevented fuel control replacement--saved $33K
- Identified/replaced kinked left hyd sys accumulator line during postflight insp--thwarted flt control malfunction

- Identified/replaced six chaffed ignition harnesses; averted certain shock hazard--promotion to SSgt warranted
- Identified/replaced underinflated tire during -1 preflight--action prevented severe personnel injury/a/c damage
- Identified/tightened leaking #1 brake hydraulic line--prevented potential gear fire--salvaged out-and-back msn
- Impeccable dress/appearance standards; flight chief selection #1 of 39 NCOs for flight's Sharp Troop award

- Implemented -10 heat exchanger inspection; discovered 8 of 24 cracked--prevented loss of life/aircraft damage
- Implemented proper landing gear truck axle inspection criteria--saved unit $47K in frivolous replacement parts
- Implemented weekly vehicle usage rotation schedule; ensured equalized wear--extended vehicle service life
- In-depth inspection unearthed frayed canopy crane cable; avoided probable unit damage and personnel injury

- In-depth service inspection identified leaking engine head gasket; replaced faulty head gasket--saved AF $7.3K
- Increased commercial/multi-engine pilot license rating by 35 hours; officer bound--OTS application approved
- Ingenious! Developed location map of grounding points on flight line for winter ops--minimized search time/QA fails
- Initiated air conditioner repair; changed relief valve; prevented catastrophic internal failure--saved $ 150K

- Initiated LMR tracking system; controlled operations/repair of $105K assets--reduced maintenance time 75%
- Inspected engine; retrieved pieces of safety wire in inlet during inspection...averted FOD/saved $575K module
- Inspected over 100 personnel at contamination control area--direct impact to 4 FW's "Excellent" ORI rating
- Installed ramp mount msn kits; acft fully prepped for M240 machine guns--increased flt's war time capabilities

- Installed/ops ck'd 22 acft w/ext tanks; key role in AEF preparation/aircrew ops ck--100% c/w 3 months early
- Instinctively reacted to acft "hot brakes" condition--directed emerg/support personnel--secured aircrew safety
- Instructed 17 troops on 18T mobile crane--key to success of mx tng week; qualified drivers increased 80%
- Instructed 244/TcMax trng-day event; briefed 11 prsnl/3 hrs--incr'd Support Section's QA pass rt 40%, Jun '13

- Instructed 724 formal trng hours/eleven crses; trnd 30 mx techs--key to det's 10K hrs/3K objs/478 grads FY'15
- Instructed AVI MQT crs; taught seven re-trainees/cert'd 124 tasks--secured 4 5-lvl/3 7-lvl upgrades across three units
- Instructed first/only MQT Avionics class; trn 11 C-130 cross-trainees on 30 mx tasks--vital to F-35 msn continuation
- Instrumental in completion of 398 equipment inspections; maintained 96% in-commission rate over 4 months

- Instrumental in completion of 531 major maintenance actions; increased in-commission rate from 89% to 94%
- Instrumental in completion of 90 engine water wash tasks; increased engine efficiency--increased mx sched effect by 10%
- Instrumental in F-16 and B-1 aircraft beddown; provided aircraft specific AGE--ensured seamless transition
- Instrumental to AMU COMSEC prgm; updated facility sec protocols--1 of only 3 MXGs to ace ACC/A4 SPA

- Instrunmental during main strut repair; 4-hrs ahead of 10-hr std; drove 81% 12-hr fix rate 6% above ACC std
- Invaluable NCO; stepped-up as lead periodic inspection crew member during demanding OEF/OIF deployment
- Investigated NLG shimmy; corrected defective strut gland nut in <6 hrs/cleared PRD--averted strut replacement/$90k
- Involved in community; volunteered for "Paint Your Heart Out, Shreveport"--promoted 2 MXS esprit de corps

- Involved in NLG strut repack--shattered normal repair time by 5 hrs--exceeded ACC 12-hr fix rate std by 29%
- Involved; initiated T-8 load bank lubrication requirement AFTO 22--saved an estimated 4 man-hours per unit
- Involved; prepared forward deployment of four units for broken aircraft support--quickly returned to fight
- Iron sharp mentality; completed 80 ancillary trng task--met all mobility/readiness reqmts--ready to deploy/fight

- Isolated recurring ICP fault; ID'd/cleaned 74 fiber optic pins w/zero repeats--averted rack R2/svd $132K/105 man hrs
- Isolated #4 hydraulic system to leaking reservoir; ordered/replaced/checked--enabled acft to meet night sortie
- Isolated APU start malf; R2'd/ops checked elect control box--enabled 18% TNMCM, 3% below std, Nov-Jan
- Isolated damaged engine fuel pump; ordered and replaced component--returned acft to FMC status 8 hours early

- Isolated dual HF failure; discovered low pressure/faulty antenna line--accelerated 2 AH-60 helos down range
- Isolated hydr leak after a preflight insp; replaced spoiler actuator--catalyst for successful RED FLAG launch
- Isolated hydro pressure malf; R2'd faulty supply module in <6 hrs--clinched 23 MXG '11 AF Daedalian Awd
- Isolated hydro sys failure; R2'd faulty hyd reservoir <2 hrs--enabled acft Ex GREEN FLAG EAST 13-2 ready

- Isolated no start malf/R2'd starter control valve; enabled 614 sorties/2,524 hrs--30 GBUs/6,086 rnds on target
- Isolated obscure generator fault after air abort--secured quick repair--acft re-generated for combat ATO < 2hrs
- Isolated problem to defective oxygen sensor housing; saved $1K+ in erroneous maintenance and parts costs
- Isolated self-generating nitrogen cart leak; replaced relief valve--averted premature failure/ensured user safety

- Isolated/R2'd faulty PRCA; mx completed in 5 hrs/halved std...saved 16 manhours/prevented increase in rep/rec rate

- Journeyman that performs at Craftsman's level; hallmark is excellence/obliterates all challenges--promote now!

- Keen eye! Spotted >10 major HAZMAT discrepancies; 100% EPA/QA pass rate--over $700K in EPA fines prevented
- Keen eye--detected bird strike damage on nose radome--replaced radome--HHQ deployment met without delay
- Keen eye--discovered multiple bird strikes--coor'd structural repair--cornerstone to assigned acft's 94 sorties
- Keen eye; ID'd nose wheel steering unit cannon plug broken just prior to taxi--avoided definite CAT I mishap

- Keen eye; ID'd station 2 weapon rack cannon plug detached just prior to taxi--avoided certain CAT I mishap
- Keen eye; identified unsecured engine oil cap during launch proceedure--averted sortie loss/engine catastrophe
- Keen eye; located missing MLG wheel assembly keyway/averted impoundment process--saved >28 man hours
- Keen eye; recognized unsafe aircraft jack during service inspection--actions averted personnel/aircraft hazard

- Keen inspector; ID'd cracked MLG uplock switch/coordinated repairs--adverted catastrophic gear malfunction
- Key ADCC on sqd's trainer acft; launched 139 sorties/649 flt hrs--attributed to wg's 82.5% MC rate promote
- Key contributor winning Grover Loening Trophy! 20 Bus Efforts, 16 Coronets, PACAF support, Global Thunder
- Key member during wartime efforts--driving force behind 55th Wing receiving the AF Meritorious Unit Award

- Key OIF/OEF asset; sustained six acft for GWOT msns--attributed to 24.4K flt hrs/98% msn effectiveness rate
- Key ORI member essential to flight contribution of sortie generation--efforts vital to 4 FW "Excellent" rating
- Key player during 2012 LCAP visit; rcvd two quality verification insps--contributed to sq "Outstanding" rating
- Key player in CORE; helped installation of 18 a/c chutes/canisters--garnered 1st CORI pass from ACC/IG

- Key player; deployed in support of Operations IRAQI/ENDURING FREEDOM--8K successful combat sorties
- Key to '11 AFGSC LCAP success; id'd two lbs FO during F/L FOD walk--cemented 2 MXS "Excellent" rating
- Key to 4-month average 97% in-commission rate; directly contributed to 8,000 aircraft combat sorties flown
- Key to AGE ready line reorganization during AEF deployment; increased equipment storage capability by 40%

- Key to success of ORI reliability checks; 167 sorties flown; direct impact on wing's overall "Excellent" rating
- Knowledgeable mechanic; replaced hydraulic test stand diesel engine--no defects noted during final inspection
- Knowledgeable technician; executed superb performance in support of OEF/OIF--streamlined daily efficiency
- Knowledgeable/reliable; was hand picked to work at the BITC due to low manning--ensured base msn success

- LAFB F-35 CAC rep; created five specialized FTD crs's w/440 hrs of instruction--curriculum update forecasted AF-wd
- Last look inspector; disc'd ruptured brake line at EOR/R2'd line/performed leak/ops ck--returned FMC <4 hrs
- Launched 50 sorties; accrued 250 flt hrs/up-held 16% UTE rate--catalyst to unit's 79% Msn Capable variable
- Launched 95 combat sorties; enabled 515 hrs of reconnaissance support/met all of ATO's--isolated 45 threats

- Launched Operation TOY DROP acft--Joint Army/AF/NATO event; carried 1753 toys to local needy children
- Lead for acft GPS anomaly; ID'd mis-manufactured electronics rack/initiated swap--ended 52 hr mx stalemate
- Lead ISO Inspection efforts; supervised completion of 12 work area inspections; 100% pass rate QA follow up
- Lead mechanic on deployed team; finished two 750 hr insps--spurred 90% Mx Scheduling Effectiveness rate

- Lead St. Jude Children's Hospital POC; gathered 15 car wash participants--collected $5.2K for cancer cause
- Lead Tech f/acft anomaly; guided 6 Amn r2'd/rudder torque tube--1st ever repair f/RAB--rescued acft f/home STA rtn
- Lead trainer f/C-40 acft; trn'd 2 Amn on 89 tasks/2 SCRs in 2 mos--furthered Amn competence despite off-station mods
- Leader of Amn--attended Amn Professional Development Course--honed leadership skills/earned SrA BTZ

- Leading edge of LSET prep; spotted section shortfalls--zero defects on trng records/100% pass on QA evals
- Led "red ball" centering cylinder change; smashed 4-hr etic by 50%--secured 98% OIF/OEF effectiveness rate
- Led "red ball" eng failure mx; pinpointed/replaced faulty speed box assembly--saved sortie trng/five qualified
- Led "red ball" mx--replaced failing generator cntl unit--drove July 06 msn capable rate 11.4% over ACC std

- Led 16 mx pers; oversaw 209 insps/2K checklist items--cemented 421 AGE team 95% QA pass rate/93 insps
- Led 300 detailed foreign object damage inspections; direct actions earned flight 4 FW Golden Washer award
- Led accomplishment of 1,148 unscheduled maintenance actions with manning levels reduced as much as 47%
- Led acft air condition sys Red Ball; pinpointed/remedied failed temp ctrl vlv <1-hr--enabled HHQ alft sortie

- Led acft forms trng initiative; trn'd five on recent TO changes/rqmts--slashed documentation error rates by 10%
- Led aggressive eval/repair efforts on 4-engines over torque insp; acft ready for flight 2 days ahead of sched
- Led aircraft reliability support; 44 aircraft/167 sorties flown--direct impact to 4 FW's "Excellent" ORI rating
- Led APG EPR prgm; tracked/drafted/corrected/routed >60 performance reports--decreased overdues by 50%

- Led backline engine run leak check; isolated elusive gearbox leak--averted possible catastrophic condition
- Led by example--completed all core 7-level upgrade trng tasks/CDC 8 mos ahead of std--scored 89% on EOC
- Led CNI failure diagnostics team; ID'd/replaced faulty power amp assy--cemented SecDef driven AG/CAS test
- Led critical TCTD team; coord'd replacement of expired fire suppressor cartridges--enforced SoF/$120M acft

- Led de-conflict of 6 HPO, 2-900-hr insps & 8 TCTO's; 10 fly days returned to Wing--amassed 97.3% ME rate
- Led EAP launch team for Hurricane Joaquin; ensured 24 cross country departure--safeguarded $1.7B in assets
- Led eight Airmen; completed 330 non-powered serviceability checks--increased equipment reliability 35%
- Led eight people; guided 1.5K maintenance actions, sustained 90% in-commission rate in support of OEF/OIF

- Led equipment reliability checks; 44 aircraft/167 sorties flown--direct impact 4 FW "Excellent" ORI rating
- Led flap overspeed insp w/multi-specialties--replaced wing flap track--halted potential flt control malfunction
- Led Fleet-wide Flight Control Sys TCTD; replaced 5 FLCS computers on 5 acft--selected Spark Chaser of the month
- Led ground emergency acft "hot brakes" response--evacuated 25 aircrew/6 ground personnel--saved ISR asset

- Led hypoxia impd tm; coord'd w/6 agencies/gathered 17 samples/relayed findings to PET--restored grnd'd fleet/2 wks
- Led inspection of over 20 B-52 engines; identified/corrected 1K discrepancies--culminated 95% QA pass rate
- Led landing gear axle replacement--finished task 4 hrs ahead of std--crushed ACC 12-hr fix rate std by 20.7%
- Led main gear brake/tire change during launch; saved sortie--met Op Gp trng requirement/32 aircrew certified

- Led maintenance actions, developement and training of 26 crew chiefs--drove 1,636 msns/12,782 hrs for FY06
- Led mx of ACM leak during pre-flt insp; isolated/replaced ruptured oil line--saved $29K in repairs/12 man-hrs
- Led nine-man AGE team; increased vital equipment availability by 60%--ensured 100% reliable equipment
- Led section training; developed/implemented phase continuity book--standardization for all assigned personnel

- Led shift for PACAF's busiest TA; spt'd 1811 acft/39 DV/36 AE msns--solidified 100% on-time flts/unimpeded ops
- Led short-notice acft reconfiguration due to msn change--cut job std in half; OEF msn on time/60 pax airlifted
- Led Signal Point Failure TCTD; drained 10 gallons of PAO/removed RIO 3C--awarded Specialist of the 3rd QTR
- Led sortie pre-launch mx; resolved fails/5 acft for Nellis 1st F-35 GBU-31 drops--keyed AMU of Mo, Mar '16

- Led static display efforts for "6,000 days deployment to SWA" media event--impeccably represented 55 WG
- Led team; removed/re-installed four engine ring cowls in half the alloted time--facilitated engine replacement
- Led three nose radome replacements; completed 4 hours ahead of schedule--key to on-time sell back of a/c
- Led Trans-Alert mods; fabricated four "Follow Me" signs--increased vehicles visibility--100% safety upgrade

- Led Tunisian mx officer briefing; demo'd hazmat procedures--aided allied nation in setup of C-130J operations
- Led unit time waster proj; developed safety agendas/setup warning tag prgm--svd 300 man hrs/$2500 in tags annually
- Led unit's Pre-Lauch Insp trn'g; qual'd 10 Dedicated Crew Chiefs--increased war operational readiness efforts
- Led vital ORI reliability checks/aircraft generation; key to inspections/167 sorties--nailed "Excellent" rating

- Leveraged cross-utilization tng; trained/advised 3 MI-17 aircrews on NVGs--fighting season missions increased 44%
- Locally procured vital tripod jack adapter fittings; imaginative creativity avoided extensive supply bottle neck
- Located bird damage to interior engine; directed borescope insp--system integrity ensured for $2.5M resource
- Located bird strike on #2 engine on thru-flight insp--coordinated inspections--acft mission capable within 4 hrs

- Located blended steering control cables; assisted specialist with replacement/rigging--ensured system integrity
- Located damaged elevator surface; R2'd surface < 2--avoided potential in-flight failure/loss of life/$13.2M acft
- Located faulty engine fire detection; replaced FBLC A--averted possible fire/saved $200K in acft parts/150 man-hrs
- Located water fowl damage to eng; implemented boroscope insp actions--sys integrity assured for $2.5M asset

- Located/assisted aero repair replace broken flap torque tube--averted potential loss of aircraft flight controls
- Located/retrieved missing ILS pwr knob; found in <1 hr--prevented acft impound/catastrophic seat malfunction
- Logged 18 KC-135R tasks in TBA; career field training initiated--demonstrated determination to learn acft systems

- Maintained "by the book" mx--key to zero '07 LSET findings--AMXS 100% compliant--promote immediately!
- Maintained $297K illumination project; provided security oversight 50 TCN--ensured uninterruped operations
- Maintained 960 pieces of CENTAF AGE; raised equipment in-commission rate 15%--zero acft ground aborts
- Maintained assigned aircraft 62-3528 at a FMC rate of 78% for FY15 breaking the AFRC standard of 71% by 7%

- Maintained base-wide readyline and sub-pools; increased fleet's dependability--increased QA pass rates 5%
- Managed $446,550.32 benchstock account ordering all assests; created tracking system--guaranteed accountablilty
- Managed 17 shop personnel in upgrade training program; resulted in 100% pass rate on annual self- inspection
- Managed 18 personnel as night dispatch NCOIC; oversaw 27K+ dispatches, supported 16 diverse airframes

- Managed 2K+ maintenance actions/150+ inspections; attained 95% in-commission rate--supported 14K sorties
- Managed aileron replacement; negated depot team assistance--saved AF 2 days/$60K contract support costs
- Managed area #4 inspection team; repaired >1.2K mx actions/returned 1.8K hrs--key to sq's '11 AFGSC MEA
- Managed C-37 IFE f/shattered window; coord'd prsnl/rpr of pilot window--rtn'd asset to duty zero impact f/VCSA msn

- Managed daily acft mx doc review--ID'd & corrected 200+ data entry errors; sustained < 10% forms/IMDS failure rate
- Managed daily acft mx review--ID'd & corrected mx data initial entry errors; reduced errors from 7% to 1%
- Managed elevator trailing edge repair; replaced crushed core/ensured void-free vacuum ops--saved AF >$95K
- Managed error free hazardous waste/precious metals program--cradle to grave responsibilities of 99 line items

- Managed flight FOD inspections, increased awareness/vigilance--earned flight 4 FW Golden Washer Award
- Managed fuel accountability/tracking for 800+ AGE support units; dispensed 30K gallons fuel valued at $69K
- Managed OEF acft return inspection--removed armor; configured for stateside ops; ready to fly one day early
- Managed ORI acft reliability check support; key to 167 surge sorties--earned "Outstanding Performer" award

- Managed panel fabrication; created template, coordinated depleted part manufacture--alleviated supply system
- Managed SABR Radar program; attributed to 2 F-16 FCR upgrades--increasing function/capabilities to existing acft
- Managed section's bobtails; spearheaded daily inspection--received 100% QA pass rate on six assessments
- Manned concession stand for Luke AFB Airshow; served 250K event visitors--generated $5K for AMU Booster Club

- Masterfully orchestrated the movement of $80M cmbt assets w/zero msn impact--coined by 379 EAMXS CC
- Maximized efficiency as Production Supervisor; achieved impeccable milestones with 20% fewer personnel
- Maximized productivity as Mid-shift NCOIC, Jan-Sep 06; spearheaded 1.3K completed maintenance actions
- Mentored 10 Amn; coordinated college application process/enrollments--guided Airman toward CCAF degree

- Mentored Amn to "Excellence"--produced SQ '11 Amn of the Yr/Amn Indirect Sortie Mx Pro of the Yr/2 BTZs
- Mentored new Airmen--reduced off-duty incidents-key to unit achieving "AMU of the Month" four times in '05
- Met 14 of 14 msns/156 flt hrs on assigned acft; attributed to sqd's 93% msn effectiveness in May '07--promote
- Met all readiness/mobility requirements; eager to engage combat msn/relieve deployed teammates worldwide

- Methodical director; guided 30 equipment inspections; ensured National Airborne Operations Center success
- Meticulous attention to detail; located and repaired chaffed communication wire--vital mission system restored
- Meticulous EOR inspector; ID'd broken nose wheel well emerg brake cable--avoided acft backup sys failure
- Meticulous inspector--identified/repaired un-secure panel during preflight--prevented dropped object/msn fail

- Meticulous inspector; ID'd emerg brake accumulator pressure loss on insp/R2'd dump valve--acft FMC <2 hrs
- Meticulous inspector; identified major structural crack above LT MLG; prevented serious acft damage /mishap
- Meticulous; replaced worn oil cluster assembly seals on gas turbine engine--saved $2.7K in replacement parts
- Meticulous; trained apprentices on CTK inspections--zero discrepancies noted on two semi-annual inspections

- Meticulously maintained $20K pallet and net mobility account; actions ensured future equipment availability
- Mg'd PMEL account; ID'd critical eqpmt shortfall; sourc'd/cal'd 2 digital strut gauges--sustain'd C-17 fleet cape
- Mirror of Air Force Core Values; infinite ability to succeed regardless of circ*mstance--promote to SSgt now!
- Mission a priority; supported 44 acft during 167 ORI sortie generation--instrumental to Wg "Excellent" rating

- Mission oriented; instructed/supervised 125th MXG personnel on essential ACA mission tasks--lauded by Unit CC
- Mission oriented; supported F-15E aircraft de-arming emergency--minimized interrupted runway operations
- Mission visionary--aided electro-environmental shop w/air cycle machine replacement--relieved shift shortfall
- Mission-first supervisor; supported 21-ship President Ford memorial service fly-by--honored fallen leader

- Mission-mover; guided swift throttle module R2--acft FMC<4 hours; contributed to 94.7% worldwide rel rate
- Mng'd 19 vehicle fleet worth $1M; tracked insp's on 158 CTKs/valued $1.5M/370+ equip items worth <$13M
- Mng'd broken tools program; guided four Amn/rebuilt 52 comm cords/headsets--prevented $337K replacement costs
- Mng'd PMEL acct/146 assets; certified gauge reliability on 12 60-ton acft jacks--spt'd 5 MLG piston overhauls

- Mng'd shop's HAZCOM prgm; rvw'd 56 chems/dlvr'd yrly trng to 7 NCOs--aced bio-enviro survey/nixed mishap risk
- Mngd airfield driving/GOV trng prgm; revamped curriculum/cert'd 54 USAF/LM prsnl--increased test pass rt by 37%
- Mobile support tm lead, Jun ORE; delivered 50+ equip items--contributed to 75 srts/95 flt hrs/zero mx cancels
- Mobility expert; processed equipment for quick deployment to Iraq--supported separate airframe maintenance

- Model NCO; oversaw integration of five newly assigned Airmen as NCOIC of inspection crew--all emulated
- Moitored waste removal truck operators; enabled disposal 8.5M gallons/$1.2M contract--promote to SSgt now
- Monitored and ensured accuracy of daily IMDS inputs; immediate reduction in error rate--100% QA pass rate
- Monitored posted DIT runs; ensured accuracy of IMDS and a/c forms inputs--reduced section error rate by 2%

- Monitored/guaranteed daily IMDS input accuracy; instant error reduction--100% Quality Assurance pass rate
- Monitored/guaranteed daily IMDS inputs; cut error rate by 20%--ensured 100% accuracy for 2.7K data inputs
- Motivated crew of 14; oversaw 158 inspections, supported 3.5K+ sorties encompassing 5.6K training hours
- Motivated/pivotal TSgt; #1 of 37 professional peers--selected as AGE Flight's NCO of the Quarter, Jul-Sep 06

- Motivated; spearheaded mobile refuel unit procurement for deployed operations--reduced unit turn-around time
- Msn Focused; led two times 1200 hrly cap insp/extended acft in theatre service--EMXG Warrior of the Week Apr '15
- Msn mover--expertly replaced two brakes during quick-turn--clinched critical night aerial refueling trng sortie
- Msn mover--quickly isolated/replaced msn sys cooling compressor--restored full C2ISR stand-off capabilities

- Multifaceted; doused morale facility fire; saved $1M in replacement costs--garnered 379 EMXS safety award
- Multifaceted; selected as interim Squadron Production Superintendent--performed duties beyond expectations
- Multiple AFSC capable; detached lug nuts from acft travel pods for NDI insp drng Ex GREEN FLAG, Nov 09
- Mx cornerstone; identified/replaced cracked plt window on insp--advanced 12-hr fix rate 18% past ACC std

- Mx Lead; Id'd/fixed failed cross-ship vlv <1 hr; greened FMC acft--fortified on-time f/msn Op BARKHANE in Niger
- Mx lynchpin! executed 8 500/1000/1500hr insp's/300 tows/300+ launches/recov; ensured flt crit sys--MC rate 92.8%

- Nailed ORE prep--findings as EET mbr primed Wg to "Outstanding" ratings for ORE 07-04 acft generation/mx
- Nailed two main gear strut repacks--acft msn ready in 24 hrs--essential to WG's '06 Meritorious Unit Award
- Natural leader in support of OEF/OIF; supervised/mentored 25 Airmen while assigned security escort NCOIC
- Night shift lead; oversaw mx/generated 303 combat sorties--6K flt hrs/30K images/2.3K airstrikes/10 TICs/22 pri tgts

- NORE pin/streamer team member; key to successful '12 AFGSC Ex CONSTANT VIGILANCE--SrA BTZ now
- Noticed hydraulic leak during panel inspection; coordinated hydraulic line repair--restored B-52H sys integrity
- Notified of DPI filter button popped on #4 eng manifold during insp; replaced filter/assisted w/eng run; mission ready

- Observed eng oil consumption trend; aided isolation/sump seal repair--prevented eng failure/in-flt emergency
- OEF/OIF deployer; key to 2.1K major/minor maint actions; supported 8K combat sorties--335 bombs dropped
- OEF/OIF deployer; supervised ramp operations/eight personnel--managed 20K dispatches for 88 diverse acft
- OEF/OIF inspection supervisor; controlled 12 personnel; oversaw 720 maintenance actions--drove 8K sorties

- Off-shift mainstay; completed 30 -10 turbine oil changes; prevented possible system failures--extended service
- Off-shift supervisor; managed flight line deliveries; exceeded operational needs--2.5K sorties/4K hrs flown
- OIF/OEF deployer; removed/replaced air cycle machine in 5 hrs vs. 8 hrs--catalyst to 1,021 GWOT flt hrs
- On-point Airman; aided inproccesing Airmen gain computer access--50+ accounts established in timely matter

- Operational Readiness Exercise mainstay; flawless support ensured success of vital aircraft reliability checks
- Optimized AGE reliability; directed 35 MICAP requests--bolstered launch of 909 AMC msns w/84% LDR rt
- Orchestrated 5-level and 7-level up-grade training pretest program--improved flight test scores overall 15%
- Orchestrated review/corrections to 12 Job Flow Packages w/MXG agencies--streamlined befuddled packages

- Organized 600-hr insp; finished insp in 8 vs 12 hrs--augmented 65% 12-hr fix rate--10% above ACC standard
- Organized all manning/equipment to support Exercise CORONET WARRIOR--efforts lauded by supervision
- Organized group training; trn'd 12 new Airmen on three special purpose vehicles--boosted flt's qual's by 45%
- Organized munitions storage area ORI set up; placed 27 units; key factor in 4 FW receiving "Excellent" rating

- Organized phase hangar for '11 MPOY banquet; hosted >1.1K MXG personnel--positive visibility for 2 MXS
- Outperformed peers; demonstrated superb professionalism and technical skill--earned SrA BTZ Dec 2010
- Outstanding ADCC! maintained acft 90-0238 at 81% FMC rt, Jun-Nov '18--shattered ACC 74% std/destroyed 5 HVT
- Outstanding crew chief--prepared assigned acft to perform 71 local/cmbt sorties--drove unit's 78.7% FMC rate

- Outstanding during AEF 7/8; supervised 20+ third country nationals to rebuild runway at Ali Air Base, Iraq
- Outstanding journeyman who consistently exceeded all personal and professional standards; example for all
- Outstanding leadership skills; poised to assume increased responsibilities--promote to MSgt at first chance!
- Outstanding mx technician; personifies integrity/dedication--primary example for peers to emulate--promote!

- Outstanding NCO who continually proved himself; given responsibilities ahead of peers; promote immediately!
- Outstanding professional; produced excellence/quality in every task, mentor to Airmen--promote to MSgt now!
- Outstanding self motivation; created personal fitness schedule--propelled from marginal category to fit-to-fight
- Outstanding shift supervisor/technician/trainer--blasted through all challenges/eager for more--promote now!

- Outstanding technician; consistently committed to duty and eager to increase self-proficiency--promote now
- Outstanding technician; passed successive PE/QVI evaluations--aided flight's 93% QA pass rate 4th Qtr, 2011
- Outstanding; supervised over 20 Third Country Nationals to rebuild runway at Ali Ahsaleem Air Base Iraq
- Overhauled 2 refuel acutators; ID'd fault/trn'd 3 Amn on task--saved $188K/raised war readiness kits to 100%

- Overhauled multi-use pylon tester/cable set; id'd/corrected 12 deficiencies--averted delay in unit mx capability
- Overhauled spare tool program; added 18 SE items/replenished 28 depleted assets--bolstered equipment fix rate 37%
- Oversaw 167 maintenance actions/directed 1K+ inspections--resulted in 98% Quality Assurance pass rate
- Oversaw 1K maintenance actions; ensured completion of 3.5K sorties/5.5K flying hours--ensured pilot training

- Oversaw 296 mil/civs/20 AFSCs/7 flts/spt'd 33 LS/HD acft; secured 2,513 trng/cmbt sorties and 18.5K flt hrs
- Oversaw 495 mx corrective actions--solidified 1.4% repeat/95.6% msn effectiveness/72.5% 12-hr fix rates
- Oversaw COMSEC prgm; accounted for 126 crypto assets/$1.3M--earned 6th consecutive FW "Excellent" rating/ZD
- Oversaw crippled acft movement; replaced two blown tires--enabled runway op < 1 hr for 100+ GWOT assets

- Oversaw four ISO insps/two flight control rigs; boosted acft availability 77 days per yr--spt'd 19.3K flying hrs FY15
- Oversaw supply spt for 15 techs; processed 1K+ eqpmt part requisitions--boosted flt's overall MC rate to 85%
- Oversaw Adaptive Base exercise pack out; 2 ISUs/1 pallet packed/deliver <5 hrs--zero frustrations/160 hrs to Wg FHP

- Pacesetter; co-authored AGE parking plan; decreased ramp parking/increased availability--promote to SMSgt!
- Participated in hangar prep for SECDEF; assembled stage/vacuumed floor grates--lauded by 2 BW leadership
- Participated in JIDS; reviewed 919 tasks/deleted 19/revised 16/added 3 tasks--simplified 2A5X1 core tasks
- Participated in mustache march; exemplified dedication, effectively excluded wmn--increased "Esprit De Corps"

- Participated in Operation Nightlight; performed security for $26.8M project/75 personnel--sustained FOL msn
- Participated in Phase II exercises; trained Airmen on post attack reconnaissance in preparation for 4 FW ORI
- Passed 4/4 QA inspection w/ zero defects; spt'd SQ's 92% QA pass rate--pivotal to 552 ACW to earn AFOUA
- Passed two no-notice QA assessments; performed w/o fault--contributed to unit's superb 98% pass rate Jan '07

- Passed two on the spot QA assessments; performed w/o discrepancy--contributed to superb unit 98% pass rate Jan '16
- Patriotic, selfless Airman; volunteered five times to set up BAFB avenue of flags--bolstered community spirit
- Patriotic; supported successful 21-ship F15-E fly-by--efforts paid respect to former President Gerald R. Ford
- Performed 10 B-52 phase insps; contributed to 19.5K mx actions/returned 4.5K hrs--sq won '11 AFGSC MEA

- Performed 100 meticulous 7-level inspections; 100% Quality Assurance pass rate--provided quality AGE units
- Performed 150+ AGE inspections in 4 months--key to flight's 94% average equipment in-commission rate
- Performed 168 7-level eqpmt insps; achieved 92% overall readiness rate--enabled 1,558 AMC/jt partner msns
- Performed 200 EOR insps; corrected 19 discrepancies/averted six GACs--spt'd sqs' 5% Apr '18 AR/8% std, 12-mo low

- Performed 200+ security clearance checks; allowed members access to restricted areas; mission successful
- Performed 25 flood light service insps during two jt intermodal ops; 237 helos redeployed--saved DoD $100M
- Performed 26 identification friend or foe checks; averted overdue insps--contributed to FY13 **.*% MSE rate
- Performed 46 main landing gear break changes--helped push deployed msn capability rate 10% above ACC std

- Performed 58 maintenance actions that directly contributed to 336th AT impressive 94% in-commission rate
- Performed 65 inspections and maintenance actions; key to flight's 95% in-commission rate--3.5K sorties flown
- Performed 80 inspections/100+ maintenance actions--instrumental in flight's 96% average in-commission rate
- Performed 89 inspections, 75 major/minor maintenance actions--contributed to flight's 96% in-commission rate

- Performed 92 yearly inspections 80 major/minor maintenance actions--vital to flight's 96% in-commission rate
- Performed emerg tow supervisor duties after tow bar separated--halted runaway acft/damage to $159M asset
- Performed fleet equipment overhaul for 18 acft/reduced -21 discrepancies from 55 to 10--23 MXG ORI ready
- Performed nitrogen servicing cart membrane modification; raised critical equipment in-commission rate 50%

- Performed on the spot tripod jack pump replacement; ensured proper aircraft lowering--averted work stoppage
- Performed on-the-spot axle jack repair; uninterrupted acft maintenance ensured sortie surge generation success
- Performed Preflight during CORI-09; efforts garnered "zero-defect"--launched on time leading to wg success
- Performed supervisor/refuel task; earned 100% pass rate by evaluators--key to units zero 2007 LSET findings

- Performed Transient Alert mx controller duties; coordinated 47 a/c recoveries--successful '12 wing airshow
- Performed urgent action TCTO; repaired damaged brake wiring--key to AETC Maintenance Daedalian Awd
- Performs/supervises aircraft basic postflight, preflight, thruflight, walk around and other special inspections
- Personally involved in up-grade/continuation training of 24 Crew Chiefs--maintained integrity of unit training

- Persued BS in Business Mngmnt; completed 12 credit hrs--raised GPA to 3.6/enhanced professional skillset
- Persued Education; completed Math/Speech crs/6 credit hrs w/ perfect 4.0 GPA--earned AFSC CCAF degree
- Piloted 15 personal during OEF deployment; efforts led to 90.4% MC rate/ID 7 troops for "recce wrench" awd
- Piloted preflt inspections; mentored 60+ mbrs on fltline stds/logistics--estab'd 2 MXS as "a force to be reckoned with"

- Pin pointed actuator leak; replaced/ops checked sys--SOUTHCOM msn saved/secured 8.5 hrs of intel info
- Pin-pointed air cycle machine malfunction; troubleshot/replaced mixing valve--factor in unit's 77% MC rate
- Pin-pointed brake leak during "red ball" mx--changed component in 30 min vs. std 60 min--msn launch restored
- Pin-Pointed improper ADTU cannon plug hardware; rapidly replaced defective parts--prevented FOD to $20M asset

- Pin-pointed leaking brake; retorqued hydr line--averted possible fire/saved $189K in acft parts/380 man-hrs
- Pinpointed crack/damage on aft wing spar; assisted in repair--raised available knowledgeable personnel 10%
- Pinpointed cracked acft fuel vent mast during thru-flight; R2'd mast <30 mins--averted dropped object mishap
- Pinpointed crushed hydraulic line; replaced line/prevented pump cavitation--saved AF $50K in system damage

- Pinpointed damaged $154K nose radome; expedited removal/replacement--solidified flt's 93% QA pass rate
- Pinpointed elusive fuel system purge bottle leak--replaced solenoid--secured aircraft aerial refuel capability
- Pinpointed five unserviceable a/c windows; replaced components--ensured aircrew safety/structural integrity
- Pinpointed loose rivets in ring cowl; fixed w/metal tech--circumvented 90 man hr removal/$300K replacement

- Pinpointed sheared MLG door bolts; coor'd mx cannibalization/repaired in 30 minutes--secured GWOT msn
- Pinpointed steering problem; key team member in steering cable replacement--trng msn met/20 personnel qual'd
- Pinpointed target sys failure; replaced LASER unit--2/2 bmbs on tgt/1st F-35 GBU-12 release in ACC history
- Pinpointed TEMS hit to faulty eng trim; synchronized PLA ops ck cw--saved $42K in component replacement

- Pinpointed three unserviceable aircraft windows; trained two Airmen on replacement--ensured aircrew safety
- Pinpointed two unserviceable a/c windows; replaced components <8 hrs--guaranteed safety/structural integrity
- Pinpointed VS Bit No Go fail; replaced cold loop pressure ctrl valve--ensure code 1 next sortie/reduced impound time
- Pioneered AFSA subchapter stand-up; coord membership drive/recruited 9--strengthened enlisted voice

- Pivitol NCOIC; led 600+ deployed inspections; benchmark 100% quality assurance pass rate--key to success
- Pivotal in corrosion control program; managed weekly unit schedule--efforts prolonged equipment service life
- Pivotal to 3 ISO turbine quick-turns; completed in 24 vs 36 hr stnd--enabled 56 srts/347 fly hrs in Nepal Relief effort
- Plt'd rudder control one-time insp; verified sys compatibility--bested AFRC benchmark by 25%...SSgt soonest!

- Postured fleet for wpns ITV telemetry test; upgraded s/w on 6 acft--laid foundation for 1st F-35 OT QF-16 kill
- Powered Apr '18 surge mx; completed 180 mx actions/val'd Sq TTPs--fueled 155 sorties <3 days/produced 268 flt hrs
- Powered USAFE's 24/7 aerovac op; oversaw 8 short-notice msns--alft'd 8 injured to life-saving facilities
- Powered USEUCOM msn; iso'd elusive wxr radar recurrence r2 wxr stepper motor assy--strengthened DV msn succes

- Precise; guided flight in absence of AGE Production Supervisor--increased quality assurance pass rates by 7%
- Precisely isolated/replaced cracked engine hydr supply line--crucial to cmbt certification of 22 aircrew mbrs
- Preflight/postflight/special inspection/unsched MX on 18 RQ-4b; FMC rates inc'd 50%--enhanced on AF capabilities
- Performed section 180 day insp; scurtinized 30 prgms/377 CTKs/id'd/fixed 103 errors--section insp compliant

- Premier SNCO; led in producing 107 additional ACA/CT sorties; maintained critical aircrew training requirements
- Prep'd E-3 fleet; insp'd 215 items/5 of 12 acft launched ISO wx evacuation-- saved AF $3.9B in C2ISR assets
- Prep'd section; depl'd 96 AGE w/zero cargo rejects--earned '11 ORI "Outstanding Eqpt Deployment Prep Tm"
- Prepared 10 aircraft for fuel cell mx; defueled/drained/transferred fuel--led to uninterrupted 14-day phase flow

- Prepared 36 MXS for '11 compliance inspection; cleaned/inspected equip--cemented sq's "Satisfactory" rating
- Prepared 56 units for B-1 acft support; built sub-pools/completed acceptance inspections--uniterrupted GWOT
- Prepared C-130H2 tail 9284 for dedication ceremony to the 82d ABN--coined by 440 Wg/CC for excellence
- Prepared eight aircraft for fuel cell; defueled/drained/transferred fuel--maintained 14-day phase flow/sched mx

- Prepared flight for ORE/ORI; verified 32 war wallets/ancillary training--impacted 4 FW "Excellent" rating
- Prepared seven a/c for fuel cell mx; defueled/drained/transferred fuel--maintained 14-day phase flow/sched mx
- Prepared/processed 15 units and two personnel; no discrepancies noted by evaluators during 4 FW exercise
- Prepped 13 excess eqpmt items for turn-in; returned $67K to inventory--reduced wkld by 624 man hrs annually

- Prepped five units to forward deploy for F-15E in-flight emergency; acft returned next day--mission a success
- Prepped/jacked aircraft for extensive nacelle stiffener repair--efforts reduced airframe downtime by 12 hours
- Prevented E-4B Rebound Echo self-sustained operations and excessive fuel consumption--saved AF $154K
- Priceless system knowledge--troubleshot/repaired fuel flow malfunction--saved 2 hrs--a/c generated as spare

- Proactive; singlehandedly accomplished 30 -10 turbine oil changes--averted possible internal turbine damage
- Problem solver--repaired damaged striker plate on crew entry door--permitted on-time ISR mission take-off
- Processed 94 cargo tons for two OEF/OIF deployments; on-time mission departures guaranteed 4 FW success
- Processed two Anti-Terrorism Mass Gathering requests; processed one month ahead of time line; safe/secure events

- Procured specialized QRIP trng from 59 TES; 1 of 4 qual'd in AMU--boosted 5th-gen avionics/wpns test capes
- Project motivated; developed flow sheet for wheel build-up; enabled process analysis & tracking of each assy
- Promoted homeland security; conducted 17 weekly random anti-terrorism measures--secured $3M in AF assets
- Prompt reaction to "smoke in crewdeck" emergency--directed egress/secured area--protected 21 aircrew lives

- Proven leader; consistently exceeded all challenges; step aside and watch her excel to next level--promote now
- Proven performer--talented/versatile individual with great potential/dedication--promotion selection justified!
- Provided 36 EAMXS support; repositioned six aircraft for mx--eased personnel shortfall for priority mission
- Provided AGE operator training to aircraft technicians; significantly reduced number of operator malfunctions

- Provided critical support for 21-ship F15E fly-over--efforts paid respect to former President Gerald R. Ford
- Provided exceptional parts management, accurately monitored 8 ISO insp; yearly asset cost of $ 8,349,591.64
- Provided flawless aircraft support for 44 aircraft/167 sorties--direct impact to 4 FW's "Excellent" ORI rating
- Provided mentorship to area youths; assistant coach for girl's 11-14 yr old Goldsboro Sting travel soccer team

- Provided no-notice assistance; towed two KC-135--cleared active taxiway during combat take-off operations
- Provided security for 40 sites/$14M; led to 13 completed projects--transforming base for enduring mission
- Provided security; escorted 75 TCNs to $26.7M flight line construction site; deterred damage and surveillance
- Pursued crossover training; completed 37 core task requirements in a month--enhanced professional knowledge

- Pursued eng discrepancy; isolated/replaced starter--quick-turned acft/met refueling msn/enabled 10 mbrs qual
- Pursued upgrade training; 100% signed off on core tasks within 8 months--scored 82% on EOC/beat AF std
- Pushed digital TO conversion rqmt; cut flt inventory by 8 paper pubs...71% redux--svd $13K in printing costs
- Pushed Oct ORE '13 cargo; assisted sq/fixed 140 errors/rebuilt 2 pallets/2 ISUs--key to 18 a/c regen'd <10 hrs

- QA augmentee during OEF/OIF deployment; in-depth evaluations confirmed quality of 800+ war-time assets
- QRIP mod mbr; rem/installed 10 LRUs/ver'd avionics--cut $24.8M depot mx costs/enabled Nellis 1st F-35 CTS
- Qualified newly assigned drivers; ensured uninterrupted support of 100+ coalition acft during AEF swap-out
- Qualified three Airmen on test-stand ops; taught safety/startup/shutdown pres--increased shop qualifications by 30%

- Quality NCO--superb work ethic is an example for peers/subordinates alike--recent line number warranted!
- Quality technician; identified thrust reverser inop, located/repaired broken ground; local on-time
- Quarterbacked eng quick-turn; replaced rear turbine bearing spt in 7 hrs--beat std by 5 hrs/key to on-time ISO sched
- Quarterbacked PSS ann'l inventory; validated 395 tool kits/173 special tools--fueled flt's 1.8K insp/mx actions

- Quick learner; self-taught PD501 air conditioner theory of operation; repaired five of five mission critical units
- Quickly attacked fuel leak; contained spill/oversaw cell replacement--assured acft ready for next scheduled flt
- Quickly engaged spoiler actuator leak prior to launch; flawlessly coor'd repair--launched Wg/CC 10 min early
- Quickly helped remove/replace worn landing gear truck 4 hrs ahead of schedule--averted PACAF ATO delay

- Quickly reacted to "hot brakes" grnd emergency--evacuated aircraft--assured safety of 34 flight crew members
- Quickly replaced 4 brakes/2 tires 3 hrs ahead of std after high speed abort--beat ACC 12-hr fix rate by 30.7%
- Quickly resolved braking anomaly--coor'd anti-skid sys fault isolation--avoided msn delays/three trng sorties
- Quickly responded to fuel spill--aided in containment & clean-up of 20+ gallons--safeguarded base ecosystem

- Quickturned ASIP msn; replaced fuel filter/cleared redball <1 hr--acft flew code-1/aided 2% repeat/recur rate

- Ramrodded #3 copilot window change; finished 8 hrs early--averted Weapon School delay/achieved trng goal
- Ramrodded copilot window change; finished 8 hrs early--averted Weapon School delay/achieved trng goal
- Ramrodded Dropped Object Prgm/Alert Insps; trn'd/qual 20 personnel--increased shifts compliance to 100%
- Ramrodded explosion hazard; contained fuel spill/disposed of HAZMAT--averted bio-enviromental penalty

- Ran Jun '13 ORE packout event; built 17 pallets w/ 4K+ assets <8 hrs--zero impact to gen/36 accepted <22 hrs
- Rapidly changed leaking aileron boost pack as DCC at Scott AFB--ensured life-saving AES msn unhampered
- Rapidly dispatched fuel bowser for F-15 ground emergency; prevented excessive spill--eliminated fire hazard
- Razor sharp eye! ID'd two loose rivets in engine intake; rapidly coordinated repair--safeguarded $1.3M engine

- Re-established 20 AMXS Personal Information File program--squadron personnel files safeguarded/regulated
- Readied a/c hangar; cleaned and set up for tour by Korean distinguished visitors--enhanced image of 36 MXG
- Readied and towed nine a/c; 2010 Defenders of Liberty airshow team--efforts were key to airshow success
- Readied/processed 10 engine's for two TDY's/AEF obligation...yielded zero frustrated cargo/no departure delays

- Reallocated 3 Vidmars as deployable kits/decreased deployable footprint; pack-out reduced 10%--saved $7K
- Received "Top Performer" security team award from 4th Civil Engineer Squadron during November ORE
- Recognized improper hardware on four engine inlets; replaced hardware--prevented loss of $4.4M engines
- Recognized/replaced failing centering cylinder on pre-flt insp--keen eye vital to OEF/OIF on-time deployment

- Reconfig'd/ops checked 22 acft w/tanks; key mbr in AEF preparation/aircrew ops cks--completed 3 mos early
- Reconfigured/ops ck'd 22 acft w/tanks; key role in AEF preparation/aircrew ops ck--100% c/w 3 months early
- Recorded 200 maintenance actions; trn 11 subordinates in ALIS--increased section qual/enabled 63d AMU stand-up
- Recorded 300 maintenance actions; trained 5 subordinates in IMDS--increased section qualified maintainers by 80%

- Recovered 107 dispensed B-52 drag chutes; cleared active runway--returned $4.9M in mission critical assets
- Recovered 2 C-130 diverts; provided vital cross-servicing/expedited launch--rtn'd $134M acft to USMC/VMGR-152
- Recovered acft w/fumes in cabin--aided w/repair of air cycle machine--restored full target tracking capability
- Recovered aircraft with hot brakes--replaced all brakes and tires in minimal time--met vital HHQ ISR mission

- Recovered binocular battery in co*ckpit during launch; prevented impoundment/seat removal--acft msn on-time
- Recovered IFE acft with interior smoke--directed repair/returned acft to flt in under 1 hr--HHQ msn success
- Recovered missing avionics backshell in co*ckpit; found <1 hr--avoided impound/catastrophic seat malfunction
- Recovered MX divert; troubleshot avionic faults/refueled/launched in 2hrs--svd SAAM msn/20K lbs cgo downrange

- Recovered pilots dropped grease pencil on FOD skirt during acft launch--prevented impoundment/seat removal
- Recovered two FOL a/c; spearheaded post-flight inspection--alleviated 2 AMXS deployment manning shortfall
- Rectified eng anti-ice valve "red ball"; torqued loose bonding strap/88% FSE rate Jun '07--beat 78% standard
- Rectified eqpmt repair deficiency; procured self-leveling sealant--cut $120K in premature antenna replacement

- Redball mx; quick-turned rudder bypass valve/restored unserviceable asset--revived MCC tgt tracking ability
- Reestablished flight hazardous materials training guide; ensured compliance with local and federal directives
- Refurbished 2 flt control surfaces; directed 4 mbrs/applied primer/paint 12 hrs <36-hr ETIC--promote to TSgt!
- Refurbished de-icer trucks; id'd faulty ignition sw/coor'd flt line repair--avert'd turn-in/50% loss of winter ops

- Reinforced 391 FS during Ex GREEN FLAG/WIC; performed launch & recovery ops...enabled 124 srts & 170 flt hrs
- Reinstated critical structure; evaled punctured bulkhead/authored disposition--won flt NCO of the mo Aug '12
- Relentless dedication; key player in Neptune Hawk/Falcon; 100% sortie rate & 2.1M lbs of fuel, 157 receivers
- Reliable NCO and consistent performer; innovative mechanical skills--tackled every task at hand without delay

- Reliable under pressure; assisted injured third country national--prevented potential loss of individual's limb
- Reliable; revamped shop equipment program; named to ACC Staff Assistant Visit inspection team "Honor roll"
- Relieved UDM TDY tasking; volunteered for 135 day deployment--provided relief to co-workers/bonded unit
- Remedied false fire detection indication; replaced shorted loop <4 hrs--revived essential warning sys integrity

- Remedied radar degrade anomaly; replaced faulty GPIO module--acft FMC <1 hr/enabled 1st F-35 SEAD TTPs
- Removed/reinstalled aircraft wheel well door for sheet metal repair--task completed 8 hrs ahead of schedule
- Removed/replaced stellar navigation unit on "red ball" w/specialists--restored ELINT/SIGNIT tracking ability
- Reorganized lost tool program; found 9 tracking discrepancies/forged training plan--diverted possible class-A mishap

- Repaired air compressor engine starter; averted F-15E phase work stoppage--ensured acft on time completion
- Repaired cyclic stick anomaly; internal broken wire harness replaced < 10 hrs, acft FMC rdy--Promote to TSgt
- Repaired diesel air compressor charging system; trained two personnel on task procedures--saved AF $500
- Repaired FL-1D floodlight cracked fuel line; returned unit to service--ensured minimal maintenance downtime

- Repaired gas turbine generator fuel control; replaced quill shaft, prevented part acquisition--saved AF $33K
- Repaired loose connection on engine fuel rack assembly on surging diesel engine; reduced downtime by 50%
- Repaired nitrogen cart slated for DRMS; replaced fuel rail/tuned--brought fleet above mission essential levels
- Repaired ruptured hi-pressure hose assy; nitrogen cart ready <1 hr--avoided C-5 strut servicing work stoppage

- Replaced C-17 fan duct; finished intricate mx < 12 hrs--deployed 12 hr fix rate shift to 64%--10% > ACC std
- Replaced card; saved AF $3K; instantly used to generate KC-135 aircraft alert sortie in support of OEF/OIF
- Replaced improper hardware on four engine inlet doors--safeguarded $4.4M engine from potential FO damage
- Replaced item and returned to fully mission-capable status--averted premature failure/ensured user safety

- Replaced jack manifold filter assembly; returned to flight line in 15 minutes--immediately utilized in acft repair
- Replaced landing gear truck 3 hours ahead of schedule--generated mission for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
- Replaced main truck/gear strut/18 brakes at FOL--attributed to 55 WG/379 AEW AF Meritorious Unit Awds
- Replaced over heated pilot's window; captured 85% mission capable rate Sep 2007/15% above ACC standard

- Replaced two compressor clutches/housings; no Quality Assurance defects noted--repairs extended service life
- Replaced two worn main gear tires in 3 hrs--1 hr ahead of mx std; acft available for crucial NVG tng sortie
- Replaced worn axle sleeve; concluded task in 9 hrs--augmented unit's 66% 12-hr fix rate--11% above ACC std
- Replaced worn flap bearing prior to flt; propelled RC-135 fleet to inspiring 83% on-time take-off rate Jun '07

- Resolved 3i/3F software conflict; led four man tm/reloaded software/13 acft--prevented $7.9M fleet-wd AMRU swap
- Resolved countermeasure arming fail; val'd/ver'd processor module replacement--ended CAT II hangar queen
- Resolved elusive bleed down disc; ID'd/R2'd crk'd bleed air vlv in 2 hrs/4-hr std--vital to AMU's 80% MC rt
- Resolved four time repeat NLG anomaly; R2 drag brace shims--attained sq 2.4% recur rate Oct '15/beat ACC 3% std

- Resolved in-flight display fail; pinpointed/led repair of faulty aperture sensor--acft restored for 422 TES sortie
- Resolved Inflight Laser fail; id'd/replaced damaged EOTS FLIR IDCA--guaranteed acft night time sortie was met
- Resp'd to Red Ball mx; diagnosed NWS anomaly to worn tires--prevented $44K part R2/72 hrs MICAP NMC time
- Responded to "Redball" for aircraft centering motor; replaced component in 1-hour--mission departed on time
- Responded to '"red ball" mx--assisted electrics element w/oxygen regulator change--resulted in on-time takeoff

- Responded to acft abort; generated spare acft/assisted air crew--launched sortie/enabled CENTCOM tasking
- Responded to acft fuel leak--quickly contained/cleaned-up 40 gal of JP8--prevented serious eco system hazard
- Responded to acft Gila Bend divert; id'd/insp loud co*ckpit vibration--verified/validated new CPT procedures for JTD
- Responded to acft ground emergency--secured area/evac crew--ensured safety & prevented injuries to 28 souls

- Responded to acft IFE main landing gear indication failure--restored normal runway ops within 15 minutes
- Responded to Comm 3 sys "Red Ball"; adj squelch switch on rcvr--752 AMXS netted June **% departure rate
- Responded to flap mlfn on Red Ball--aided aero repair technicians system; AFRC HQ sortie launched on time
- Responded to high speed abort--expediently changed 6 tires/4 brakes--cleared active taxiway in minimal time

- Responded to hydraulic sys failure IFE; ramrodded emergency tow--returned airfield to active status < 20 min
- Responded to IFE "hot brakes"; professionally evacuated 32 crew members--swiftly cleared runway < 30 mins
- Responded to IFE/supervised emerg tow from taxiway in Qatar--returned taxiway to active status in 20 minutes
- Responded to IFE; aided 7 crew mbrs injured by erratic flt control auto-pilot input--cleared runway < 40 min

- Responded to in-flt eng shutdown; supervised emergency tow task--restored active runway ops within 15 mins
- Responded to jacking manifold failure; quickly emptied 60 gals from 2 assets--facilitated safe C-5 down jack
- Responded to JASDF F-15 hydro IFE; escorted 30 mx prsnl w/spt eqpt/vehicles for 3 days--bolstered US/HN capes
- Responded to radar altimeter erratic indication Red Ball; repaired antenna line <2 hrs--acft departed w/o delay
- Responded to red streak grnd refuel panel inop; Supervis'd R'2 grnd iso valve-- reduced acft dwntime acft 100% FMC

- Restored self-generating nitrogen cart after incident; damage estimated at $20K--repaired unit at 35% of cost
- Revamped flights upgrade training prgm; eight Amn tracked/tested w/100% pass rate--raised 5-levels by 15%
- Revamped IEU program; managed/issued 1K personal protective equipment--ensured safety of 300 AMU technicians
- Revamped written safety program; benchmarked by Public Health--wing utilized for base-wide instruction

- Revealed faulty spoiler actuator on "red ball"; devised mx repairs/met msn reqmts--contributed to 1.1K sorties
- Revised work center UTA planning/training; dev'd 14 team members/290 core tasks--increased capability 30%
- Revitalized equip prgm; insp'd 800+ equip items/repaired 41 defects--critical to 100% QA pass rate, Nov '13
- Revived AFRC msn; fabricated/tested/shipped temp pressure hose in 2 hrs vs 4 hr std--saved MAJCOM sortie

- Safety conscious; dispatched 250 pieces of AGE in support of F-15E aircraft--maintained safety standards
- Safety guru; complies critical monthly safety briefing insuring 100% of squadron personel are well informed
- Salvaged accessory drive gear from turn-in engine for depot level repair of local equipment--saved AF $119K
- Savvy computer skills; frequently performed scheduler duties for flight--decreased scheduling errors by 10%

- Scored 99%/90% on both 7-level upgrade end of course exams--"Coined" by Wg Command Chief for success
- Scrutinized 6,363 automated mx data inputs; corrected data integrity rate to 0.3%--exceeded ACC std by 2%
- Scrutinized equip level rqmts; ID'd tank tester balance errors/haulted turn-in process--averted $176K shortfall
- Scrutinized maint documentation process; reviewed >4K inputs/reduced DIT error rate to 1%--smashed 3% std

- Scrutinized/fixed 112 PRDs; expertise enabled six B-crs grads/45 IPUGs--gp earned AETC's Mx Daedalian Trophy
- Sealed spoiler swivel leak before launch--met HHQ sortie--contributed to 86% on-time takeoff rate in FY '06
- Section spark plug; provided energy to complete all tasks--earned SSgt in 4 years--promotion well deserved!
- Section trng monitor; scheduled 3K trng events for 84 prsnl--promoted MXG's stellar 95% TSE/UTE, Apr-Jun

- Secured Ali Al Salem AB--apprehended terrorist suspect from attempting base entry--coined by 386 AEW/CC
- Security Force augmentee; provided armed protection for AOR VIPs/DVs--eradicated possible terrorist acts
- Seized training opportunity; ID'd bad oil supply tube during inspection...led three Amn on R2 task/halted mx block
- Selected as Resiliency Trng Assistant; taught two sq/three FTAC CAF classes--instilled resiliency mindset/330 prsnl

- Selected by LM for in-flight throttle fail; ID'd/replaced faulty ATQA--acft FMC <8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie
- Selected for base Honor Guard; performed 20+ veteran ceremonies--bolstered community relations/AF image
- Selected for impoundment team for missing hex nut; found hardware/acft impound cleared--saved 24 man-hrs
- Selected for MHAFB TDY; isolated data link anomaly/repaired bent pin--key to 99 sorties/152 flying hrs/81% MC rt

- Self motivated; completed 32 hour new generation heater class--increased equipment knowledge/reliability
- Self taught PD-501 air conditioner; trained six personnel on procedures--repaired fleet of five for B-1 acft use
- Self-motivated--scored 91% on 7-level upgrade CDC end of course exam--superb effort earned one day pass
- Self-motivated; completed 32 hour new generation heater class--increased equipment knowledge/reliability

- Selflessly devoted time; rebuilt homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina in Gulfport MS--improved quality of life
- Sharp Eye; pinpointed MLG brake leak during gear ops ck's/R2'd frayed brake line--prevented brake failure
- Sharp leader; team received ZERO findings during launch and recovery for 2015 AFE, rated 100% Mission Ready
- Sharp response actions halted runaway acft after tow bar bolt sheared--actions averted major ground mishap

- Sharp; oversaw scheduling for 784 pieces of equipment--sustained a 100% AGE scheduling effectiveness rate
- Sheltered 810 units/supported F-15E hurricane evacuation; prevented equipment damage valued at over $29M
- Shift lead; led 7 mbr shift/5 eng changes/safeguarded $9.8M in assets--resulted in 30.5K tgt's/886 ad-hocs ID'd
- Shift leader; mng'd 32 prsnl/drove 2K mx actions--catalyst to 508 sorties/2.2K hrs,84% FSE rt Apr, 8 mo best

- Single handedly completed 30 critical nitrogen cart TCTOs--efforts ensured 100% compliance 4 months early
- Single-handedly repaired five units crucial to F-15E maintenance--no aircraft maintenance delays encountered
- Skilled tow supervisor; led 7 mbr tm/cleared disabled GH from rnwy 5 times/depoymet--restored ops/allowed 8 TIC's
- Skillfully solved FLCS redball; averted missing Lightning chase mission--attributed to 182 F-35 flying hours Oct ' 15

- Solid safety program monitor; provided briefings/weekly inspections--winner of wing safety award, Jun 06
- Solidified comm cord repair program; produced 16 serviceable components--negated $16K replacement costs
- Solved ME avionics flt cntl fault; reset/config'd computers--svd hi-vis 3d MEF msn...dplyd 54 Marines/eqpmt
- Sought acft mgmt trng; selected as Mx Op Control personnel--ensured critical ramp movement/mx for 31 assets

- Sought and received training on five vehicles--increased sections ability to meet changing mission needs/tasks
- Sound foreign object fighter; stringently performed 15 inspections--garnered 4 FW "Golden Washer" award
- Sound leadership and management skills; appointed leader ORE night shift supervisor; 0 discrepancies found
- Spearheaded "red ball" mx; repaired broken over-wing hatch lock--attributed to 93% msn effectiveness rate

- Spearheaded 2K+ service inspections; identified/corrected 105 discrepancies; ensured serviceable equipment
- Spearheaded acceptance inspection; discovered/repaired 8 discrepancies; WS mission ready 1 mo ahead of schedule
- Spearheaded C17 copilots windshield replacement; revived SAAM msn--rushed 2 CH-47s/35 SOF prsnl to Bagram
- Spearheaded deployed AGE ready line reorganization; decreased response time/raised equipment storage 40%

- Spearheaded evacuation for chaotic brake fire--30 aircrew safely evacuated/averted damage to $195M acft
- Spearheaded five major insps; rejuvinated aircraft/garnered 3.3K hrs--sharpened process--shaved time 10+%
- Spearheaded flight CPR program; instructed/certified 40% of flight personnel on critical life saving techniques
- Spearheaded IFE recovery; changed blown tires/braking components--eliminated FOD hazards/safed run way

- Spearheaded major refurbishment; supervised hangar/office/ CTK improvements; reduced base costs by $80k
- Spearheaded Redball GAB potential; recovered missing throttle switch--secured unit 2% Abort rt/shattered 13% std
- Spearheaded removal/replacement of leaking main landing gear strut--launched vital HHQ deployment on-time
- Spearheaded the removal and replacement of 2 stud inserts in combustion chamber-- saving USAF > $328,197

- Spearheaded weekly inspections of four vehicles; crucial to 335 AGE Team quarterly 100% vehicle pass rate
- Special Inspection Teams during NORI 10-3; discovered and corrected 73 discrepancies--promote to SSgt
- Spotlighted ESD program deficiency; developed training/test procedures--selected as "Top Support Technician" July
- Spotted engine oil leak on start prior to critical HHQ sortie launch--pinpointed/repaired leak--met acft take-off

- Spotted gouged axle during brake change--spearheaded mx/replaced six hrs ahead of std--saved ISR trng msn
- Spotted ground power unit fuel leak--shutdown/removed generator from acft area--averted fire hazard to equip
- Spotted leaking brake prior to flt--replaced in 35 mins--key to on-time SOUTHCOM deployment departure
- Spotted/coor'd cracked main gear door repair--eliminated dropped object--key to five aircrew training msns

- Spotted/replaced main gear tire w/separated cord body--eliminated blown tire/high-speed abort/acft damage
- Spotted/tightened leaking brake line during launch--averted possible fire--catalyst to 26 aircrew members qual
- Sprvd build up of 5 QEC kits; fixed 480 mx actions/coord'd 96 discreps w/4 flts--safeguarded $1.5M in depot-lvl rprs
- Spt'd KAB first RQ-4 diverts; oversaw tool acquisition prior to MRT arrival--expedited rtn of msn crit assets to AOR

- Spt'd rare mtg b/t EUCOM cmdr & top Russia Gen; chg'd faulty ACP w/crew in seats--dissuaded aggression toward US
- Spurred defuel TO edit; ID'd tank qty rqmt off by 10K lbs/coord'd fix w/Boeing--abated mx delays on 4 C-40s/3 Cmds
- SQ EET Lead on 4 local OREs; planned/eval'd 500 Amn in 4 flts--strengthened unit readiness for '11 WG ORI
- Sq's increment monitor; mngd spare eng/trailer shipment for Ex RED FLAG--ensured Sq's mx readiness/msn success

- Standout performance--jumped in & assisted propulsion shop w/60/120-hr insp--earned Recce Wrench Award
- Staunch; coordinated 2K+ drivers' runs and service inspections--no missed sorties due to lack of equipment
- Steadfast attention to detail; valued asset as AGE driver; identified/fixed 50 defects--reduced backlog by 15%
- Steered '08 ORE Tiger Team insp; led 10 personnel/generated seven acft--factor in sqaudron's excellent rating

- Steered TODO prgm through major host name migration; maint 22 e-tools/677 TO files/zero trng disruptions
- Stellar ADCC; assigned jet boasted 90% MC rate/beat 78% CAF std--AMXS Crew Chief of the Month Sep 12
- Stellar mechanical skills; accomplished assigned tasks with excellent attiude and consistent quality results
- Stellar NCO; expertly maintained flight's war wallets; ensured 86 personnel records ready for deployments

- Stellar performer in every aspect of duties; displayed outstanding leadership/airmanship skills--promote
- Stellar performer--seven flawless QA evaluations--instrumental to 38 AMU's 96% pass rate--promote now!
- Stepped up as AVI expediter; led 15 prsnl/drove 4.1K mx actions/253 PRD repairs--earned unit NCO of the Qtr awd
- Stepped up as expediter; led completion of 2 HPO/5 brake replacements--contributed to 83% OTTO March '07

- Stepped up as swing shift NCOIC; organized 93 mx actions/54 insps--vital to AGE flt 90% in-commission rate
- Stepped up during sister flt manning shortfall; prepped COBRA BALL acft in 1.5 hrs--made HHQ msn success
- Sterling performer; exceptional skills--twice selected as AGE Flt SNCO and Maint Professional of the Quarter
- Stood above peers; hand-selected over 22 NCOs as Dedicated Crew Chief on 74 FS coveted flagship 8-0674

- Stood up alternate support section; relocated 336 items to building 928--maintained accountability of SE worth $25K
- Streamlined familiarization class lesson plan; re-vamped 12 tasks--trained/qualified 124 users on equipment
- Strengthened 13 A-10C muns pylons per TCTO specs; drilled/installed modified lower ribs--recovered $113K
- Strict adherence to safety standards and tech data--received QA pass on refuel supervisor personal evaluation

- Strong contributor; achieved superior levels of personal performance/accomplishment--promote to TSgt now
- Strong leadership and focused management led section an unprecedented 99% equipment in-commission rate
- Strong, success driven NCO; exhibited steadfast leadership traits/fostered teamwork--promote when eligible!
- Subject-matter expert; instruct'd four VHF radio op trng sessions/8 students qual'd--reinforc'd quality trng goals

- Successfully completed Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Course; ahead of schedule with 89% overall
- Superb Airman; completed 700 back shop deliveries and technical support--direct impact on 25K flying hours
- Superb attention to detail; performed flawless preflight insp--rated "zero defects" from ACC LSET evaluators
- Superb flight line dispatcher; completed over 1.5K deliveries--directly contributed to 2.5K successful sorties

- Superb IFE actions; led emergency ground egress/safed acft/pin-pointed bad cooling fan--24 flt mbrs protected
- Superb management skills; trained six new QA inspectors--completed solid 100% initial training 15 days early
- Superb msn feat; upheld med-evac op--arranged acft/extracted critically wounded soldiers--four lives saved
- Superb mx leadership forged 1,713 world-wide sorties/13,863 flying hrs--key to 94% msn effectiveness rate

- Superb NCO! Leads subordinates/peers by example--epitomizes our Air Force Core Values--promote ASAP!
- Superb performer; exceptional foreign object inspections led to flight receipt of 4 FW "Golden Washer" award
- Superb response flt line crisis; towed two acft beyond fuel spill hazard--safed area & $195M asset < 30 mins
- Superb trainer; tutored five troops on critical tasks; ensured 100% on-time completed workcenter requirements

- Superb--rapidly serviced propeller when low oil light illuminated during start; crucial NVG tng msn complete!
- Superior insp/mechanical skills--maintained assigned acft to 79% MC rate--produced 1,093 flt hrs/103 sorties
- Superior maintainer; accumulated 8 PE/QVI passes/100% QA pass rate in 2013--earned 2nd Qtr QA Honor Roll
- Superior maintenance efforts enabled the 55 AMXS to capture the 05 ACC Maintenance Effectiveness Award

- Superior maintenance technician--personifies professionalism for peers to emulate--promote to TSgt ASAP!
- Superior mentor; directed critical aircraft repair, increased unit Mx experience and returned aircraft to status <5hrs
- Superior trainer; taught five peers CFT removal/inst/ops chks/incr'd shop proficiency 15%--ensured cmbt sortie/6 TIC
- Supervised 16 flight control battery rebuilds; restored $10K in assets--essential to 86% LRU RTS rate, FY16

- Supervised 18 tows/trn'd tow supervisors; ensured five on-time sched'd washes--maint'd 100% QA pass rate
- Supervised 360+ inspections; superior oversight raised in-commission rate 89% to 95%--eliminated backlog
- Supervised 46-item TMDE account; ensured tool/test stand gauges calibration--garnered 98% turn around rate
- Supervised 480 inspections/600 flight line deliveries; unequivocal impact to section's 97% in-commission rate

- Supervised and managed all aspects of aircraft wash procedures--attention to detail resulted in "Zero defects"
- Supervised crash/recovery team at '07 Air Show; postured mbrs for rapid response--2K visitors ensured safety
- Supervised deployed inspection crew; oversaw 398 inspections--maintained 95% Quality Assurance pass rate
- Supervised equipment status for 757 units valued at $20.4M--supported 100+ aircraft/11 diverse air frames

- Supervised phase team during dual dock surge; corrected over 25K discrepancies-- eight a/c returned FMC
- Supervised replacement of five C-5 MLG tires in under six hrs; guaranteed aircraft availability for ISO OEF mission
- Supervised transfer C-130H wash--ensured completion in one shift; facilitated on-time launch to gaining base
- Supervised wing immersion brief; outlined daily F-35 mx--collaborated 56 FW mission statement across eight AFSCs

- Supplied CTK spt for Ex RIMPAC; gen'd 12 msns/mvd 320 pax/95 cgo tons--facilitated 22-nation cmbt tng ops
- Supplied work center training to 10 3-levels--boosted qualified workforce by six--eased manning constraints
- Support contributed to 335 FS completion of 3K sorties--greatly increased total 4 FW mission effectiveness
- Supported '11 Defenders of Liberty Airshow; readied/tow team mbr for nine aircraft--guaranteed event success

- Supported 2 NLG uplock rprs; mfg' d stiffeners, demonstrated CNC knowledge--aided 86% area QVI pass rate
- Supported 44 acft/167 sortie generations for ORI--vital to 4 FW "Excellent" rating...enhanced war readiness
- Supported 8K OEF/OIF combat sorties; completed 398 inspection/maintenance actions--335 bombs on target
- Supported 940th alert mission; generated 1 of 3 aircraft for alert NOR training--increased MXG effectiveness by 33%

- Supported Ex GREEN FLAG; rectified 116 PRD's/gen'd 214 sorties--enabled AEF spin-up for 21 JTACs/44 aircrew
- Supported four fundraising events; collected $1.2K for 2 MXS Booster Club--funds subsidized holiday party
- Supported Hurricane Ophelia evacuation; deployed 52 acft, sheltered 792 units--potential AF savings of $4.4B
- Supported jet shop; finished 60/120-hr insp/cut 4-hr NMC time 50%--drove wg's 82% schedule effectiveness

- Supported OEF/OIF ops; sustained four acft/executed 100+ insp--stellar break rate of 13.5%--7.5% > ACC std
- Supported OIF/OEF Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa--Protected 11K+ personnel/$9B in war assets
- Supported Operation Taxi; provided security for over 196 host personnel/42 sites--enabled $29M AF projects
- Supported wing's largest maint process; completed 10 ISO/9 HSC inspections; completed 12K+ maint actions

- Supports close-air support, interdiction, anti-armor, forward air control and combat search & rescue missions
- Sustained readiness training; enabled short notice tasking/deployed 185 total days--enhanced UDM's flexibility
- Swiftly replaced leaking quick disconnect on only C-130 nose jack; unit immediately utilized for aircraft repair
- System expert! Spearheaded removal of gear truck; validated by QA w/zero defects, saved $950 man-hr costs!

- Tackled 31K deliveries for OEF/OIF support; facilitated movement of 23K cargo tons and 82M pounds of fuel
- Tackled acft delayed discrepancies; accomplished 11 maint actions--reduced DD rate by 4% between Dec-Jan
- Tackled acft delayed discreps; analyzed/amended 60 maint actions--reduced DD/DIT error rate by 4% overall FY17
- Tackled PIWG revisions; reduced three-300 pcs kits into one 75 pc kit--shared prgm-wd/cut supt wait time 125 hrs/yr

- Tackled trilectron generator overload card modification; upgraded 12 cards--ensured E-4B alert acft support
- Targeting pod repair tm mbr; replaced QD/acft restored FMC--enabled critical JTAC TTP development msns
- Tasked to accomplish acceptance inspection on new cabin leakage tester--increased support capability 18%
- Taught 2 prsnl on fuel servicing ops; instructed balanced fuel load configuration--raised shop task quals >10%

- Taught/enforced proper AGE/TO use--zero DSV's--reinforced 38 AMU's "AMU of the Month" win, Apr '06
- TDY to Nellis in support of WIC 12B; executed 60 launch/recoveries--expended 138 GBUs/105 rkts/29K rnds
- Team leader for "Paint Your Heart Out, Shreveport"; guided four person team--promote to SSgt immediately!
- Team oriented; established off-shift physical training program--ensured 100% pass rate for assigned crewmen

- Team Player! Aided aero-repair fix recurring rudder boost pack mlfn--FMC for sched msn; no repeat to date
- Team player--helped hyd element remove/replace main landing gear actuator--adverted HHQ ISR sortie delay
- Team player; assisted in diesel engine oil seal replacement; prevented engine acquisition costs--saved $44K
- Team player; escorted McGuire AFB KC-10 mx team during successful Mar 12 deployment--promote to SrA!

- Team player; prepped dock for change of command ceremony--assured ceremony timeliness/military tradition
- Team player; supported F-15E phase facility during extended compressor outage--guaranteed phase completion
- Teamed w/electrician troubleshooting acft light fault; replaced arcing wiring--prevented sys failure/loss of msn
- Teamed w/jet shop personnel--completed eng generator change at OEF/OIF FOL--key to 92.3% 12 hr fix rate

- TFI champ! Launched AFRC employer incentive flt; showcased Wg msn--cemented total force/community ties
- Thoroughly screened 341 automated documented mx actions--ensured 99% data accuracy--4% above ACC std
- Tiger team member for 12 acft inspection; ID'd/corrected 32 defects, aided in "effective" rating during MEE
- Timekeeper CORI 10-1; recorded maintenance action start/stop times on six a/c--inspection rated satisfactory

- Tireless Technician; oversaw 350+ critical mx corrective actions--solidified 1% repeat/98.1% mse/62.5% 8-hr fix rate
- Tireless worker; discovered cracked self-generating nitrogen cart radiator mount during service inspection
- Took charge of fuel spill--isolated spill/evacuated personal--awarded Flight Line Safety Award of Distinction
- Took charge; expedited during manpower shortage; forged by-the-book mx practices--drove 95% QA pass rate

- Took part in an intense 16 hr Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training crs--boosted crisis detection skills
- Top maintainer; completed 475 follow-up evaluations--100% Quality Assurance pass rate on 18 inspections
- Top notch NCO--motivates and leads by example--hungry for more responsibility--promote to TSgt ASAP!
- Top performer; 15 QA evaluations on diverse array of tasks--earned 100% pass rate and honor roll accolades

- Top-notch NCO; well-rounded leader/mentor with timeless skills of a quality SNCO--promote at first chance!
- Top-notch technical skills; unparalleled ability aided; 2,716+ flying hours, 592 sorties, and 3.8M lbs offloaded
- Top-notch; sustained Combat Hammer Weapons Instructor Course--six acft supported with 300 line deliveries
- Top notch Airman! Spotted spoiler actuator lk on felt control ck; ignited repair--launched Wg/CC 10 min early

- Total Force advocate; flew as DCC on AFRC Patriot Badger msn--provided pivotal tng to traditional reservist
- Total force integration minded leader; trn 5 AFRC mx techs >45 core tasks--integrated 49 AD with 5 AFRC mx techs
- Towed three a/c in <6 hrs for flightline; relieved APG for preflights--generated eight a/c for HHQ missions
- Trailblazer! #1 of 23 dedicated crew chiefs--secured MXG Thomas Barnes Crew Chief of the Year CY 2011

- Trained 15 apprentices on 500+ upgrade reqmts--increased effective work force by 6% during high ops tempo
- Trained 3 AFRC counterpart apprentice on 11 core tasks--helped ensure 5 level upgrade time line on target
- Trained 3 prsn'l on 20 5/7-level core tasks; upgraded 2 mos ahead of schedule--elevated flight qual's by 15%
- Trained 37 personnel in war-fighting tactics; supervised shift operations--key to 4 FW's ORI "Excellent" rating

- Trained Airmen on acft preflights and towing during QA evaluations--received zero discrepancies in all areas
- Trained and provided guidance for nine assigned Airmen--credited with qualification of 43 core requirements
- Trained apprentices on 10 critical servicing tasks--increased workcenter sortie generation capabilities by 4%
- Trained as crash recovery team member; performed flawlessly during exercise--earned satisfactory QA rating

- Trained as jack team member; assisted R/R section on >20 acft jack operations--alleviated manning shortfall
- Trained five Airmen on prep of 10 floodlights; forwarded to operating location--enhanced mission support
- Trained five new 3-lvl Airmen in completing section core tasks--ensured 100% task qualified/upgrade ready
- Trained four airmen on integral jacking/towing tasks; led hands-on/class trng--increased flight qualifications by 60%

- Trained on phase area inspection requirements; follow up found zero defects--contributed to FMC sellback
- Trained seven Airmen on acft lube procedures over five acft phases; zero discrepancies--promote to SrA now
- Trained three Airman on 45 5-level upgrade tasks; increased qualified manning--raised workcenter efficiency
- Trained three Airmen on turbine engine fuel control gear replacement; prevented depot repair--saved $130K

- Trained three Airmen; replaced two main landing gear brakes/tire assemblies--secured five skill level upgrade
- Trained three newly assigned Airmen on CETADS/TEMS program; increased engine shop knowledge by 30%
- Trained two Airmen on phase mx; instructed on engine inspections and servicing--ensured tech data adherence
- Trained two airmen on upgrade requirements; oversaw accomplishment of 35 core tasks--upgrade to 5-level on target

- Trained two apprentices on gas turbine engine combustion can inspection; enhanced section repair capabilities
- Trained two new Airmen on inspection/lube; ensured 100% area qualification--enhanced section effectiveness
- Transferred to 38th AMU; performed Flightline Expediter details--attributed to wg's 93.4% msn capable rate
- Transient Alert team member; backfilled during high a/c influx--54 a/c safely recovered, re-fueled/launched

- Traveled 50 miles to ANG base to launch aircraft during weekend runway closure--fulfilled ops training reqmt
- Trn'd 7 Amn on launch procedures; cert'd 14 upgrade tasks--secur'd sections 96% PE pass rt/22 evals, Apr-Jun
- Trnd five Reservists on Pre/Postflight & 15 day propeller/flap insps--increased integrated unit's mx capability
- Troubleshot air compressor charging problem; replaced alternator in half allotted time--unit returned to service

- Troubleshot brake discrepancy; exchanged deboost valve--averted sys malfunction/catastrophic brake failure
- Troubleshot C-5 aft cgo door fail; replaced cartridge valve <1 hr/restored sys--Bagram med supply msn on tgt
- Troubleshot diesel generator set with no AC output; isolated/repaired shorted cannon plug wires--saved $800
- Troubleshot elusive APU fault/R2'd check valve; 1.1% rep/rec rate topped 3% std--supported TIC next sortie

- Troubleshot erroneous flap indication; reterminated loose wiring--thwarted false flap input/loss of $195M acft
- Troubleshot erroneous TEMS takeoff data; R2'd defective relay <1 hr--boosted 8-hr fix rate 3.4%, Apr-Aug
- Troubleshot failed munitions loader brake system; replaced cylinder--actions averted potential aircraft damage
- Troubleshot faulty floodlight power unit; id'd inoperative voltage regulator--saved $7K generator replacement

- Troubleshot FL-1D starting malfunction; replaced shorted fuel solenoid--diminished maintenance backlog 5%
- Troubleshot FLCS discrepancy; isolated critical hyd leak in aft engine bay--ensured a/c met quick-turn msn w/o delay
- Troubleshot hydraulic system malfunction; removed/installed cartridge shutoff valve--ensured system integrity
- Troubleshot MLG discrepancy; id'd/replaced worn centering cams in <24 hrs--ensured HHQ mission on-time

- Troubleshot MLG retraction anomaly; R2'd faulty cntrl valve--achieved 1% rpt/rcr rate Jul/beat ACC 3% std
- Troubleshot munitions loader brake failure; replaced cylinder--returned unit for immediate munitions upload
- Troubleshot nitrogen cart that would not reach specific purity; root cause eluded other technicians for 4 days
- Troubleshot nose gear grinding noise; revealed/changed out defective bearings--detered damage to $125K strut

- Troubleshot persistent engine core flux; R2'd tach generator/prevented TEMS rewire--saved >$7K/48 man-hrs
- Troubleshot physiological impound; id'd/replaced faulty heat exchanger--wg's flight mx safety nominee, 3Q16
- Troubleshot reccuring SC/EFCS resets; found flap TCVM internally bypassing; replaced, returned acft to FMC status
- Troubleshot rudder actuator anomaly; R2'd defective check valve <45 minutes--shattered 8-hr fix rate/MC acft

- Troubleshot three engine stall prevention systems; replaced faulty switches--guaranteed timely backline checks
- Troubleshot/balanced recurring eng vibe; cut repeat/recur rate 5.3%, Apr-Jul--met std 6 straight mos/2 yr first
- Troubleshot/isolated hydro malfunction; R2'd reservoir/bled <2 hrs--averted system cavitation/in-flt emergency
- Troubleshot/replaced leaking brake on "red ball"; changed in 45 min vs 75 min std--enabled critical trng sortie

- True leader and mentor; able to extract exceptional performance from subordinates--promote at first chance!
- TSgt in the making; disc'd duplicate BPO/PR workcard steps/submitted AFTO Form 22--saved AF 2 man-hrs
- Turbine specialist; replaced plenum gasket and fuel control in 2 of allotted 4 hours--zero 7-level defects noted

- Uncovered chafed wire during 125-hr engine insp; assisted E/E with repair--averted electrical malf/eng failure
- Uncovered worn brake on pre-flt insp; R2'd brake <4 hrs--14% TNMCM rate Apr-Oct/crushed 21% CAF std
- Unit DTS Approving Official; pushed 22 vouchers/assured timely processing--guarded $258K Mx TDY budget
- Unit PTL; trained 68 co-workers/tested 20+ personnel--boosted fitness scores by 10 points/sqd pass rate 94%

- Unmatched initiative/self-motivation; while on swing-shift, executed 10 flawless minor repair tasks--zero fails
- Unmatched skills; rebuilt test stand volume control--immediate use sustained acft phase process--saved $1.5K
- Unrivaled proficiency; rectified elusive signal fault; replaced bad attenuator, allowing pod to become FMC in 3 Hr's
- Unwavering maintainer--replaced three MLG trucks in austere desert climate--thwarted ATO mission canx

- Updated sq barrier plan; revised & added req bldg s /trained 12 mbrs on forklift procedures; improved sq AT/FP plan
- Upgraded two F-15 classroom trainer T.O.s to digital use; enhanced trng aid for 7 instrs--incr crs trng >30 hrs
- Upheld 100% pass rate on 6 QA evals; enabled unit's 95% QA pass rate--awarded AMU's DOTM, May '16
- Upheld 100% pass rate on 8 evaluations; enabled unit's 92% QA pass rate--awarded Gp QA honor roll for Aug '17

- Valuable mx performance contributed to the 55 WG's 05 ACC Daedalian Maintenance Trophy victory
- Valued team asset; developed AGE familiarization training--deserving of recent promotion to Master Sergeant!
- Vast experience; isolated/facilitated replacement for non-procurable -10 duct--saved supply $1.3K per unit
- Vast expertise; isolated MC-7 compressor failure to faulty injector pump; replaced pump--zero reoccurrence

- Vehicle NCOIC; controlled operations of 22 bobtails; tracked 10K hours/69K miles--extended vehicle service
- Verified crack in flap carriage--assisted Aero-repair specialist w/replacement--obliterated 6 hrs std by 2 hrs
- Verified delaminated flap; removed/replaced in 2 hrs vs. 4--substantial to OPEN SKIES on call HHQ tasking
- Verified nitrogen cart output fluctuation; changed circuit card--allowed nitrogen production for acft servicing

- Versatile maintainer; sustained units TC-135 acft--200+ aircrew qualified/achieved 233 sorties/1.1K flt hrs
- Versatile; maintained sister unit's COBRA BALL aircraft--time sensitive visual intel gathered/US forces safe
- Vigilant equipment ready line/sub-pool inspections; reduced equipment failure by 30%--QA fail rate by 70%
- Vigilant; impeccable foreign object inspections led to flight's receipt of coveted 4FW "Golden Washer" award

- Vigilantly manned armed ECP; aggressively searched and processed 1,376 TCNs weekly; denied illegal items
- Vital supporter of runway closure--enabled 24/7 mx ops--yielded 522 sorties/3K flying hrs/97% msn effective
- Vol'd f/86 AW F-4 memorial initiative; removed engine <8 hrs w/tm of 6--prep'd to display Air Power heritage to 26K
- Vol'd for high voltage wiring trng; ran 4800+ft wire/conduit in 2mo connecting 16 machines; saved AF $64K/200d

- While deployed earned the coveted "Knuckle Buster" award for exceptional performance/superior work ethics
- Worked w/ Electrics element; repaired anti-skid malfunction--key to 2,955.6 hrs flown/zero ATO's lost in Jan
- Worked w/Army Riggers; built pallets for humanitarian AD--emer cargo dlvr'd to refugees of ISIS aggression
- WTV val/ver tm mbr; redesigned acft flt control surface--streamlined wake turbulence signal/enhanced GCAS

Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.